
"Zinc supplementation in summer, spleen and stomach"? Eat more of these 3 zinc-containing foods to have a healthy spleen and stomach and a good appetite

author:Dr. Liang popularized science
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"Summer is coming, zinc supplementation is the key to strengthening the spleen and stomach!" The doctor on the radio has a loud voice, as if he is offering free health advice to all those who are doing household chores. At this time, Aunt Li was holding a broom in one hand and a water cup in the other, taking a sip of herbal tea, looking up at the ceiling, and thinking, "Is this zinc supplement and spleen and stomach really so magical?" ”

"Zinc supplementation in summer, spleen and stomach"? Eat more of these 3 zinc-containing foods to have a healthy spleen and stomach and a good appetite

Aunt Li is a retired teacher, and her greatest joy every day is taking care of her small garden and listening to health programs on the radio. She is hungry for this health knowledge, especially when summer comes, and her poor appetite always bothers her. So, she decided to listen to the doctor's advice and see how she could improve her appetite through dietary conditioning.

The doctor on the radio continued: "Studies have shown that zinc plays a vital role in maintaining the function of the body's immune system, promoting cell division and metabolism, and has a direct impact on the health of our spleen and stomach. ”

Hearing this, Aunt Li stopped sweeping the floor, carefully recalled her usual diet, and seemed to pay little attention to the issue of zinc supplementation. The doctor went on to explain: "There are three kinds of zinc-rich foods that everyone can eat more in summer, which can not only supplement zinc, but also strengthen the spleen and stomach and enhance appetite. ”

"Zinc supplementation in summer, spleen and stomach"? Eat more of these 3 zinc-containing foods to have a healthy spleen and stomach and a good appetite

Aunt Li pricked up her ears and decided to write down the names and functions of these foods.

The first type of food is oysters. "Oysters are the treasure of the sea, rich in zinc and known as the 'milk of the sea'. Moderate consumption of oysters can not only supplement zinc, but also help the liver detoxify and promote protein synthesis. For those who lose their appetite due to the stress of work, oysters are a godsend. ”

Aunt Li thought to herself, it seems that she has to go to the market to buy some fresh oysters.

The second type of food is lean meat. The doctor continued: "Lean meat is rich in zinc, especially pork, beef, and chicken. Consuming a moderate amount of lean meat every day can not only replenish the zinc needed by the body, but also enhance immunity and prevent the invasion of diseases. ”

Aunt Li nodded, thinking that she usually eats a lot of meat, which is right.

"Zinc supplementation in summer, spleen and stomach"? Eat more of these 3 zinc-containing foods to have a healthy spleen and stomach and a good appetite

The third food is pumpkin seeds. "Pumpkin seeds are not only a delicious snack, they also contain a lot of zinc," the doctor says. Eating a small handful of pumpkin seeds every day can effectively increase the level of zinc in the body, which has a good effect on strengthening the spleen and stomach and improving the digestive system. ”

Aunt Li was completely attracted at this time, and thought: "These pumpkin seeds are delicious and nutritious, I must buy more when I go back." ”

The doctor on the radio also mentioned some specific patient cases.

For example, there is a middle-aged man named Mr. Wang who has a chronic poor appetite and often feels fatigued. After the advice of his doctor, he began to consciously increase his intake of zinc-containing foods, especially oysters and pumpkin seeds. After a few months, Mr. Wang's appetite has improved significantly, he looks refreshed and his work efficiency has improved significantly.

After hearing this, Aunt Li decided to act immediately. She changed her clothes and prepared to go to the market to buy these healthy ingredients. Coming to the market, Aunt Li was picking oysters while thinking about how to turn these delicious ingredients into a delicious meal for her family.

"Zinc supplementation in summer, spleen and stomach"? Eat more of these 3 zinc-containing foods to have a healthy spleen and stomach and a good appetite

Back home, Aunt Li couldn't wait to start preparing lunch. She took out fresh oysters, washed them, stir-fried them with minced garlic, and added a little green onion and ginger, which immediately overflowed with fragrance. Then, she stewed a pot of clear soup with lean meat, and specially fried a plate of pumpkin seeds to serve as a snack.

At lunch, Aunt Li's family ate with relish.

Son Xiao Li boasted: "Mom, today's food is very delicious, is there any special secret?" Aunt Li replied with a smile: "The secret is to supplement zinc to strengthen the spleen and stomach, a good method recommended by the doctor!" ”

A few days later, Aunt Li found that her appetite had really improved, and she felt sweet about everything she ate. She also shared this health knowledge with her neighbors, and everyone said that they would try this zinc supplementation diet.

However, the story doesn't end there. Aunt Li began to think about a question: why does zinc have such a significant effect on spleen and stomach health?

"Zinc supplementation in summer, spleen and stomach"? Eat more of these 3 zinc-containing foods to have a healthy spleen and stomach and a good appetite

In response to this question, the doctor further explained: "Zinc is involved in many important physiological processes in the human body, especially in the digestive system. First of all, zinc can promote the secretion of stomach acid, which helps in the digestion and absorption of food. Secondly, zinc has a protective effect on the intestinal mucosa, can promote the repair and regeneration of intestinal epithelial cells, and prevent the occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases. In addition, zinc is involved in the secretion of enzymes in the pancreas, which are essential for the digestion and breakdown of food. ”

The doctor also cited data from a study involving 3,000 participants that showed that zinc supplementation significantly improved gastrointestinal function, especially for those with chronic gastrointestinal problems, and significantly reduced symptoms and improved quality of life.

At the same time, the doctor also reminded everyone that although zinc supplementation has many benefits for spleen and stomach health, it should not be excessive. Adults should control their daily zinc intake to about 15 mg, as excessive zinc intake may cause gastrointestinal discomfort and even poisoning.

"Zinc supplementation in summer, spleen and stomach"? Eat more of these 3 zinc-containing foods to have a healthy spleen and stomach and a good appetite

Therefore, when supplementing zinc, it is necessary to mix the diet reasonably and avoid excessive intake of single foods.

After listening to these explanations, Aunt Li felt suddenly enlightened. She not only learned the importance of zinc supplementation for spleen and stomach health, but also learned how to arrange her diet reasonably to ensure nutrition without overdoing it.

In conclusion, supplementing zinc with food in summer can indeed play a good role in spleen and stomach health.

By consuming zinc-rich foods such as oysters, lean meats, and pumpkin seeds, it not only increases appetite and strengthens immunity, but also prevents many gastrointestinal diseases.

So, the last question is: if someone is allergic to seafood or doesn't like to eat meat, how can they supplement zinc through their diet?

Doctors recommend that zinc can be supplemented with the following foods:

"Zinc supplementation in summer, spleen and stomach"? Eat more of these 3 zinc-containing foods to have a healthy spleen and stomach and a good appetite
  1. Nuts: such as almonds, cashews, walnuts, etc., are good sources of zinc.
  2. Legumes: such as chickpeas, black beans, soybeans, etc., which are rich in zinc and protein.
  3. Dairy products: such as milk, yogurt, cheese, etc., can supplement both calcium and zinc.
  4. Whole grains, such as whole-wheat bread, oatmeal, brown rice, etc., not only contain zinc, but also rich in dietary fiber, which helps digestion.

Through these diverse foods, people with allergies or vegetarians can also effectively supplement zinc to maintain a healthy spleen and stomach and a good appetite.

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[1] Dong Guoli. Correlation between Trace Elements Iron, Zinc, Iodine, Selenium and Fluoride and Human Health, Chinese Contemporary Medicine, 2013-02-28

"Zinc supplementation in summer, spleen and stomach"? Eat more of these 3 zinc-containing foods to have a healthy spleen and stomach and a good appetite

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