
The girl shouted to go to the place where the motherland needed it, and was criticized for hypocrisy because of her application to go to the United States, which is not the case

author:Social attention 007

Every graduation season, we can always see many students saying passionate vows and having firm beliefs, which makes people believe that they are full of confidence in the future, and their ideals are like bright stars, illuminating the way forward in life.

Recently, a female student at Zhejiang University shouted at the graduation ceremony that she "wants to go to the place where the motherland needs it most", but she was a little confused about her next plan, and the matter also sparked widespread discussion and controversy on social media.

The girl shouted to go to the place where the motherland needed it, and was criticized for hypocrisy because of her application to go to the United States, which is not the case

At the graduation ceremony of Zhejiang University, the speech of female student Yang Jinwen was impressive. "I hope that we will still be tenacious idealists, shining in the land of China that I love, where the motherland needs it most." She stood on the stage, her eyes flashed with longing and determination for the future, and her voice was sonorous and powerful, like the sound of gold and stone, stirring in the hearts of every listener.

Her words were full of love for the motherland and the pursuit of ideals, and she called on the students to bravely go to the places where the motherland is most needed, and use their knowledge and ability to build the motherland and serve the people. Her speech won warm applause and applause from the teachers and students present, and also aroused people's expectations and attention to the younger generation.

The girl shouted to go to the place where the motherland needed it, and was criticized for hypocrisy because of her application to go to the United States, which is not the case

Just when people were still reminiscing about Yang Jinwen's words, she then said that she began to apply to study in the United States in her sophomore year to study law.

After the video of Yang Jinwen's speech was uploaded to the Internet, it aroused heated discussions and questions among netizens. Some people think that Yang Jinwen's words and deeds are inconsistent, and her speech is just empty talk and slogans, and there is no actual action to support it; Some people believe that Yang Jinwen's choice is personal freedom and her decision should be respected; Others believe that this incident reflects the contradictions and confusion of the current young generation in the pursuit of personal interests and self-fulfillment.

The girl shouted to go to the place where the motherland needed it, and was criticized for hypocrisy because of her application to go to the United States, which is not the case
The girl shouted to go to the place where the motherland needed it, and was criticized for hypocrisy because of her application to go to the United States, which is not the case

But is it really that simple? In fact, Yang Jinwen is an undergraduate student majoring in translation at the School of Foreign Chinese Languages of Zhejiang University, and an excellent student with a double degree in translation + law. In the second semester of her sophomore year, she bravely applied for an overseas Juris Doctor across disciplines, and she did not back down in the face of unprecedented challenges and a very small probability of success. From this point of view, she is undoubtedly a person of courage and pursuit.

Some people say that she gave up her qualification for research at Zhejiang University and applied for graduate school at Columbia University in the United States, which is a departure from her promise. But does studying abroad necessarily mean not being patriotic? In her speech, Yang Jinwen publicly emphasized that to make China's voice heard on the world stage of the rule of law, studying law abroad is part of her action plan. Isn't this a broader vision and a higher pursuit?

The girl shouted to go to the place where the motherland needed it, and was criticized for hypocrisy because of her application to go to the United States, which is not the case

Yang Jinwen's speech is not empty talk and slogans, but the real voice and pursuit in her heart. She loves her homeland and is eager to contribute to its prosperity and development. However, in the process of pursuing personal ideals and realizing self-worth, she may face various choices and dilemmas. Applying to study in the U.S. was a decision she made in order to better realize her academic pursuits and career development, and although this decision contradicted the content of her speech, it could not simply be attributed to inconsistency between words and deeds.

Second, the contradictions and confusions of the younger generation in the pursuit of personal interests and the realization of self-worth are widespread. In today's society, with the development of the economy and the acceleration of globalization, people are faced with more and more choices and opportunities. However, these options and opportunities often come with challenges and risks.

The girl shouted to go to the place where the motherland needed it, and was criticized for hypocrisy because of her application to go to the United States, which is not the case

For the younger generation, they need to take into account the needs and responsibilities of society while pursuing their personal ideals and realizing their self-worth. How to find a balance between the two has become an urgent problem to be solved.

Everyone has their own pursuits and choices, and we should respect everyone's decisions and rights. At the same time, we need to recognize the complexity and diversity behind social phenomena and not easily simplify or label them.

Perhaps Yang Jinwen's choice has deep considerations that we have not yet understood, or maybe she really has a heart to serve the country, hoping to return from studying abroad and contribute more to the cause of the rule of law in the motherland.