
Really like the little details of a person, have you noticed?

author:Good wishes to you

When one person is genuinely in love with another, those small details will bloom inadvertently like spring flowers. Perhaps, you are not aware of it, but they have quietly taken root in your heart.

You start noticing his favorite colors, favorite food, favorite music, and even favorite movies. When you are shopping, you will unconsciously walk into the store of his favorite brand and think to yourself: will he like this style? When you listen to a song, you will unconsciously click on the playlist of his favorite singer and think: which song is he listening to now?

Really like the little details of a person, have you noticed?

You start following his circle of friends, his Weibo, his Douyin, and even his gaming account. When he posts a message, you will like and comment as soon as possible, thinking: Will he notice me? You'll silently follow his record while he's playing, thinking: What is he playing now?

You start to care about his emotions, his preferences, his habits, and even his small movements. When he is happy, you will laugh with him, thinking to yourself: he is so cute; When he is sad, you will cry with him, thinking to yourself: Why is he so distressed?

Really like the little details of a person, have you noticed?

You start imitating him, his tone, his expression, and even his mantra. When you talk to a friend, you unconsciously imitate his tone and think to yourself: Does he think I'm a bit like him? When you take a selfie, you unconsciously imitate his expression, thinking to yourself: Does he think I look a little like him?

You begin to look forward to every encounter, every conversation, and even every eye contact with him. When you see him, your heart beats faster, your face flushes, and you think: Will he like me too? You'll be so nervous that your palms will sweat and you will be incoherent when you talk to him, and you will think to yourself: Will he think I'm stupid?

Really like the little details of a person, have you noticed?

These small details may seem insignificant to you, but in his opinion, they are evidence that you really like him. Because, only if you really like someone, you will pay attention to his bits and pieces, look forward to every encounter with him, be happy for his words, and be disappointed for his neglect.

So, when you notice these little details, you might as well be brave and tell him what you mean. Because, love requires courage, and those small details are the source of your courage.