
The female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse: children can't live without their mothers

author:Twilight Chronicles
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After 30 years of hard study, a female doctor in Shanghai finally obtained a doctorate, and taught at a university in Shanghai, with a monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan, a harmonious family, a husband and a daughter, and a home in Shanghai.

However, fate is always unfair.

In 2017, she was diagnosed with advanced triple-negative breast cancer, and the 5-year survival rate was no more than 11%.

In order to treat the disease, the family's savings were almost exhausted, but in the end, they still failed to exchange their lives.

During this period, her husband has been with her and has been with her through difficult times, and many people have been touched by their love.

But unexpectedly, just a year after his wife's death, he posted a Weibo, claiming that he had found true love, which caused many netizens to question......

The female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse: children can't live without their mothers
The sources of information in this article have been repeated at the end of the article, and in order to improve the readability of the article, the details may be polished, and are for reference only

A female doctor with cancer

Yan Hongwei is a top student of Nanjing University of Science and Technology, and Wu Zaibin is one year younger than Yan Hongwei.

The gears of fate turn quietly at a college sorority party.

Yan Hongwei was invited to participate as a senior sister, who would have thought that this decision would completely change the trajectory of her life.

The female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse: children can't live without their mothers
The female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse: children can't live without their mothers

At the party, Wu Zaibin was attracted by Yan Hong's slightly quiet temperament and took the initiative to get to know her.

After chatting, the two found that they both have a love for academics and plans for the future.

Later, the two slowly walked together and became a campus couple.

After graduating from college, their lives temporarily went in different directions.

The female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse: children can't live without their mothers

Wu Zaibin was hired by TSMC with excellent grades and began his professional career.

Yan Hongwei chose to continue his studies and study for a doctorate.

In 2011, Yan Hongwei finally got the coveted doctorate, and her excellent performance won her a teaching position at Shanghai University of Engineering Science with a monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan, which was a high-paying job that many people envied at that time.

The female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse: children can't live without their mothers

After their careers stabilized, the two decided to enter the marriage hall and buy a house in Shanghai to settle down.

Soon after they got married, they welcomed the little angel in their lives - daughter Wu Siyan.

The arrival of Xiao Siyan filled the family with laughter.

However, fate always likes to joke.

The female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse: children can't live without their mothers

Just when Yan Hongwei thought he had a perfect life, bad news suddenly came.

During a routine check-up in 2017, doctors frowned and told her that she had been diagnosed with advanced triple-negative breast cancer.

The female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse: children can't live without their mothers

This news was like a thunderbolt from the blue, instantly shattering the beautiful life that Yan Hongwei had carefully constructed.

Faced with the sudden blow, Yan Hongwei fell into deep despair at first.

The female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse: children can't live without their mothers

Because the probability of surviving this disease within 5 years is only 11%, Yan Hongwei cannot guarantee that he will be able to live another 5 years.

She couldn't accept the fact that she might not be able to watch her daughter grow up.

However, with the encouragement and support of Oh, she decided to face the challenge bravely.

But the condition was too serious, and Yan Hongwei's condition did not improve.

The female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse: children can't live without their mothers

Surgery and chemotherapy didn't make her lesions better, and the cancer kept spreading.

So Yan Hongwei and Wu Zaibin began to set their sights abroad.

After many inquiries, they learned that MD Anderson Cancer Center in the United States has a world-leading level in cancer treatment.

Holding on to the last glimmer of hope, Yan Hongwei and Wu Zaibin gave everything they had, scraped together about 20,000 US dollars, and embarked on a journey to the United States for treatment.

The female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse: children can't live without their mothers

MD Anderson Cancer Center is expensive and has a fixed number of patients per day.

The couple spent about 200,000 yuan in the United States and finally got the inspection report.

However, unexpectedly, the diagnosis of American doctors and the opinions of domestic experts diverged greatly.

The female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse: children can't live without their mothers

American doctors believe that Yan Hongwei's condition is not so serious, and there is a possibility of cure.

This news surprised and confused Yan Hongwei and Wu Zaibin.

They don't know who to believe, is it the unanimous opinion of multiple experts in the country, or the diagnosis of a top cancer center in the United States?

The female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse: children can't live without their mothers

Can 200,000 in the United States be exchanged for a glimmer of life?

With questions and hopes, Yan Hongwei returned to China.

She once again found a domestic expert for consultation, hoping to get a definite answer.

The female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse: children can't live without their mothers

However, domestic experts, after carefully studying the diagnostic reports in the United States, still adhere to their original judgment.

They explained that the diagnosis in the United States may have been due to a misjudgment due to the randomness of the sampling.

This result put Yan Hongwei and Wu Zaibin in a dilemma.

The female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse: children can't live without their mothers

They are not willing to give up the hopes given by American doctors, nor do they dare to completely ignore the warnings of domestic experts.

After careful consideration, they decided to take a compromise plan: continue to receive treatment at home, but at the same time try the drugs recommended by American doctors.

However, fate doesn't seem to favor the struggling couple.

The female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse: children can't live without their mothers

Although they tried everything they had and bought expensive special drugs, Yan Hongwei's condition did not improve as expected.

On the contrary, the cancer cells spread wildly, and the results of each follow-up test were terrifying.

Looking at his increasingly thin self in the mirror, Yan Hongwei's heart was full of complicated emotions.

The female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse: children can't live without their mothers

Her long, black and shiny hair had fallen out from chemotherapy and had been replaced with a wig.

The once fair skin has also become sallow, and the light in the eyes has gradually dimmed.

But every time she sees her daughter's innocent smile, she rekindles her fighting spirit.

Wu Zaibin saw it in his eyes, he quit his job and took care of his wife wholeheartedly.

The female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse: children can't live without their mothers

However, these special drugs did not make her condition better as Yan Hongwei thought.

In the end, Yan Hongwei chose to go home to spend his last days.

In fact, since the treatment of the disease for more than a year, Yan Hongwei can be regarded as strong, after all, she has been very strong and hard working since she was a child.

The female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse: children can't live without their mothers

The husband started a new relationship, causing controversy

Yan Hongwei was born in an ordinary family in Jinzhong, Shanxi Province in 1984, her character is capable and neat, and this decisiveness and perseverance played an important role in her later life.

Although Yan Hongwei's parents are ordinary workers, they are well aware of the importance of education and have done their best to support their daughter's learning since she was a child.

In high school, Yan Hongwei's diligence and intelligence paid off.

The female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse: children can't live without their mothers

She was admitted to Nanjing University of Science and Technology with excellent results, and many people were envious.

University life is a whole new world for Yan Hongwei.

She quickly adapted to her new environment, not only excelling in her studies, but also actively participating in various club activities.

The female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse: children can't live without their mothers

It was during a performance that she met Oh Jae-bin, who would later become her husband.

Without her husband and daughter by her side, she might not have been able to make it through.

In 2019, Yan Hong quietly left this world.

The female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse: children can't live without their mothers

Wu Zaibin knew that from now on, he would have to face the world alone and raise their daughter alone.

The pain of losing his wife almost crushed Oh, but the presence of his daughter gave him the motivation to continue living.

He struggled to adjust his working hours and spend as much time as possible with his daughter.

Slowly, Oh began to readjust to life without his wife.

However, less than a year later, he was scolded on the hot search because of one thing.

The female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse: children can't live without their mothers
The female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse: children can't live without their mothers

A year after Yan Hongwei's death, in 2020, Wu Zaibin met a woman who made him feel excited. She is a nurse who has supported Wuhan during the pandemic.

The two understand each other because of their common life experiences, and gradually develop feelings.

Wu Zaibin thought that he could finally start a new life, but he didn't expect this relationship to cause huge controversy as soon as it was made public.

The female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse: children can't live without their mothers

Many people accused him of forgetting his promise to his wife, and some even questioned whether he really loved Yan Hongwei.

Faced with the flood of criticism, Wu Zaibin felt helpless.

But in the end, this relationship died, and the two failed to achieve positive results.

The female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse: children can't live without their mothers

Later, he decided to devote all his energy to work and raising his daughter, and now Wu Zaibin's daily life revolves around work and his daughter.

He worked hard to create better living conditions for his daughter.

Despite the difficulties of life, Wu Zaibin has always maintained a positive and optimistic attitude.

The female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse: children can't live without their mothers

And Yan Hongwei's daughter later knew that her mother had passed away, but she may be too young to know the specific meaning behind it, but she just said that she could go to her mother if she became an angel in the future.

Life is like a thick book, with laughter, tears, ups and downs.

The story of Yan Hongwei and Wu Zaibin is not only a story about love and life, but also a story about courage and perseverance.

It tells us that even in the face of life's toughest challenges, we must be brave enough to move on, because life is beautiful after all.


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