
73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing once again said wildly: My eyes can speak, and I can play Daji in the gods

author:Fall in love with the fruity aroma of melon

In 2023, a "Fengshen Part 1: Chao Song Fengyun" will amaze the audience, especially Daji, whose charming demeanor is no different from a real fox.

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing once again said wildly: My eyes can speak, and I can play Daji in the gods

Therefore, when she was presented to Yin Qi and covered with her cloth uncovered, everyone could be fascinated by her, it was so beautiful.

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing once again said wildly: My eyes can speak, and I can play Daji in the gods

But what if the cloth is uncovered, is it the face below? I'm afraid the story will be over before it even begins, or rather, the moment the four protons see her again, they will not hesitate to cut down.

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing once again said wildly: My eyes can speak, and I can play Daji in the gods

But Liu Xiaoqing, who has this face, is ashamed to say that she can play Daji, especially the charming, seductive, and very demonic eyes, she can play it very well.

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing once again said wildly: My eyes can speak, and I can play Daji in the gods

Some netizens sincerely commented that Liu Xiaoqing before the age of 40 should have no problem playing Daji, but people will get old after all, she has to serve the old, otherwise I will be sorry for the audience.

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing once again said wildly: My eyes can speak, and I can play Daji in the gods

Indeed, the TV series "Wu Zetian" is Liu Xiaoqing's work when he was 45 years old, and there is no trace of time at all, but her goose egg face is more in line with Wu Zetian's character image, and she is indeed beautiful.

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing once again said wildly: My eyes can speak, and I can play Daji in the gods

However, now Liu Xiaoqing is 73 years old, no matter how much high-tech is used on his face, he can't stop the smell of grandma on his body.

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing once again said wildly: My eyes can speak, and I can play Daji in the gods

But Liu Xiaoqing doesn't feel old, in her opinion, she has been very well maintained for so many years, her figure is not out of shape, there are no wrinkles on her face, and even her eyes are still very clear, and now she has no problem playing a girl in her twenties and thirties, because her eyes can speak.

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing once again said wildly: My eyes can speak, and I can play Daji in the gods

It is true that Liu Xiaoqing's eyes are very bright, but the author stared at the video for a long time and confirmed that she was wearing contact lenses.

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing once again said wildly: My eyes can speak, and I can play Daji in the gods

Liu Xiaoqing not only said so, but also did it in practice, "Ice and Snow Sniper 2" released last year, Liu Xiaoqing played an unmarried girl in her 70s, standing with the girls who were really smart next to her, it was not a generation, but she felt that she acted well, otherwise she would not have spoken wildly now, saying that she could still play a girl in her twenties and thirties.

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing once again said wildly: My eyes can speak, and I can play Daji in the gods

Looking at Liu Xiaoqing's confident appearance, the author couldn't help but think of the video she shot of "Sister is the Queen", which was really radiant.


However, Liu Xiaoqing's self-confidence, netizens couldn't stand it, and they began to complain in the comment area:

Confidence in this area, no one can beat

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing once again said wildly: My eyes can speak, and I can play Daji in the gods

How do the people around her usually praise her? You look like you're in your twenties

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing once again said wildly: My eyes can speak, and I can play Daji in the gods

If she lacks a true friend around her, she will feel that her true friend is jealous of her.

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing once again said wildly: My eyes can speak, and I can play Daji in the gods

Some netizens directly shouted to Liu Xiaoqing: Let her play Haoyue and Lingxi with Jiang Wenli, and her sister chased after her sister

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing once again said wildly: My eyes can speak, and I can play Daji in the gods

There is a sense of picture in an instant, is there any?

Some netizens said that Fang Taichu should be played by Liu Xiaoqing.

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing once again said wildly: My eyes can speak, and I can play Daji in the gods

Everyone doesn't understand why Liu Xiaoqing has such a soft spot for playing a girl in her twenties and thirties, in fact, she has also played the elderly in recent years, to be honest, she acted well.

For example, Sister Hong, the villain who does not hesitate to pretend to be ugly in "Looking for the Dragon".

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing once again said wildly: My eyes can speak, and I can play Daji in the gods

For example, the amiable, reasonable, and elegant grandmother in "North and South".

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing once again said wildly: My eyes can speak, and I can play Daji in the gods

Another example is the supervillain Tianxiao in "Qimen Dunjia 2".

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing once again said wildly: My eyes can speak, and I can play Daji in the gods

is not pretending to be tender, they are all unexpectedly good-looking, this is in line with age and experience, the role interpreted, this is the interpretation worthy of the audience.

Liu Xiaoqing herself understands that she was able to become famous because of the blessing of the times, and it was the era that created her, so she won the award softly and became very famous.

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing once again said wildly: My eyes can speak, and I can play Daji in the gods

But she has repeatedly pretended to be tender, but she is sorry for the audience of this era, we really don't want to watch Liu Xiaoqing's grandmother play a little girl anymore, at what age to play what role, is the most decent way for an actor to live, I hope Liu Xiaoqing will wake up as soon as possible and stop dreaming of girls.

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