
How to modify the paper written by ChatGPT to the point that the traces of AI cannot be detected, and reduce the AIGC rate with one click!

author:ChatGPT sweeper

Recently, when the final draft of my dissertation was submitted, one of the questions I was asked the most was:


Paper writing is already a headache, and now there is another test for duplicate checking platforms such as CNKI and VIP: AIGC detection.

If the AI rate of the paper is too high, it may be labeled as academic misconduct, which will lead to serious consequences such as the university not allowing the defense or the journal paper being unable to be published.

Isn't it amazing to use AI to write a paper and let AI help you reduce the AIGC rate?

I used an AI artifact to reduce the revision of a paper suspected of being AIGC accounting for 65.3% to 14.3%, and that mood is estimated to be understood only by students who are suffering from papers.

How to modify the paper written by ChatGPT to the point that the traces of AI cannot be detected, and reduce the AIGC rate with one click!
How to modify the paper written by ChatGPT to the point that the traces of AI cannot be detected, and reduce the AIGC rate with one click!

You don't think I'm a word by word, all night up with panda eyes to modify!! Of course not!!

duang duang duang~ My secret is to use this treasure AI tool - Pen Spirit to remove AI traces. The development of technology has given rise to so many good tools, we need to use them! This is the dividend given to us by the times, but we must seize it.

1. The pen spirit removes AI traces

One-click direct access to save flow:

How to modify the paper written by ChatGPT to the point that the traces of AI cannot be detected, and reduce the AIGC rate with one click!

Let me show you how it works. In fact, it is very simple, click the mouse, and it is OK.

First, upload the document, or paste the text (pasting only supports Chinese), and then click "Submit Detection", and download the AIGC paper document directly after submission.

How to modify the paper written by ChatGPT to the point that the traces of AI cannot be detected, and reduce the AIGC rate with one click!

The following is a full-text thumbnail after downloading the AI traces, and you can see that 98% of the text is marked in red, that is, it has been modified.

How to modify the paper written by ChatGPT to the point that the traces of AI cannot be detected, and reduce the AIGC rate with one click!

In order to verify the effect of the modification, I specially spent a huge amount of money to go to CNKI to test it, and let's take a look at the full-text detection results and the distribution of suspected AIGC fragments:

How to modify the paper written by ChatGPT to the point that the traces of AI cannot be detected, and reduce the AIGC rate with one click!

I believe that with a few more corrections myself, the AIGC repetition rate is less than 10%.

I would like to say one more word, brothers, in the era of science and technology, we must use the power of tools to learn, to work, to do things, efficiency first, time is money.

Having said that, I will share a few easy-to-use AI paper tools, student parties and researchers who are suffering from papers, don't miss it.

2. Pen Ling AI paper

Official website direct:

Yes, it's still a product of the pen. It's that powerful. In addition to being able to remove AI traces, he can also write papers. Covering 700+ disciplines, I believe that whether you are a junior college or an undergraduate, a graduate student or a researcher, you can get professional paper writing help here.

How to modify the paper written by ChatGPT to the point that the traces of AI cannot be detected, and reduce the AIGC rate with one click!

By the way, the platform can also generate a thousand-word outline for free, and it only takes 20-30 seconds to generate an outline, and it only takes about 5 minutes to generate a 10,000-word paper, which is fast and efficient, ensuring that the content is original, and the focus is that the duplicate check rate is still low.

The steps for Biling AI to generate papers are also quite simple, with only three simple steps. Next, I will take the graduate thesis of management science and engineering "Research on the impact of service quality on consumers' purchase intention in e-commerce live streaming" as an example to demonstrate the operation steps.

Step 1: Select the major (12 Management/Management Science), enter the title of the paper (Research on the Impact of Service Quality on Consumers' Purchase Intention in E-commerce Live Streaming), select the academic qualification (graduate), and click "Generate Outline".

How to modify the paper written by ChatGPT to the point that the traces of AI cannot be detected, and reduce the AIGC rate with one click!

Step 2: In about 20 seconds, the outline will be generated. At this point, you can go through the outline and if you are not satisfied, make changes online.

How to modify the paper written by ChatGPT to the point that the traces of AI cannot be detected, and reduce the AIGC rate with one click!
How to modify the paper written by ChatGPT to the point that the traces of AI cannot be detected, and reduce the AIGC rate with one click!

Step 3: After the revision, click "Generate Content" and download the paper file. This paper contains an outline, an abstract in both English and Chinese, references in both English and Chinese, and a thank you template, which can be said to be very comprehensive and professional.

How to modify the paper written by ChatGPT to the point that the traces of AI cannot be detected, and reduce the AIGC rate with one click!

Below is a thumbnail of the downloaded paper. The full text is 29,266 words, and the content of the five chapters has a total of 28 subsections. You can roughly browse it, it is clearly organized and has a complete structure.

How to modify the paper written by ChatGPT to the point that the traces of AI cannot be detected, and reduce the AIGC rate with one click!


Official website direct:

Like the two tools above, AICheck is also a professional AI essay writing tool. The difference is that in addition to generating a 10,000-word paper, AIcheck also comes with a plagiarism check report, which is a more pleasing idea ahead of its time.

How to modify the paper written by ChatGPT to the point that the traces of AI cannot be detected, and reduce the AIGC rate with one click!

Take a look at his essay writing module, he is really an upright boy, with a clear price, and no bullying.

How to modify the paper written by ChatGPT to the point that the traces of AI cannot be detected, and reduce the AIGC rate with one click!

The steps of AIcheck to generate a paper are also three steps, just like the previous two tools, generate an outline, then revise the outline, and finally generate a paper and download the paper. I won't show them all here. Interested students can go to the website to try it out by themselves, generating an essay outline is free, and you can generate multiple outlines at a time for you to choose, and you can continue to generate if you are not satisfied.

How to modify the paper written by ChatGPT to the point that the traces of AI cannot be detected, and reduce the AIGC rate with one click!

The following are the three outlines of my graduate thesis in management science and engineering, "Research on the Impact of Service Quality on Consumers' Purchase Intention in E-commerce Live Streaming".

How to modify the paper written by ChatGPT to the point that the traces of AI cannot be detected, and reduce the AIGC rate with one click!

Fourth, the essay writing assistant of the thatched worm

Official website:

Take a look at his slogan - "Let there be no difficult papers to write in the world", but anyone who is a good college student and sees this slogan when he is about to graduate should be grateful~ From thesis opening to thesis defense, the whole process can be helped here.

How to modify the paper written by ChatGPT to the point that the traces of AI cannot be detected, and reduce the AIGC rate with one click!

After registering an account, this big sister will start teaching you to write essays by hand. There are different strategies for each step of the paper. Whether it hasn't started at all or has already started, the grass worm is like your mentor, accompanying you to write your paper painlessly.

How to modify the paper written by ChatGPT to the point that the traces of AI cannot be detected, and reduce the AIGC rate with one click!

If the writing has not yet begun, then you need to select the type of paper, then enter the title of the paper, keywords, and then generate the abstract of the paper, the next step is to generate the outline of the paper, then modify the outline, and finally generate the full text of the paper with one click.

How to modify the paper written by ChatGPT to the point that the traces of AI cannot be detected, and reduce the AIGC rate with one click!

The following is the interface of the full text of the generated paper, which can be seen and looks very professional

How to modify the paper written by ChatGPT to the point that the traces of AI cannot be detected, and reduce the AIGC rate with one click!

How, after reading the magic above, is your heart ready to move? Whether you're writing an essay or revising it, you can do it all with the help of the magical power of AI tools. And you can do it without knowing it, and your mother no longer has to worry about you staying up late to catch up with your papers.

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