
Sky News: Macron misjudged the early election, the bet fell through, and Le Pen became the biggest winner

author:Jingcheng Xiao Chen

According to Adam Parsons, senior correspondent for Sky News' European edition, France is now like a turbulent ocean, with undercurrents surging and heralding the great changes that are coming. He portrayed a turbulent era in which Marine Le Pen, the leader of France's far right, was like a captain who broke the waves, leading her party to victory.

Sky News: Macron misjudged the early election, the bet fell through, and Le Pen became the biggest winner

Le Pen, the indispensable female fighter on the French political scene for a quarter of a century, has not only challenged the presidency, but also reinvented her own party with her own hands, even pulling far-right views from the fringes to the mainstream. Now, she was standing at the door of true power, closer than ever.

Polls are like beacons on the sea, heralding impending storms. They are pointing to Le Pen's national rally as the biggest winner in the upcoming parliamentary elections. Syriza is likely to be second, with President Emmanuel Macron's centrist party in third place.

Sky News: Macron misjudged the early election, the bet fell through, and Le Pen became the biggest winner

If, given the complexity of local voting, which is indeed a bold assumption, the national rally wins a majority in parliament, the political landscape in France will be upside down. At that time, Le Pen's protégé, 28-year-old Jordan Bhadra, will ascend to the prime minister's throne without any suspense, and Le Pen herself will also have the opportunity to attack the presidency again. She is undoubtedly the favourite in this potential race.

Sky News: Macron misjudged the early election, the bet fell through, and Le Pen became the biggest winner

In Parsons' view, all this is a sign that Macron's bet on the dissolution of parliament and early elections has been lost. The president had hoped to take this opportunity to "wake up from the dream" of the country and away from populist forces, including national rallies, however, reality gave him a resounding slap in the face.

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