
Don't even give an interview? Netizens complained: Gap was sentenced to death for a year!

author:Idle drunken mountain people

In recent years, with the increasing pressure of social competition, more and more young people choose to take a gap after resignation to enrich their experience and enhance their competitiveness. However, GAP is not all smooth sailing in the job search process, especially for job seekers who have been GAP for more than a year, often facing more challenges and resistance.

Recently, a former byte employee posted on social platforms to complain that he had been gaping for a year, and he repeatedly hit a wall when looking for a job, and he even had few opportunities for interviews. I had no choice but to learn English and prepare to move to foreign companies.

Don't even give an interview? Netizens complained: Gap was sentenced to death for a year!

The post struck a chord with many netizens, and many people also shared their experience of finding a job. Some netizens said that they also encountered a similar dilemma when looking for a job at GAP a year later, and many companies took a wait-and-see attitude towards GAP people, and even refused to interview directly. Some netizens pointed out that GAP is generally considered a "disadvantage" in the domestic job market for a year, and even if you find a job, the salary level may be lower than that of fresh graduates.

Don't even give an interview? Netizens complained: Gap was sentenced to death for a year!

Judging by the data, the impact of GAP on job search is real. According to a survey conducted by a recruitment website, only 27.1% of HR employees said they would consider hiring job seekers who have been in the gap for one year, and many HR people are still stuck in stereotypes such as "unstable", so they will be more cautious when hiring. HR may be worried that the gap sufferer has developed some bad habits during the gap period, or is unable to adapt to the work rhythm quickly, which brings certain recruitment risks.

Gap for a year, is there really no way out? Of course not. For job seekers who have been in a gap for one year, before starting their job search, they should first clarify their job search goals, including the desired industry, position, salary level, etc. Only when you have a clear goal can you prepare for a job search in a targeted manner. In your resume and interview, highlight your achievements and experience during the GAP period, and relate them to the role you are applying for, so HR can see your value.

Don't even give an interview? Netizens complained: Gap was sentenced to death for a year!

It's important not to limit yourself to traditional job search channels, but try to find job opportunities through connections, social platforms, etc. Job hunting is a long process, and it is inevitable that there will be setbacks and failures. But don't be discouraged, keep a positive mindset, keep learning from the experience, and believe that you will be able to find the job you want.

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