
Wen County Dancers Association celebrated the "July 1st" theatrical performance

author:Wen County today

On June 29th, sponsored by the Wen County Dancers Association and undertaken by the Wen County Maternal and Child Health Hospital, the "July 1st" theatrical performance presented the most sincere wishes to the party's birthday with passionate melodies and beautiful dancing.

Wen County Dancers Association celebrated the "July 1st" theatrical performance

The performance kicked off with "Love My China". Subsequently, programs such as "Sing a Mountain Song to the Party", "Five-Star Red Flag", "Song of the Yangtze River", "Red Star Twinkle" and other programs were staged in turn, winning applause from the audience. While showing the demeanor of the masses, the whole performance carried forward the main theme and promoted positive energy, presenting a wonderful audio-visual feast for the general public.

Wen County Dancers Association celebrated the "July 1st" theatrical performance

Among them, "Five-Star Red Flag" vividly interprets the firm belief and selfless dedication of the Communists with delicate emotions and exquisite skills; The group dance "Blooming Flowers" created a joyful and peaceful atmosphere with colorful costumes and grand scenes, pushing the whole performance to a climax.

Wen County Dancers Association celebrated the "July 1st" theatrical performance
Wen County Dancers Association celebrated the "July 1st" theatrical performance

This theatrical performance also incorporated a variety of art forms such as poetry recitation and song singing. An affectionate poem recited "The Sky of July", leading the audience to review the glorious history of the party; The song "Love My China" sang the mission and responsibility of the Communists, which resonated with the audience.

Wen County Dancers Association celebrated the "July 1st" theatrical performance
Wen County Dancers Association celebrated the "July 1st" theatrical performance
Wen County Dancers Association celebrated the "July 1st" theatrical performance
Wen County Dancers Association celebrated the "July 1st" theatrical performance

There were a total of 23 programs in this performance, with 488 people from 28 teams participating, aiming to review the glorious history of the party, look forward to a better future, and encourage everyone to stay true to their original aspirations, keep their mission in mind, and contribute to the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Wen County Rong Media Center reporter Hou Bei reported

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