
Latest! 2024 Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Economics Application Guide, No Written Exam Online Interview!

author:Zhiyuan Juku, Japan

Hitotsubashi University (Japanese: ひとつばし だいがく, English: Hitotsubashi University) is a national university located in the national city of Tokyo, Japan. Founded in 1875 as the Commercial Law Seminar, it was upgraded to Tokyo University of Commerce in 1920 and changed to its current name in 1949. In 2004, it was renamed a national university corporation.

Latest! 2024 Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Economics Application Guide, No Written Exam Online Interview!

Graduate School Profile

Hitotsubashi is one of Japan's former three business universities (Kobe University and Osaka City University), specializing in the humanities and social sciences, and has a small elite class.

It is similar to the London School of Economics and Political Science and Sciences Po, and is known as the "Harvard of Asia", and Hitotsubashi University ranks first in Japan in the field of economics.

Although Hitotsubashi University does not have a particularly outstanding performance in the overall QS rankings, the fact that Hitotsubashi University graduates have been able to compete with graduates of the University of Tokyo's Graduate School of Economics over the years, which shows its position in the minds of Japanese people.

How to make a vow and schedule

线上出愿: June 24 - July 12, 2024

Petition by mail: July 8 - July 12, 2024 (required)

Latest! 2024 Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Economics Application Guide, No Written Exam Online Interview!

⭐ Online Petition Website:


In addition to the fact that there is basically no controversy about the eligibility of students who have completed the Graduate School in Japan, those who study abroad must pay attention to whether they have received 16 years of basic education abroad and can issue relevant degree certificates is a key factor in whether they can obtain the discharge qualification.

Latest! 2024 Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Economics Application Guide, No Written Exam Online Interview!

Students who do not meet the above conditions must ask the academic affairs in advance whether they have made a wish and whether they need to be reviewed in advance and other related matters.

Petition type

Hitotsubashi University is required to make a petition both online and offline, and students are required to scan the written documents, upload the scanned copies on the application page, and then mail the original documents to the university.

Latest! 2024 Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Economics Application Guide, No Written Exam Online Interview!

The types of books that can be made can be broadly divided into the following categories

• Admission ticket

Fill out your wish on the website, print it out, and mail it.

• Certificate of Graduation (見込み)

Undergraduate Graduation Certificate/Pre-graduation Certificate

• Transcripts

Proof of undergraduate grades

• TOEFL or TOEIC scores

TOEFL requires ETS direct scores; TOEIC is submitted after making a photocopy of the score report.

• Research proposals

800 words of aspiration and motivation + 2400 words of research proposal (including literature), and the research plan needs to indicate the specific research direction of economics.

Latest! 2024 Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Economics Application Guide, No Written Exam Online Interview!

• Proof of identity (copy of residence card or passport)

• Letter of recommendation (specified word)

The referrer will need to provide the appropriate work email address for the person they use.

Latest! 2024 Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Economics Application Guide, No Written Exam Online Interview!
Latest! 2024 Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Economics Application Guide, No Written Exam Online Interview!
Latest! 2024 Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Economics Application Guide, No Written Exam Online Interview!

Exam format and content

Hitotsubashi University has now canceled the written exam. The first selection method was changed to a book selection test, which was based on the score certificates, recommendation letters, research proposals, and TOEFL TOEIC scores submitted by the applicants. Only students who pass the first selection can participate in the second selection.

Latest! 2024 Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Economics Application Guide, No Written Exam Online Interview!

The second selection was conducted online via Zoom.

Latest! 2024 Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Economics Application Guide, No Written Exam Online Interview!

It should be noted that although Hitotsubashi University has cancelled the written examination, it is still possible to ask questions about one of the three subjects of macro, micro, and metrology in the research proposal and economics test during the interview (you need to choose one subject to answer).

Therefore, those who wish must pay attention to the questions and answers of the exam subjects in advance, and pay attention to answering the professor's questions logically during the interview process.

Recommended exam preparation books

In addition to the basic Shinichi Takekuma's "演習ミクロ経済学 (2nd Edition)", there is also a book written by Professor Todai Michihiro "ミクロ経済学の力", which shows the basic knowledge of mathematics used in the derivation process of economic theory to readers in detail, so that everyone can truly understand the knowledge points of economics from the principle.

In addition, Hitotsubashi University's deep excavation of microeconomics is also very common, so here I recommend a difficult micro textbook, that is, Professor Okuno Masakan published by Tokyo University's "ミクロ経済学", the difficulty of this book is more suitable for the difficulty of Hitotsubashi's entrance examination.

Latest! 2024 Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Economics Application Guide, No Written Exam Online Interview!

Students in the macro section should note that most of Hitotsubashi University's macro professors do monetary policy research, so in addition to the basic textbook for civil servants, "新スーパー過前問ゼミ", it is also necessary to study Professor Koichi Nigami's "マクロ経済学" and related books on monetary policy.

Latest! 2024 Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Economics Application Guide, No Written Exam Online Interview!

Those who choose the direction of econometrics need to complete the relevant statistics and systematically learn econometrics (causality, time series and statistical mathematics). I have some books that I can provide to students for reference.

Wooldridge教授的Introductory Econometrics(应该第7版了)。

Latest! 2024 Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Economics Application Guide, No Written Exam Online Interview!

This book is a university textbook and a book that many professors of metrology lectures would recommend to their students. In addition, there is also the textbook "Econometrics" jointly published by several professors who are relatively big names in the field of econometrics in Japan.

Latest! 2024 Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Economics Application Guide, No Written Exam Online Interview!

I hope these books can help you who are taking the exam.

Interpretation of the results of previous entrance examinations

Overall, Hitotsubashi University has between 40 and 60 students per quarter, so the number of students recruited each year is not small among the number of students admitted to graduate schools in Japan.

However, Hitotsubashi University has always had high selection requirements and is more careful about the materials submitted, so it can be said that as long as students prepare well and do a good job of revision, there is still a great possibility of being admitted to Hitotsubashi.

The above is the sharing and suggestions of Hitotsubashi University's wish information compiled by the editor for you in combination with the previous year's wish items, and students who want to know more are welcome to consult Xiaoyuan, and wish you all to pass the dream school as soon as possible~

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