
One day before the 2021 college entrance examination, his father fell seriously ill and died, and the boy rushed to the examination room immediately after cremating his body

author:Pharaoh did not preach
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One day before the 2021 college entrance examination, his father fell seriously ill and died, and the boy rushed to the examination room immediately after cremating his body

Text: Roar


One day before the 2021 college entrance examination, his father fell seriously ill and died, and the boy rushed to the examination room immediately after cremating his body

This year's college entrance examination has ended, and Zhu Yetian, the "Young Master of Maybach", drove the Maybach college entrance examination with a score of 700 points, and became popular on the Internet.

In this regard, many netizens commented, "God opened the door for him and opened the window again." ”

However, not everyone has such a background and achievements.

One day before the 2021 college entrance examination, his father fell seriously ill and died, and the boy rushed to the examination room immediately after cremating his body

Back to three years ago, that is, in 2021, Chen Liang, who was born in Mianyang, Sichuan, stood alone outside the examination room of the college entrance examination.

At this moment two days ago, he was in the hospital, holding his father's hand.

One day before the 2021 college entrance examination, his father fell seriously ill and died, and the boy rushed to the examination room immediately after cremating his body

He prayed silently in his heart, hoping that his father, who was seriously ill, would hold on until the end of his college entrance examination and let his father watch him walk into the examination room.

However, it backfired, on June 5, two days before the college entrance examination, his father closed his eyes forever and failed to see Chen Liang walk into the examination room as he wished.

One day before the 2021 college entrance examination, his father fell seriously ill and died, and the boy rushed to the examination room immediately after cremating his body

He endured his grief, hurriedly cremated his father's body, and returned to school to participate in the school's "college entrance examination mobilization".

Two days later, Chen Liang walked into the examination room of the college entrance examination alone.

After that, he had no father, and his mother and brother had long since died.

Originally, he was the only one left in a family of four, how did such a child who had just become an adult survive the hardships of his life?

Now that three years have passed, what kind of life does Chen Liang, who has no relatives, live?

lost his mother and brother, and his father was originally the only support

One day before the 2021 college entrance examination, his father fell seriously ill and died, and the boy rushed to the examination room immediately after cremating his body

Chen Liang, a native of Mianyang, Sichuan, lived a poor life when he was a child, but his life was very happy.

He originally had an older brother who died in an accident when he was 10 years old.

The parents could not accept the pain of their son's early death, and a few years later, they gave birth to him.

Because of the death of his brother, his parents turned their regrets into favor and poured them into him.

One day before the 2021 college entrance examination, his father fell seriously ill and died, and the boy rushed to the examination room immediately after cremating his body

The whole family loved him very much, and his parents worked hard to give him better living conditions.

However, the accident still happened, and his mother died of illness when he was more than 1 year old.

The death of my mother made my father, who was originally very cheerful and smiling, become silent.

The original family of four, only the father and him remained.

One day before the 2021 college entrance examination, his father fell seriously ill and died, and the boy rushed to the examination room immediately after cremating his body

His father struggled to take care of him as a young boy while making ends meet near the school.

When he was in elementary school, his father made breakfast for him early and went out to work.

He went to school after breakfast, and went home in the evening to do his homework and wait for his father to return.

Sometimes my father came back too late, so he would warm up breakfast.

One day before the 2021 college entrance examination, his father fell seriously ill and died, and the boy rushed to the examination room immediately after cremating his body

After eating, he washed the dishes and cleaned them by himself, and he was obedient and sensible at a young age, and his father was very pleased.

He went to a small town farther away for high school. In order to save some round-trip travel expenses.

He chose to live in school, and his father felt sorry for him, so he did not go out to work, but chose to do odd jobs nearby to support the family.

The life of the father and son is very poor, and Chen Liang sees his father's dedication and love in his eyes and remembers it in his heart.

One day before the 2021 college entrance examination, his father fell seriously ill and died, and the boy rushed to the examination room immediately after cremating his body

He secretly vowed to study hard to repay him for his nurturing kindness.

However, the suffering that God has inflicted on this family is not over, and God has not given him this opportunity.

His father usually works hard, and his body has a lot of problems, and when Chen Liang came home from vacation, he saw that his father had been uncomfortable.

When I asked, I found out that my father's stomach hurt so badly that he couldn't eat for several days.

One day before the 2021 college entrance examination, his father fell seriously ill and died, and the boy rushed to the examination room immediately after cremating his body

However, in order to save money, his father did not want him to worry and was reluctant to go to the hospital for examination.

In March 2021, under Chen Liang's repeated persuasion, he took his father to the hospital for a physical examination.

However, the results of the hospital examination made him unacceptable for a long time.

Doctors told him that his father had advanced esophageal cancer that was already difficult to treat.

One day before the 2021 college entrance examination, his father fell seriously ill and died, and the boy rushed to the examination room immediately after cremating his body

He insisted that his father be hospitalized, but the high cost of medical care discouraged the father and son.

In line with the idea of saving money, Chen Liang took his father to treatment every week.

Two days before the college entrance examination, Chen Liang went home with his father after the infusion as usual.

As soon as he arrived home, his father suddenly fainted and fell to the ground, Chen Liang was sent to the hospital, and he died on the spot after rescue failed.

One day before the 2021 college entrance examination, his father fell seriously ill and died, and the boy rushed to the examination room immediately after cremating his body

On that day, he cremated his body with tears in his eyes, and despite the endless sadness in his heart, he returned to school to continue preparing for the college entrance examination.

He understood that his father's last wish was to hope that he would study hard and change his fate, and that he could not live up to his spirit in heaven.

One day before the 2021 college entrance examination, his father fell seriously ill and died, and the boy rushed to the examination room immediately after cremating his body

Cremated his father's body and took the college entrance examination alone

One day before the 2021 college entrance examination, his father fell seriously ill and died, and the boy rushed to the examination room immediately after cremating his body

After cremating his father's body, he returned to school to prepare for the college entrance examination.

When he stood outside the examination room of the college entrance examination, silently looking at the noisy crowd, his heart was calm.

He thought of his deceased family members and prayed that they would have spirits in heaven that would give him energy and courage.

The two days of the college entrance examination were very short and intense, and Chen Liang completed all the exams seriously.

One day before the 2021 college entrance examination, his father fell seriously ill and died, and the boy rushed to the examination room immediately after cremating his body

In the following days, while dealing with his father's funeral, he anxiously waited for the results of the college entrance examination.

On June 22, the results of the college entrance examination were finally announced.

Chen Liang nervously checked his score, and when he knew that he had crossed the second line, the burden in his heart was a little lighter.

This means that he can enter college as he wishes, become a college student, and fulfill his father's last wish.

One day before the 2021 college entrance examination, his father fell seriously ill and died, and the boy rushed to the examination room immediately after cremating his body

"He didn't play to his true strengths, and he had almost no time to study in the last three months because of his father. He could have had a chance to get into the first one," his teacher lamented.

However, Chen Liang didn't feel that it was a pity, he knew that he had done his best.

He smiled and said to reporters, "I originally thought that I could only go to a junior college, but now that I have passed the second line, I am already very satisfied." ”

He firmly stated that he would insist on finishing college as a way to comfort his father's soul in heaven.

One day before the 2021 college entrance examination, his father fell seriously ill and died, and the boy rushed to the examination room immediately after cremating his body

The teachers at the school were particularly sympathetic to Chen Liang's plight and took special care of him.

The head teacher personally applied him to the school, and under the guidance of the teacher, he applied for a medical school.

Chen Liang is full of expectations for his future, and he is ready to welcome his university life and become an excellent medical student in the future.

Caring people donate, and the local government helps

One day before the 2021 college entrance examination, his father fell seriously ill and died, and the boy rushed to the examination room immediately after cremating his body

After Chen Liang's deeds were reported by the media, they quickly attracted widespread attention in the society and caused a large number of netizens to discuss, and everyone left messages of encouragement and support for him.

With the continuous improvement of attention, many caring people in the society have also begun to take action, wanting to provide Chen Liang with some practical help.

One day before the 2021 college entrance examination, his father fell seriously ill and died, and the boy rushed to the examination room immediately after cremating his body

They found his contact information through various channels, hoping to provide Chen Liang with some practical help and help him complete his university studies smoothly.

Chen Liang said that every day on his mobile phone, he receives calls or WeChat messages from different caring people from all walks of life, asking him if he needs help and wants to help him complete his future studies.

One day before the 2021 college entrance examination, his father fell seriously ill and died, and the boy rushed to the examination room immediately after cremating his body

Chen Liang expressed his gratitude for this, he said that he had received too much kindness and help during this time, and he was extremely grateful to everyone.

Chen Liang said that during this period, there were many people who wanted to help him, some thousands of yuan, and some wanted to subsidize his tuition fees every year.

Among these caring people, there is an anonymous caring person who donated 10,000 yuan to him through his school.

He hopes to do his part to ease the burden of Chen Liang's college education.

One day before the 2021 college entrance examination, his father fell seriously ill and died, and the boy rushed to the examination room immediately after cremating his body

The teacher at the school said that because the school knew that his family was poor, the school had been worried that he would not be able to complete high school, and the school did not charge him tuition.

After his father fell ill, Chen Liang's classmates also organized donations but he politely declined.

Later, without his knowledge, the school organized to go to the hospital and make donations to help him tide over the difficulties.

The local civil affairs bureau explained that he has always been a low-income household, and can receive 400 yuan per month, and at the same time, the government also has a subsidy of 3,000 yuan for the needy.

One day before the 2021 college entrance examination, his father fell seriously ill and died, and the boy rushed to the examination room immediately after cremating his body

The government will also give temporary assistance, so that he will receive a subsidy of at least 1,000 yuan a month.

At the same time, the local education and sports bureau also said that if he was successfully admitted to the university, it would try its best to apply for student loans and grants for him, and on the other hand, there were also some social subsidies that could be applied for.

At the same time, you can also apply for local financial aid, so you don't have to worry about college tuition.

Just when all walks of life were paying attention to Chen Liang and all caring people were lending a helping hand to Chen Liang, he made a surprising decision.

Work-study program, politely decline donations from caring people

One day before the 2021 college entrance examination, his father fell seriously ill and died, and the boy rushed to the examination room immediately after cremating his body

After dealing with his father's funeral, Chen Liang refused donations from caring people from all walks of life, and he chose to solve the problem through his own efforts.

Chen Liang hopes to work his own, rather than relying on everyone's help.

Because Chen Liang's father played a vital role in his education.

He taught Chen Liang to rely on himself to have a clear conscience, which is a very valuable outlook on life and values.

One day before the 2021 college entrance examination, his father fell seriously ill and died, and the boy rushed to the examination room immediately after cremating his body

This concept allows Chen Liang to strengthen his beliefs and choose his own path in the face of difficulties.

He found a part-time job in a homestay, worked and studied on his own, and lived independently on his own.

It is not only to earn tuition and living expenses, but also to train yourself.

Friends around him also advised him to accept the donation first, so that he could successfully complete his studies.

One day before the 2021 college entrance examination, his father fell seriously ill and died, and the boy rushed to the examination room immediately after cremating his body

The support and help of the B&B owner to Chen Liang also reflects the warmth and care of the society.

He is willing to give Chen Liang a guaranteed salary and welcomes him to come back to work at any time, this kind of kindness makes Chen Liang feel the warmth and strength of society.

This kind of support and help will also motivate Chen Liang to study and work harder and make greater contributions to society.

In the end, he said that if the school admits him, he will definitely complete his studies and give back to the society.

One day before the 2021 college entrance examination, his father fell seriously ill and died, and the boy rushed to the examination room immediately after cremating his body

This positive attitude makes people look forward to Chen Liang's future.

We believe that in the near future, Chen Liang will definitely use his efforts and talents to make more contributions to the society.


One day before the 2021 college entrance examination, his father fell seriously ill and died, and the boy rushed to the examination room immediately after cremating his body
One day before the 2021 college entrance examination, his father fell seriously ill and died, and the boy rushed to the examination room immediately after cremating his body

In the face of Chen Liang's experience, everyone left messages on social networks to encourage him and send him encouragement and blessings.

Every message is full of warmth and strength, which makes Chen Liang feel a lot of warmth and kindness.

These messages not only brought courage to Chen Liang, but also let everyone see the goodwill of the world.

As netizens said, people can't choose to be born and have no power to recover their deceased relatives, but we can work hard to change our lives.

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Information source for the content of this article: [Surging News] [] In order to improve the readability of the article, the details may be polished, please read sensibly, for reference only!
One day before the 2021 college entrance examination, his father fell seriously ill and died, and the boy rushed to the examination room immediately after cremating his body
One day before the 2021 college entrance examination, his father fell seriously ill and died, and the boy rushed to the examination room immediately after cremating his body

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