
On the eve of the college entrance examination, his father was seriously ill and died, and the boy cremated his body in tears and rushed to the examination room, what was the result

author:Twilight Chronicles

He lost his mother when he was young, and his brother died one after another, and he depended on his father since he was a child.

However, in June 2021, the night before the college entrance examination, Chen Liang, who was only 19 years old, lost his only relative.

With tears in his eyes, he pushed his father's body into the crematorium, and then he ran to the examination room with grief.

What was his final result in such a situation? How is his life now?

On the eve of the college entrance examination, his father was seriously ill and died, and the boy cremated his body in tears and rushed to the examination room, what was the result

Miserable life

Chen Liang was born in an ordinary family in Xiushui Town, Anzhou District, Mianyang City, Sichuan Province.

His yard was full of fruit trees and his mother's favorite peony flowers, and in the spring, the yard was filled with birds and flowers.

On the eve of the college entrance examination, his father was seriously ill and died, and the boy cremated his body in tears and rushed to the examination room, what was the result

The originally simple yard suddenly became vibrant, but such a warm and happy family scene only lasted for about a year.

When Chen Liang was 1 year old, his mother had a heart attack and passed away permanently before he could be sent to the hospital.

On the eve of the college entrance examination, his father was seriously ill and died, and the boy cremated his body in tears and rushed to the examination room, what was the result

However, the young Chen Liang could not experience the pain of life and death, but his father was hit hard because of it.

Because of this, his father became silent, and Chen Liang, who was sensible since childhood, helped his father to work in the fields and take care of the housework.

On the eve of the college entrance examination, his father was seriously ill and died, and the boy cremated his body in tears and rushed to the examination room, what was the result

Every day when my brother comes back from school, he will also help his father with farm work, and the two brothers are very well-behaved and sensible.

The father and son gradually got used to life without their mother, but at this time, the elder brother was diagnosed with congenital leukemia, and without a suitable bone marrow transplant, he had only three months to go.

On the eve of the college entrance examination, his father was seriously ill and died, and the boy cremated his body in tears and rushed to the examination room, what was the result

This terrible news broke his father's heart again, but he planned to hide it from Chen Liang for the time being.

He began to do the farm work at home non-stop, and went to the town to work at night, which lasted for more than a month, and earned more than 4,000 yuan.

On the eve of the college entrance examination, his father was seriously ill and died, and the boy cremated his body in tears and rushed to the examination room, what was the result

There is still more than 36,000 short of the cost of his son's surgery, which makes the father feel desperate.

He begged to borrow money from his neighbors, and in this way, he scraped together another 15,000 yuan, which was still 10,000 yuan short of his son's surgery fee, and the helpless Chen's father sat at the entrance of the village and cried.

On the eve of the college entrance examination, his father was seriously ill and died, and the boy cremated his body in tears and rushed to the examination room, what was the result

Suddenly, he saw the charity donation activity posted on the wall, so he immediately dialed the phone, and finally got his son's surgery fee together.

He rushed to the hospital and paid for his son's operation, and he stayed by his bedside all night.

However, fate turned out to be so cruel that the doctor told him that no suitable bone marrow had been found at present, and that as his brother's condition deteriorated, it was likely that he would die soon.

On the eve of the college entrance examination, his father was seriously ill and died, and the boy cremated his body in tears and rushed to the examination room, what was the result

In this way, Chen Liang lost another relative, and his father became gray overnight, and he often hid in his room alone and smoked.

Seeing his father's gray hair and exhausted appearance, Chen Liang's heart ached, and at this moment he swore in his heart that he would study hard and repay his father's nurturing kindness.

On the eve of the college entrance examination, his father was seriously ill and died, and the boy cremated his body in tears and rushed to the examination room, what was the result

Since then, Chen Liang has been immersed in hard reading every day, and even when he is doing farm work in the field, he is still revisiting what he has learned today.

In this way, his grades were always at the top of his class, and he did not forget his original intention.

On the eve of the college entrance examination, his father was seriously ill and died, and the boy cremated his body in tears and rushed to the examination room, what was the result

Allowing his father to live a happy life is the motivation for him to learn.

Soon Chen Liang came to the third year of high school and was about to face the college entrance examination, he had waited for this day for too long, and he wanted his father to live a good life too much.

On the eve of the college entrance examination, my father was in danger

But no one expected that at this moment, God gave Chen Liang a big test, and in March 2021, his father went to the hospital for examination and was diagnosed with esophageal cancer.

Because my father has been reluctant to go to the hospital, it was already in the advanced stage when the test results came out.

On the eve of the college entrance examination, his father was seriously ill and died, and the boy cremated his body in tears and rushed to the examination room, what was the result

This result was very painful for both father and son, and no one thought that fate would treat a child as cruel as he was only nineteen years old.

Over the years, Chen Liang's father has worked hard to raise him, he has been reluctant to eat and wear, and he has exhausted his body from overwork every day.

On the eve of the college entrance examination, his father was seriously ill and died, and the boy cremated his body in tears and rushed to the examination room, what was the result

After the people in the village found out, they also deeply regretted that Chen Liang was well-behaved and sensible since he was a child, and his academic performance has always been very good, and he will definitely be able to honor his father when he grows up.

But this tragic news came like this, and no one could stop it, Chen Liang would accompany his father's hospital bed every day when he came back from school, and he stayed all night.

On the eve of the college entrance examination, his father was seriously ill and died, and the boy cremated his body in tears and rushed to the examination room, what was the result

In order not to delay the college entrance examination, he often tutored in the hospital corridor, and even the doctors passing by were sad.

In this way, Chen Liang did not give up his dream of taking the college entrance examination, because he knew that his father had high hopes for him.

However, fate was so cruel, the night before the college entrance examination, Chen Liang's father's condition suddenly deteriorated, and he left permanently after he told Chen Liang to take the college entrance examination well.

On the eve of the college entrance examination, his father was seriously ill and died, and the boy cremated his body in tears and rushed to the examination room, what was the result

Chen Liang lost his last loved one, which means that at the age of 19, he will have to face a long life ahead alone.

In the hours before the college entrance examination, Chen Liang was faced with the most difficult choice in his life. His heart was full of pain and struggle, but he knew that he had to be strong in the face of it.

On the eve of the college entrance examination, his father was seriously ill and died, and the boy cremated his body in tears and rushed to the examination room, what was the result

He got up early, put on neat clothes, sorted out his mood, and prepared to go to the crematorium.

He knew that this was his last farewell to his father, and he wanted to send his father on his last journey with the deepest respect and love.

He came to the crematorium, looked at his father's peaceful face, and his heart swelled with endless thoughts and gratitude.

On the eve of the college entrance examination, his father was seriously ill and died, and the boy cremated his body in tears and rushed to the examination room, what was the result

He prayed silently, hoping that his father would rest in peace, and that he would repay his father's nurturing grace with his actions.

The cremation process was short-lived, but for Chen Liang, it seemed like a century-long process.

On the eve of the college entrance examination, his father was seriously ill and died, and the boy cremated his body in tears and rushed to the examination room, what was the result

He watched as the flames consumed his father's body, and his heart was filled with endless sorrow and pain.

He knew that this was the last time he would see his father, and he would do his best to keep this memory in his heart forever.

On the eve of the college entrance examination, his father was seriously ill and died, and the boy cremated his body in tears and rushed to the examination room, what was the result

When the cremation was over, Chen Liang silently left the crematorium.

He took the ashes left by his father and set out on the road to the examination room.

He knew that this was the most important exam of his life, and he could not let his father down.

He sat in the examination room, his heart was full of firmness and faith, and he used his pen to write his future.

On the eve of the college entrance examination, his father was seriously ill and died, and the boy cremated his body in tears and rushed to the examination room, what was the result

He thinks very seriously about every question, and he cherishes every minute and every second.

When the bell rang for the end of the exam, Chen Liang's heart was full of relief.

He knew that no matter what the outcome, he had done his best. With his actions, he explained what it means to be brave and persistent.

On the eve of the college entrance examination, his father was seriously ill and died, and the boy cremated his body in tears and rushed to the examination room, what was the result

Announcement of college entrance examination results

On June 22, 2021, the time for the results to be announced finally arrived.

Chen Liang took a deep breath, entered his admission ticket number, and clicked the query button.

His heart raced and he nervously waited for the results on the screen.

After a few seconds, a line of words appeared on the screen: "Your total score is 433 points." Chen Liang looked at this number with mixed feelings in his heart.

On the eve of the college entrance examination, his father was seriously ill and died, and the boy cremated his body in tears and rushed to the examination room, what was the result

He knew that this result was not ideal, and it was far from the score he expected.

However, Chen Liang was not depressed for long. He understands that achievement is only a small part of life, and it cannot determine his future.

On the eve of the college entrance examination, his father was seriously ill and died, and the boy cremated his body in tears and rushed to the examination room, what was the result

He remembered his father's teachings to move forward no matter what difficulties he encountered.

He told himself that this achievement did not represent his whole story, and that he had infinite possibilities.

So he decided that no matter what his grades were, he would stick to his dream and continue to work hard.

Social Assistance

Chen Liang's story quickly spread on social media, and all walks of life expressed their concern and support for Chen Liang.

Some companies have offered him scholarships to help him complete his studies.

On the eve of the college entrance examination, his father was seriously ill and died, and the boy cremated his body in tears and rushed to the examination room, what was the result

He was contacted by a volunteer organization to provide psychological and life support. There were also some enthusiastic people who spontaneously organized themselves and raised a donation for him.

In the face of love from all walks of life, Chen Liang felt the warmth of a long absence.

He is well aware that these are the results of his strength and self-reliance, and they are also the recognition of his efforts by society.

On the eve of the college entrance examination, his father was seriously ill and died, and the boy cremated his body in tears and rushed to the examination room, what was the result

Therefore, he is determined to work harder to live up to everyone's expectations of him.

Chen Liang began to actively participate in various social activities, using his experience to inspire more people who are facing difficulties like him.

He has attended a number of public lectures to share his stories and encourage those who are experiencing setbacks.

On the eve of the college entrance examination, his father was seriously ill and died, and the boy cremated his body in tears and rushed to the examination room, what was the result

At the same time, Chen Liang did not forget his studies, and he used his spare time to participate in some training courses to improve his skills.

He has also joined some academic teams and actively participated in scientific research projects, and his efforts have been recognized by teachers and classmates, and have won him more opportunities.

On the eve of the college entrance examination, his father was seriously ill and died, and the boy cremated his body in tears and rushed to the examination room, what was the result


Chen Liang used his personal experience to convey to us that even in the most difficult moments, through perseverance and hard work, people can overcome difficulties and achieve their goals.

His story is an inspiration to face life's unknown challenges in the face of hardship.


[1] Guangming.com2021-07-10——The whole network is distressed! The day before the college entrance examination, his father, who was dependent on him, died, and he worked 14 hours a day to earn tuition

[2] Red Star News 2021-08-26 - "The only relative died the day before the college entrance examination", the male student was admitted to Sichuan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and he had no part-time job and was ready to start school

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