
As of June 2024, China has published papers in the top journal NS, with the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Tsinghua leading the way

author:Little Tiger returns home

This article briefly introduces the first research papers published by Chinese universities and institutes in Nature and Science in the first half of 2024. The three top CNS publications in the world in 2024 can be found at the following links.


As of June 2024, China has published papers in the top journal NS, with the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Tsinghua leading the way

The cover of the latest issue of NS

1. In the first half of 2024, Chinese universities and institutes will publish documents in NS

In the first half of 2024, 151 research papers will be published by Chinese universities and institutes as the first unit and corresponding author. Including 85 articles in Nature, including 57 material papers and 28 biological papers. There are 66 papers in Science, including 45 papers in material science and 21 papers in biology.

Statistics show that in the first half of 2024, a total of 26 NS papers were published by various institutes of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, accounting for 55.3% of the papers published in 2023, reaching more than half of the same period last year.

Tsinghua University published 19 NS research papers, accounting for 86.3% of the papers published in 2023, and set a record of 6 NS papers published in a single week in China, continuing to rank first among Chinese universities with significant progress.

Peking University published 12 NS research papers, accounting for 66.7% of the papers published in 2023, ranking second among universities.

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Zhejiang University, Southern University of Science and Technology, and University of Science and Technology of China have published more than 5 papers; Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Fudan University, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, University of Hong Kong, etc. published 4 papers, looking forward to Fudan University's efforts in the second half of the year.

As of June 2024, China has published papers in the top journal NS, with the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Tsinghua leading the way

City University of Hong Kong and Westlake University published 3 papers, and Yan University, CUHK, Nanjing University, University of Electronic Science and Technology, and Beihang University published 2 papers. Compared with the publication of the whole year in 2023, Nanjing University is likely to enter an adjustment period in 2024.

As of June 2024, China has published papers in the top journal NS, with the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Tsinghua leading the way

A total of 36 universities, institutes, enterprises, etc. published 1 article. We look forward to the results of the top journals published by Wuhan University and Sichuan University in the second half of the year.

As of June 2024, China has published papers in the top journal NS, with the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Tsinghua leading the way

Appendix 1: Some academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences published articles as corresponding authors

Academician Pan Jianwei of USTC has published 3 NS research results as the first corresponding author, ranking first among academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Academician Peng Huisheng of Fudan University, Academician Wang Enge of Peking University, Academician Tian Yongjun of Yanshan University, Academician Shi Yigong of Tsinghua University, and Academician Shao Feng of Beijing Institute of Biological Sciences published two research results as corresponding authors.

Academician Duan Luming of Tsinghua University, Academician Cheng Huiming of Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, and Academician Xiong Rengen of Southeast University published one research result as corresponding authors.

Appendix 2: Publication by the first unit and non-corresponding authors

In the first half of 2024, a total of 6 NS research papers will be published by Chinese universities and institutes as the first unit and non-corresponding author.

Hunan University, China Agricultural University, Zhejiang University, and the Institute of Geology and Earth of the Chinese Academy of Sciences published research results in Nature.

South China Normal University and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology published their research results in Science.

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