
Understand in 90 seconds! Is Chinese AI really going to be trapped by a "wall"?

author:Sentry 911

Understand in 90 seconds! Is Chinese AI really going to be trapped by a "wall"?

At 3 a.m., an office building in Beijing's Zhongguancun is still brightly lit. 29-year-old Xiao Wang was worried about the computer screen: "It's over, I really have to start from scratch now......"

Just a few hours ago, he received an email from OpenAI informing him that they would stop opening APIs to Chinese users on July 9. This means that the AI assistant software developed by Xiao Wang's team is about to lose its "brain".

As soon as this news came out, it immediately caused an uproar in the technology circle. Some people exclaimed: "Is China really going to become an AI island?" Others disagreed: "Don't we have our own big model?"

What the hell is going on? Don't worry, 90 seconds will take you to understand this AI "wall" battle!

1. What is an API and why is it important?

API, to put it bluntly, is the "bridge" between software. It's like when you use WeChat Pay, you're actually calling the bank's services through the API.

For AI companies, APIs are even more critical. It allows developers to "move" advanced AI capabilities into their own products without having to start from scratch.

Imagine that if there is no API, every company that wants to make AI applications will have to train a ChatGPT by itself, how much money will have to be burned!

2. Why is OpenAI "banning" China?

In fact, ChatGPT has not been open to Chinese mainland. But previously, Chinese developers were able to use OpenAI's capabilities through APIs.

Why is even this road blocked now? Some speculate that it may be due to data security concerns, while others believe that it is the result of pressure from the U.S. government.

However, it is worth noting that OpenAI has also "blocked" Russia, North Korea and Iran. These four countries, you know......

3. Will China really become an "AI island"?

The answer is: no!

Don't forget, we have our own "ChatGPT":

  1. Baidu's Wenxin is a word
  2. Ali's Tongyi Qianwen
  3. Tencent's hybrid model
  4. ...

Although these domestic large models are not as good as ChatGPT, they are making rapid progress. Moreover, they understand Chinese and Chinese culture better.

Not only that, China is also catching up in terms of AI chips, computing power and other hardware. The return of Huawei's Kirin chip is a signal.

4. Within the walls: Opportunities and challenges coexist

Without OpenAI's API, domestic AI entrepreneurs will indeed encounter a lot of trouble. But that's not necessarily a bad thing:

  1. It forced the accelerated development of domestic large models
  2. Stimulate the innovation vitality of the local AI ecosystem
  3. Promote the formation of a unique "Chinese-style AI"

Of course, we also need to be wary of possible problems:

  1. AI development may have an "information cocoon"
  2. Disconnected from the international mainstream AI community
  3. Falling behind in some areas

5. The Way to Break the Wall: The Way Forward for AI

What should we do in the face of AI "walls"?

  1. Intensify independent research and development, especially basic research
  2. Deepen industry-university-research cooperation to form a benign ecology
  3. Formulate forward-looking policies to safeguard the development of AI
  4. Actively participate in international cooperation and promote the openness and sharing of AI

Remember, AI is not a zero-sum game. Only through openness and cooperation can humanity jointly address the challenges brought by AI and share the dividends of AI development.

Interactive Q&A: What do you think?

  1. Do you think the loss of OpenAI's API will have a big impact on China's AI development?
  2. In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of domestic large models compared with ChatGPT?
  3. If you were an AI entrepreneur, how would you respond to this situation?

Feel free to leave a message in the comment area and share your views!

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Understand in 90 seconds! Is Chinese AI really going to be trapped by a "wall"?
Understand in 90 seconds! Is Chinese AI really going to be trapped by a "wall"?
Understand in 90 seconds! Is Chinese AI really going to be trapped by a "wall"?

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