
Lang Ping can't regret it? Cai Bin officially announced his promotion, expelled 3 people, pressured Zhu Ting, and announced the Olympic list

author:Yun Yu is not surnamed Wen

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In the middle of this month, the women's volleyball league came to a successful conclusion, and although the Chinese team stumbled under the leadership of Cai Bin, the result was good, winning the Turkish women's volleyball team, which is ranked very high in the world, and won the ticket to the Paris Olympics in one fell swoop.

Although such an achievement is not dazzling enough, it is enough to maintain Cai Bin's current leadership position in the women's volleyball team, and Coach Lang Ping, who has a high voice, will not be able to lead the team to the Paris Olympics.

Lang Ping can't regret it? Cai Bin officially announced his promotion, expelled 3 people, pressured Zhu Ting, and announced the Olympic list

Lang Ping "Difficult to Peace"

At the last Tokyo Olympics, the Chinese women's volleyball team, which had high hopes, suffered a tragic Waterloo, not only missed the top three, failed to win a medal, but also fell directly to the 9th place.

This record can only be described as bad, it can be said that it is the most difficult time since Lang Ping coached the women's volleyball team, and Lang Ping even chose to withdraw from the Chinese women's volleyball national team.

But this incident has always been a scar in Lang Ping's heart, and if he wants to heal it completely, the only way is to be ashamed.

Lang Ping can't regret it? Cai Bin officially announced his promotion, expelled 3 people, pressured Zhu Ting, and announced the Olympic list

Therefore, when Cai Bin commanded at will, resulting in a decline in the performance of the women's volleyball team, fans shouted "let him go to class" over and over again, and Lang Ping's off-court support rate greatly increased.

In this Paris Olympics, fans seem to have greater confidence in Lang Ping leading the team to coach, if Lang Ping can lead the team, then there will be a chance to turn over.

But unfortunately, Cai Bin also worked hard to hand in a seemingly good answer sheet and successfully sent the Chinese women's volleyball team to the Paris Olympics.

Lang Ping can't regret it? Cai Bin officially announced his promotion, expelled 3 people, pressured Zhu Ting, and announced the Olympic list

This achievement completely allowed him to gain a firm foothold in the Chinese women's volleyball team, and Cai Bin was absolutely recognized by the Chinese Volleyball Association.

When Lang Ping withdrew, Cai Bin took over the women's volleyball team when it was the most difficult and at the lowest point, and in the next three years, it was Cai Bin who was selecting talents for the women's volleyball team and cultivating the main force, so that today's results were achieved.

The pressure on Cai Bin is very great, and now that the women's volleyball team has stepped into the Olympics again, it has the opportunity to create brilliance again, and there is hope to return to the top, all thanks to Cai Bin.

Lang Ping can't regret it? Cai Bin officially announced his promotion, expelled 3 people, pressured Zhu Ting, and announced the Olympic list

So no matter how loud the outside world is, it is impossible for Lang Ping to replace Cai Bin, and there is no hope for him to come back, so Cai Bin can only continue to lead the women's volleyball team.

This is indeed the case, and he will go to the Paris Olympics next month, Cai Bin is personally responsible for selecting the participating team members, and he also "expelled" three team members, who are on the list of participants?

Lang Ping can't regret it? Cai Bin officially announced his promotion, expelled 3 people, pressured Zhu Ting, and announced the Olympic list

Paris Olympics

The Paris Olympics is an opportunity for the Chinese women's volleyball team to be ashamed, and it is also an opportunity for Cai Bin to once again prove his ability to lead the team and employ people.

It is understood that even the Chinese Volleyball Association did not intervene and handed it over to Cai Bin, which shows how much the Volleyball Association recognizes and trusts Coach Cai Bin.

And Cai Bin also made what is considered to be the smartest decision ever, announcing that Wang Yunrui, Yang Hanyu and Xu Xiaoting have left the team.

Lang Ping can't regret it? Cai Bin officially announced his promotion, expelled 3 people, pressured Zhu Ting, and announced the Olympic list

Before Zhu Ting didn't come back, Wang Yunrui was the main attack of the women's volleyball team, but now with Zhu Ting and Zhang Changning, Wang Yunrui is a little redundant, and there is no place for her in the women's volleyball team, so her departure fans understand.

The other two Yang Hanyu and Xu Xiaoting, these two have been favored before, but they did not prove themselves with good results in the midst of expectations, and many fans feel that they are not suitable to stay in the national team.

There are even people who say that they are not up to the standard to enter the national team, so they should not stay any longer, and it is the right decision to let them go.

Lang Ping can't regret it? Cai Bin officially announced his promotion, expelled 3 people, pressured Zhu Ting, and announced the Olympic list

After the women's ranking list for the Olympic Games was officially announced today, looking at the selected people, many fans sighed that this was the most correct decision Cai Bin made, and hoped that he would continue to maintain this sober understanding in employing people.

The women's volleyball team has not been easy all the way in three years, and Zhu Ting's return has given the women's volleyball team a lot of confidence in the Olympics.

She and Lang Ping left before and after, and there were many rumors in the market, saying that there was a disagreement between Zhu Ting and Cai Bin, so she left.

Lang Ping can't regret it? Cai Bin officially announced his promotion, expelled 3 people, pressured Zhu Ting, and announced the Olympic list

Now that she has returned to the team to fight for the country, fans are also worried about whether there will be any unpleasantness between her and Cai Bin, but at present, there is no negative news about the two, and fans are more relieved.

Zhu Ting also said in an interview that she must do her best for the Chinese women's volleyball team, and fans are also very optimistic about Zhu Ting.

Lang Ping can't regret it? Cai Bin officially announced his promotion, expelled 3 people, pressured Zhu Ting, and announced the Olympic list

But on June 27, it was reported that Zhu Ting signed a contract with the Italian club Conegliano and will continue to fight abroad next season, which means that she may have to leave the national team again after participating in the Olympic Games.

Why did Zhu Ting make such a choice? Is it bad to stay in the national team?

Lang Ping can't regret it? Cai Bin officially announced his promotion, expelled 3 people, pressured Zhu Ting, and announced the Olympic list

Zhu Ting left

Zhu Ting has always been regarded as the "soul of the team" of the women's volleyball team, but after Lang Ping left, she also chose to leave the team to treat a wrist injury, and has been playing abroad since then.

It wasn't until April this year that Zhu Ting returned to the team to participate in the game and training, and fans complained about it, blaming her for coming back earlier.

Zhu Ting doesn't care about these words, but concentrates on fighting for the women's volleyball team, Cai Bin hopes that Zhu Ting will support him, only if Zhu Ting respects him and supports his work wholeheartedly, he can stabilize the morale of the women's volleyball team.

Lang Ping can't regret it? Cai Bin officially announced his promotion, expelled 3 people, pressured Zhu Ting, and announced the Olympic list

And Cai Bin can only reuse Zhu Ting's trump card that the Chinese women's volleyball team can hope to compete with other national teams in the Olympic Games.

thought that Zhu Ting would not leave again when she came back, but who would have thought that the Italian Conegliano club would suddenly announce that it had signed a contract with Zhu Ting.

The Italian club is very optimistic about Zhu Ting's volleyball talent, although Zhu Ting is 29 years old, but her sports career has a brilliant record, and she is still a strong player in the volleyball field.

Lang Ping can't regret it? Cai Bin officially announced his promotion, expelled 3 people, pressured Zhu Ting, and announced the Olympic list

This means that after Zhu Ting participates in the Olympic Games, she will go abroad to compete again, and many people can't understand such a choice.

Zhu Ting's going international is actually beneficial, which can open up the popularity of Chinese women's volleyball players in the world and allow Chinese women's volleyball players to have a broader career choice, but at the same time, it also makes the outstanding talents of the Chinese women's volleyball team lose.

Lang Ping can't regret it? Cai Bin officially announced his promotion, expelled 3 people, pressured Zhu Ting, and announced the Olympic list

But no matter where Zhu Ting goes, fans who like her will sincerely wish her and hope that she will create more excellent results.

On the 29th of next month, the Chinese women's volleyball team will play against the United States at the Paris Olympics, followed by France and Serbia.


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