
The dance teacher was terminally ill and robbed her daughter of 400,000 yuan in tuition to see a doctor, and bluntly said: If you don't study, you won't die

author:A look at history
I need money for treatment now, and now that the child is still young and not yet an adult, I don't want to die yet.

A dance teacher in Changsha was terminally ill and was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer, and her husband did everything he could to treat him, but the woman still did not give up, not only forced her husband to sell her real estate, but even her daughter's 400,000 tuition fees had to be occupied, and threatened on the spot that I had not lived enough, and I would not die if I did not study.

The dance teacher was terminally ill and robbed her daughter of 400,000 yuan in tuition to see a doctor, and bluntly said: If you don't study, you won't die

For this reason, the husband could only choose to divorce and flee quickly with his daughter, and in an instant, the father and daughter became the target of everyone's criticism, claiming that what the man did did was indeed a little unconscionable.

And without waiting for the man to fight back, the woman quickly took a group of reporters to the door to find fault, threatening to expose this negative man, but with the development of things step by step, the final reporter found that the truth was not as the woman said, and sympathized with her husband on the spot, it turned out that he should be the object of protection and rights protection, so what is going on?

The dance teacher was terminally ill and robbed her daughter of 400,000 yuan in tuition to see a doctor, and bluntly said: If you don't study, you won't die

The woman who is crying in front of the camera in the video is Nie Jing, the hero of our story today, but don't look at her so haggard now, time goes back more than ten years, who would have thought that Nie Jing was a school flower-level dance teacher back then? And it is not an exaggeration to use the suitors around him to be ranked abroad.

However, it didn't come to pass, a once high-spirited beauty would eventually be taken away by an abominable disease......

The dance teacher was terminally ill and robbed her daughter of 400,000 yuan in tuition to see a doctor, and bluntly said: If you don't study, you won't die

was first diagnosed with early breast cancer in 2013, and finally with the help of her husband and family, she was cured, but it didn't come to fruition in just 7 years, and in 2020, Nie Jing was diagnosed with cancer recurrence, and it once reached an advanced stage.

At that time, according to the doctor, Nie Jing's condition was basically powerless......

Hearing this, Nie Jing suddenly felt that the whole sky had fallen, she really couldn't accept that she hadn't enjoyed the world well, so she was forced to leave, and what Nie Jing didn't expect was that she not only needed to face the consequences of losing her life at any time, but even the lover who had promised to grow old with her also chose to leave him at this time and took her daughter without saying goodbye.

The dance teacher was terminally ill and robbed her daughter of 400,000 yuan in tuition to see a doctor, and bluntly said: If you don't study, you won't die

Therefore, in an instant, Nie Jing became a lonely person, and the warm family of three in the past has long since ceased to exist, and the embarrassed and angry Nie Jing had no choice but to ask reporters for help, asking them to help find a husband and seek justice for herself, and kept telling her reluctance, threatening that I haven't lived enough!

However, according to Nie Jing's story, a group of reporters thought that it must be another negative drama of disliking the poor and loving the rich and abandoning his sick wife, until he met Nie Jing's husband Zhao Wei in person, and all the truth was finally revealed.

The dance teacher was terminally ill and robbed her daughter of 400,000 yuan in tuition to see a doctor, and bluntly said: If you don't study, you won't die

The dance teacher unfortunately has terminal cancer, and her husband sells his property to treat him, but the woman is so ruthless that she even has to occupy her daughter's 400,000 tuition, and bluntly says that she will not die if she does not study.

In front of a group of reporters, Nie Jing told everything about herself and her husband Zhao Wei word by word, and said that before she fell ill, it could be said that the expenses of the entire family were borne by herself.

So she really couldn't imagine that her husband, who had always been obedient to her, would choose to abandon him when she needed him the most.

The dance teacher was terminally ill and robbed her daughter of 400,000 yuan in tuition to see a doctor, and bluntly said: If you don't study, you won't die

It turned out that the combination of Zhao Wei and Nie Jing was originally the existence of the wrong door.

Nie Jing is a proper college student, after graduation, she was left in school as a dance teacher, not only her appearance is outstanding, her temperament is outstanding, but even her family conditions are very good, so there has always been no shortage of suitors around Nie Jing.

However, she didn't think that in the end, this big beauty with a high heart actually fell in love with Zhao Wei, who was born in the countryside, and was still a poor guy with only high Chinese, but in Nie Jing's words, she just took a fancy to Zhao Wei's honest duty, and she would definitely not do anything to hurt herself in the future.

The dance teacher was terminally ill and robbed her daughter of 400,000 yuan in tuition to see a doctor, and bluntly said: If you don't study, you won't die

After marriage, the two gave birth to a daughter soon, and the small life of a family of three was called a nourishing one, but when her daughter was 8 years old, Nie Jing was diagnosed with breast cancer, but fortunately, it was only early at that time.

After hearing that his wife was ill, Zhao Wei, even when he traveled all over the country to treat Nie Jing, not only took full responsibility for taking care of the whole family, but also became his wife's personal nanny 24 hours a day.

Fortunately, the final ending was a good one, due to the timely discovery, Nie Jing's condition was finally controlled, and the original family of three also regained their old smiles.

The dance teacher was terminally ill and robbed her daughter of 400,000 yuan in tuition to see a doctor, and bluntly said: If you don't study, you won't die

However, such luck did not last long, and in just 7 years, Nie Jing's condition recurred again, and she was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer in 2020.

But Nie Jing, who has a strong desire to survive, is willing to give up like this, of course, she can't bear to watch Zhao Wei, who is suffering from his wife, and at that time she can be said to have done everything to accompany Nie Jing to see a doctor for treatment.

But as time passed, Nie Jing's condition did not improve at all, and even due to chemotherapy, Nie Jing's hair had already fallen out, and she could only go out with a headscarf every day.

The dance teacher was terminally ill and robbed her daughter of 400,000 yuan in tuition to see a doctor, and bluntly said: If you don't study, you won't die

However, just when Nie Jing was very naïve to think that her husband this time would still be by her side like the last time, Zhao Wei's actions completely cooled Nie Jing's heart, and this man actually played missing!

The dance teacher unfortunately suffered from cancer, and in a fit of anger, he wanted to take 400,000 yuan of his daughter's tuition for treatment, and threatened that I didn't live enough, and you won't die if you don't study.

In 2020, Nie Jing was once again diagnosed with advanced breast cancer, and for such a result, it was quite like sentencing her to death on the spot.

The dance teacher was terminally ill and robbed her daughter of 400,000 yuan in tuition to see a doctor, and bluntly said: If you don't study, you won't die

But just when Nie Jing naively thought that this time Zhao Wei would still be like last time, always guarding her, she didn't expect that the man would disappear with his daughter.

I thought it was the huge medical expenses that made him embark on this seemingly negative road, but he didn't think that there were more unknown secrets behind the whole thing.

In order to find her husband smoothly, Nie Jing did not hesitate to make trouble with Zhao Wei's unit 52 times, so that the final result was not only that no one could find her, but she also lost her husband's job.

The dance teacher was terminally ill and robbed her daughter of 400,000 yuan in tuition to see a doctor, and bluntly said: If you don't study, you won't die

It wasn't until a divorce agreement was sent to Nie Jing that he realized that her husband was really here this time, so in a fit of anger, he found a reporter and threatened to expose this negative man.

Soon the group came to Zhao Wei's sister's house in a rage, no matter how they looked at it, they didn't look like a terminal cancer patient, but a gang leader, and in order to let them hand over Zhao Wei smoothly, Nie Jing even said that she didn't mind the white knife in and the red knife out.

Seeing that things had reached the point of inextricability, Zhao Wei finally agreed to meet him in person, and it was only at this time that everyone really understood Nie Jing's face.

The dance teacher was terminally ill and robbed her daughter of 400,000 yuan in tuition to see a doctor, and bluntly said: If you don't study, you won't die

Only the moment they saw Zhao Wei, a group of reporters instantly wondered, it should be a young and strong man, but Zhao Wei in front of him was a haggard and loveless, not to mention the medical bandages around his waist, and even his body was covered with large and small scars.

According to Zhao Wei, everything he has endured now is all from the handiwork of his wife Nie Jing, since the other party was diagnosed with terminal cancer, Nie Jing's whole person seems to have changed, not only punching and kicking himself at every turn, but even suspicious all day long, not only installed three positioning monitoring on his car, but even Zhao Wei's father was not allowed to go to see him for the last time.

The dance teacher was terminally ill and robbed her daughter of 400,000 yuan in tuition to see a doctor, and bluntly said: If you don't study, you won't die

Regarding Nie Jing's condition, even the doctor said that she was powerless, but she asked Zhao Wei to sell her house and car, and used all 1.2 million yuan for her treatment, and even Zhao Wei was unwilling to set aside 400,000 yuan for her daughter to go to school, bluntly saying that she had not lived enough, and her daughter would not die if she did not study.

And it was Nie Jing's series of almost crazy actions that could be said to have completely chilled Zhao Wei's heart, his wife's condition had already been seen at a glance, but their daughter still had a long way to go, so how could he bear to destroy his favorite daughter with his own hands?

The dance teacher was terminally ill and robbed her daughter of 400,000 yuan in tuition to see a doctor, and bluntly said: If you don't study, you won't die

So in the end, I had no choice but to file for divorce and do my best to protect my daughter's future!

So what do you think of Nie Jing and Zhao Wei's respective choices?

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