
This "fairy product in the fruit", phlegm and qi do not help dryness, choose it to strengthen the spleen and liver!

author:Chinese medicine liver disease Hao Yaming

Sediment accumulates, and no matter how "happy" the stream is, it will not escape the fate of drying up;

If the water pipe is rusted and scaled, the water flow will be blocked, and the pipe will break after a long time;


Our body is also a truth, and what we are most afraid of is the word "block".

This "fairy product in the fruit", phlegm and qi do not help dryness, choose it to strengthen the spleen and liver!

If a person always puts himself in the ...... of sulking, aggrieved, forbearing, and suffocating The dilemma has led to liver loss and leakage, today the qi is blocked here, tomorrow the blood stasis is there, there is a "chaos" in the body, how can he be comfortable?

This "fairy product in the fruit", phlegm and qi do not help dryness, choose it to strengthen the spleen and liver!

1. Chest and abdomen are full

I don't know if you have ever had this situation: I feel that the chest is "blocked" with a breath, as if I want to "stretch out" the ribs, and it is vaguely swollen and painful; Some people feel that the area from the chest to the small stomach is always swollen and swollen......

Some friends also have hiccups, acid reflux, belching, and sometimes even feel uncomfortable with their heads, and they will feel nauseous and want to vomit. In fact, this is "liver qi stagnation" in "trouble".

2. Stomach pain and bloating

"I don't think about tea, I don't want to eat", "I'm full of gas", these words that everyone often talks about actually have a certain theoretical support behind them.

Traditional Chinese medicine says: "When you see the disease of the liver, you know the liver and the spleen." "Liver loss and leakage, harm the spleen and stomach, people are prone to not want to eat, stomach flatulence, oil nausea, poor digestion and other discomforts. If you fail to intervene in time, the spleen will lose its health, and the water, phlegm, and moisture in the body will not be excreted from the body, which will cause a series of chain reactions such as phlegm and dampness, cysts, nodules, etc.

In addition to the above two, friends with liver qi stagnation often experience discomfort such as dry mouth and bitter mouth, phlegm and cough, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, poor sleep, and easy to wake up from dreams.

So how to straighten out the qi in the body?

This is the turn of today's protagonist, it is "the fairy product in the fruit, the wonder of the world", a Buddha's hand that integrates the effects of soothing the liver and relieving depression, regulating qi and neutralizing, drying and dampness and dissolving phlegm, relieving cough and swelling, strengthening the spleen and stomach.

This "fairy product in the fruit", phlegm and qi do not help dryness, choose it to strengthen the spleen and liver!

Sharp-eyed friends will find that its effect is a bit similar to the effect of tangerine peel, in fact, they have similarities and differences, it is not as bitter as tangerine peel, and the power of soothing the liver and qi should be more prominent.

Clinically, if you encounter friends with liver stagnation or spleen stagnation, phlegm and dampness in the body, most of them will add medicines such as bergamot to regulate qi in the prescription, or directly ask them to buy some bergamot and soak it in water at home.

So how do you use it in life? Next, I would like to introduce you to 2 dietary recipes for bergamot.

Bergamot rose tea

This "fairy product in the fruit", phlegm and qi do not help dryness, choose it to strengthen the spleen and liver!

Ingredients: 10 grams of bergamot, 15 grams of roses.

Method: Brew with boiling water for 15 minutes.

Efficacy: Rose is a master of relieving depression, this tea can regulate qi and relieve depression and relieve pain, suitable for symptoms such as liver stagnation, depression and discomfort, chest and flank swelling and pain.

Bergamot ginger candy drink

This "fairy product in the fruit", phlegm and qi do not help dryness, choose it to strengthen the spleen and liver!

Ingredients: 10 grams of bergamot, 6 grams of ginger, appropriate amount of rock sugar.

Method: Cut ginger and bergamot into shreds, add boiling water and simmer for 15 minutes, add an appropriate amount of rock sugar.

Efficacy: Ginger warms the stomach and relieves nausea, which can relieve loss of appetite, abdominal pain and bloating, and frequent vomiting.

Finally, you only need to pay attention to one point, Buddha's hand regulates qi, so pregnant women and people with qi deficiency need to be cautious when eating.