
Too infuriating! Dance studios are suddenly closed! It's the reason why it's on the hot search, do you believe it?

author:Xiao Xinxi said something


In the past few days, our community has been really lively, and a "sudden closure of the dance studio" has caused a lot of uproar, which has made many parents angry enough. Speaking of which, we have to start from the beginning.

Too infuriating! Dance studios are suddenly closed! It's the reason why it's on the hot search, do you believe it?

There is a person named Aunt Luo in our community, who is kind and angry on weekdays, and no one would have thought that she would suffer such a catastrophe. It turned out that Aunt Luo's son was only six or seven years old this year, so he signed up for a hip-hop interest class in the nearby Joy City shopping mall, and paid more than 8,000 yuan in tuition at one time, which is a full 48 classes. But it didn't take long for the dance studio to send a notice in the group saying that it was going to "suspend the arrangement of classes", citing "public opinion pressure".

Too infuriating! Dance studios are suddenly closed! It's the reason why it's on the hot search, do you believe it?

Do you think this reason is nonsense enough? It's obviously my own problem, why does it rely on "public opinion pressure"? If you want me to say, eighty percent of the capital chain is broken, and there is a lack of money to use. When my wife was laid off, weren't the bosses who were in arrears of wages also fooled around?

Too infuriating! Dance studios are suddenly closed! It's the reason why it's on the hot search, do you believe it?

However, then again, Aunt Luo really poured blood mold. When she first signed up, she was full of praise for the dance teacher, saying that they were responsible and patient in teaching. Who knows how long it won't be before this pie is poured. If it were me, I'd have to find them and get the money back.

Too infuriating! Dance studios are suddenly closed! It's the reason why it's on the hot search, do you believe it?

Don't underestimate the more than 8,000 yuan, for ordinary families, that's a lot of money. How can Aunt Luo's family's meager income afford it? Even if it's my family, my wife's retirement salary plus my small capital, it's just like that for a year. If we are detained more than 8,000, can we stand it?

Too infuriating! Dance studios are suddenly closed! It's the reason why it's on the hot search, do you believe it?

What's even more annoying is that the dance studio is empty, and there is no one to find at all. Aunt Luo went to the door, the door was open, and the inside was empty; When I called, the other party was also perfunctory and did not explain at all. I see, this is the typical "ugly food".

Too infuriating! Dance studios are suddenly closed! It's the reason why it's on the hot search, do you believe it?

Tell me, do you treat consumers like this? It's obviously your own problem, why don't you honestly admit your mistakes and give an explanation? I have to put on a scoundrel look, so that people can hold their breath. If I had been replaced, I would have had to find them to theorize.

Too infuriating! Dance studios are suddenly closed! It's the reason why it's on the hot search, do you believe it?

But then again, we, as consumers, also need to be vigilant. In today's society, there are too many liars, and there are wolves and tigers everywhere. Especially these training institutions, some of them are small in scale and have opaque backgrounds, so we need to keep our eyes peeled. Otherwise, there is no guarantee that you will not fall into the pit one day.

Too infuriating! Dance studios are suddenly closed! It's the reason why it's on the hot search, do you believe it?

Let's take Aunt Luo's case as an example, when she chose that dance studio, I am afraid she didn't do enough homework. There is no shortage of such relatives and friends around us, and they blindly invest in children's interest classes, without considering the qualifications and reputation of the institution. No, the result is good, and a lot of money has been lost in vain.

Too infuriating! Dance studios are suddenly closed! It's the reason why it's on the hot search, do you believe it?

However, I don't blame Aunt Luo. As an ordinary parent, how big of a city can she be, and how much does she know about these training institutions? The reason why she is so blindly obedient is not that she is bluffed by the rhetoric of those institutions? They brag about what they do, package themselves in a frenzy, and deceive the trust of parents, which is the most hateful place.

Too infuriating! Dance studios are suddenly closed! It's the reason why it's on the hot search, do you believe it?

In my opinion, such training institutions should be severely punished by the law. Their behavior has constituted a breach of contract and should bear corresponding legal responsibility. More importantly, the relevant authorities must also step up supervision and raise the entry threshold to prevent such scams from occurring. Otherwise, who would dare to send their children to those training classes so easily?

Too infuriating! Dance studios are suddenly closed! It's the reason why it's on the hot search, do you believe it?

However, I don't think legal means alone are enough. These training institutions must first establish good professional ethics, be honest and trustworthy, and earnestly fulfill their commitments to parents and students. When we encounter difficulties, we should also give explanations and remedies in a timely manner, instead of ignoring them, still less making unreasonable troubles as we are now.

Too infuriating! Dance studios are suddenly closed! It's the reason why it's on the hot search, do you believe it?

I have a friend who also enrolled in a training course that year. Who knows that it didn't take long for the agency to spread the news that the capital chain was broken. Fortunately, in the end, with the coordination of the government, their losses were compensated to a certain extent. However, it was a tortuous process to get to that point. My friend said that he was extremely angry and helpless at the time.

Too infuriating! Dance studios are suddenly closed! It's the reason why it's on the hot search, do you believe it?

Therefore, I advise the bosses of those training institutions not to do bad things. We are all for the good of our children, and you must be sincere in creating a good environment for their healthy growth, rather than burdening them. If you do something wrong, beware of being punished by the wrath of the people!

Too infuriating! Dance studios are suddenly closed! It's the reason why it's on the hot search, do you believe it?

No, even the aunts and uncles in our community were in an uproar when they heard about this. "Why is it so unreasonable?" "If you pay the money, you can't release the pigeons halfway!" Some people even shouted the slogan of "refund one and pay ten". You see, how disgusted people are for this kind of behavior.

Too infuriating! Dance studios are suddenly closed! It's the reason why it's on the hot search, do you believe it?

I advise the owners of those training institutions to think twice. If you insist on being unreasonable and be careful of being spurned by others, then it will really be "every household shouts to knock you down, and everyone will slap you". At that time, your life will be even more difficult, and you will be full of cold eyes and gloomy eyes.

Too infuriating! Dance studios are suddenly closed! It's the reason why it's on the hot search, do you believe it?

Why bother? The most important thing for people to live in the world is to be honest and live a down-to-earth life. It's important for you to make money, but you also have to have a good conscience, and you can't go too far. If you want me to say, you'd better stop your losses in time, admit your mistakes, and return the money so as not to get into more trouble.

Too infuriating! Dance studios are suddenly closed! It's the reason why it's on the hot search, do you believe it?

Speaking of this, I can't help but think of an old saying: "People go to high places, and water flows to low places." "If you are honest, you will naturally make enough money in the future. But if you are insatiable and take advantage of loopholes everywhere, you will inevitably be spurned and scolded by others. At that time, what face will you have left in this world?

Too infuriating! Dance studios are suddenly closed! It's the reason why it's on the hot search, do you believe it?

Well, I won't say much about it. Anyway, there is no shortage of such lessons around us, as long as you are willing to have a little heart, it is not difficult to understand some truths. I just want to say a fair word to the bosses of those training institutions: you should return the money of the people immediately, and stop holding on, it will not benefit anyone.

Too infuriating! Dance studios are suddenly closed! It's the reason why it's on the hot search, do you believe it?

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