
Hepatitis B dragged on for 2 years and became cirrhosis! These types of hepatitis B patients need to be treated aggressively

author:Chinese medicine liver disease Hao Yaming

Many of the patients I have seen have just been diagnosed with hepatitis B, so that when they found me, they had obvious fibrotic progression, and in severe cases, liver cancer and cirrhosis.

Hepatitis B dragged on for 2 years and became cirrhosis! These types of hepatitis B patients need to be treated aggressively

The recent patient in Langfang, Hebei Province, is such an example, 2 years ago, hepatitis B was detected with a large three yang, the virus to the 5th power, and the liver bullet was 11.4, but the patient thought that his father also had hepatitis B, and there was nothing uncomfortable over the years, so he did not receive treatment, until recently he had spider nevi, yellow eyes and went to the hospital to be diagnosed with liver cirrhosis, splenomegaly, liver bullet detection 19.4, portal vein diameter of 1.34cm, liver function was obviously abnormal, and the patient regretted it at this time. What types of patients should be treated aggressively when hepatitis B is detected? Hear what hepatologists have to say.

Hepatitis B dragged on for 2 years and became cirrhosis! These types of hepatitis B patients need to be treated aggressively

According to the latest hepatitis B treatment guidelines in 2022, antiviral therapy is required for anyone who meets one of the following conditions!

1. If hepatitis B cirrhosis is detected, no matter whether it is in the compensated or decompensated stage, and regardless of the level of transaminases and HBV DNA, etc., it is necessary to receive antiviral therapy;

2. For HBV DNA positive, aminotransferase continues to be abnormally elevated (excluding other causes), antiviral treatment is required;

3. HBV DNA is positive, regardless of the level of transaminases, one of them requires antiviral therapy. (1) Have a family history of hepatitis B cirrhosis or liver cancer;

(2) Age greater than 30;

(3) There is obvious inflammation or fibrosis in the liver;

(4) Extrahepatic manifestations related to HBV.

Therefore, the condition of the patients in Langfang, Hebei Province is purely dragged out, and only anti-fibrotic and antiviral treatment can be used to reverse fibrosis and achieve clinical cure of hepatitis B, but because of delay and lack of attention, the condition is aggravated!

Hepatitis B dragged on for 2 years and became cirrhosis! These types of hepatitis B patients need to be treated aggressively

Dr. Hong once again emphasized that the treatment is not based on the patient's own judgment, but by the professional doctor's evaluation, by looking at the specific condition, to determine whether you need to receive treatment, and I recommend that you must not delay it any longer!

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