
Tomatoes are the "murderers" of kidney failure? Reminder: The kidneys are already bad, try to eat as little as possible of these 3 dishes

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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Li Yongqing watered in his small vegetable garden in the countryside, and the kettle in his hand spilled strings of silver droplets, and the sun peeked out of the clouds, gilding the scene. It was on this crisp morning that he overheard villagers passing by talking about his favorite tomatoes.

Tomatoes are the "murderers" of kidney failure? Reminder: The kidneys are already bad, try to eat as little as possible of these 3 dishes

"Did you hear that? Tomatoes are the 'murderer' of kidney failure! A high-pitched voice came and caught Li Yongqing's attention.

He was both surprised and puzzled, because for him, tomatoes were not only treasures in the vegetable garden, but also frequent guests at every meal. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel an impulse in his heart, and decided to go to the hospital to find Dr. Wang in person to ask the truth.

Arriving at the town's hospital, Li Yongqing went straight to Dr. Wang's office. Dr. Wong is an experienced nephrologist who is well versed in a wide range of kidney problems.

Tomatoes are the "murderers" of kidney failure? Reminder: The kidneys are already bad, try to eat as little as possible of these 3 dishes

"Hello Dr. Wang, I heard that tomatoes are not good for the kidneys, is this true?" Li Yongqing asked eagerly.

Dr. Wang smiled and beckoned him to sit down, then slowly explained, "Mr. Li, tomatoes are a very healthy food in themselves, rich in vitamin C, potassium and other antioxidants, which have many benefits for the body. ”

Dr. Wang continued, "Potassium is an essential mineral for our body that is important for regulating heart and muscle function, including controlling heartbeat and blood pressure. For those with poor kidney function, excess potassium may not be removed effectively, leading to a build-up of potassium in the body, known as hyperkalemia. ”

Tomatoes are the "murderers" of kidney failure? Reminder: The kidneys are already bad, try to eat as little as possible of these 3 dishes

"So, while tomatoes are healthy foods and safe for most people, if your kidney function is impaired, such as those with chronic kidney disease, you do need to limit your intake of high-potassium foods to avoid the risk of hyperkalemia."

Li Yongqing nodded, and Dr. Wang's words made him breathe a sigh of relief, but he was also more careful.

"Doctor, how do you know if you should limit your potassium intake?" Li Yongqing asked.

Tomatoes are the "murderers" of kidney failure? Reminder: The kidneys are already bad, try to eat as little as possible of these 3 dishes

Dr. Wang elaborates, "This requires a blood test to determine your potassium level and an assessment of your kidney function. If tests show renal insufficiency, we usually recommend dietary modifications, including reducing the intake of foods high in potassium. ”

After an in-depth conversation, Li Yongqing gained a new understanding of the relationship between tomatoes and kidney health. He was grateful to Dr Wong for his patient explanation and decided to check his kidney function regularly to ensure that his diet met his health needs.

Tomatoes are the "murderers" of kidney failure? Reminder: The kidneys are already bad, try to eat as little as possible of these 3 dishes

Back home, Li Yongqing stood in front of his sunlit vegetable garden, looking at the enthusiastic tomatoes, knowing that the pursuit of health always needs to find a balance between understanding and adapting.

The kidneys are the body's "filtering stations", they are like two delicate machines that are responsible for removing waste and excess water from the blood, and regulating the electrolyte balance in the body.

Tomatoes are the "murderers" of kidney failure? Reminder: The kidneys are already bad, try to eat as little as possible of these 3 dishes

However, when there is a problem with kidney function, this "filter station" begins to malfunction, and the ability to process potassium is also affected.

Potassium is an important mineral necessary for heart function and normal muscle contraction, but when kidney function declines, the ability to excrete potassium decreases, and potassium levels in the blood gradually increase, resulting in hyperkalemia. This condition, if left unchecked, can lead to cardiac arrest and even be life-threatening.

Tomatoes are the "murderers" of kidney failure? Reminder: The kidneys are already bad, try to eat as little as possible of these 3 dishes

So, which vegetables are bad for the kidneys? Here, we will pay special attention to several groups of vegetables with a high potassium content. The first is potatoes.

This seemingly ordinary root vegetable is actually very high in potassium, which is a great burden for patients with renal insufficiency. Potatoes are delicious, but if kidney function is impaired, limit their intake to avoid a sudden spike in blood potassium levels.

Tomatoes are the "murderers" of kidney failure? Reminder: The kidneys are already bad, try to eat as little as possible of these 3 dishes

Spinach has long been a representative of healthy vegetables, rich in iron and calcium, but it is also very high in potassium, which makes spinach a "high-risk" food in the diet of people with kidney disease. If the kidneys' ability to excrete potassium is weakened and too much spinach is eaten, potassium concentrations may exceed the safe line and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Beets are not only bright in color and sweet in taste, but also have a high potassium content, although the potassium content is lower than that of potatoes and spinach, but it is definitely a food to pay attention to for patients with renal insufficiency.

Tomatoes are the "murderers" of kidney failure? Reminder: The kidneys are already bad, try to eat as little as possible of these 3 dishes

Beets can also be reduced in some cases by cooking them, such as blanching them or soaking them in a small amount of brine, which can reduce their potassium content to some extent.

Patients with kidney disease need to be extra careful in their diet, in addition to high-potassium vegetables, they should also pay attention to some invisible high-potassium foods, such as certain types of beans, dried fruits, etc.

Tomatoes are the "murderers" of kidney failure? Reminder: The kidneys are already bad, try to eat as little as possible of these 3 dishes

Although these foods are high in potassium, they are often overlooked in the daily diet, so it is best to consult a professional doctor or dietitian when making a diet plan to ensure that the potassium intake is within a safe range to avoid aggravating the condition due to improper diet.

In this case, a reasonable diet and moderate control of the intake of high-potassium foods are important steps to ensure kidney health. Only by developing a scientific and reasonable diet plan under the guidance of doctors and dietitians can we really slow down the progression of kidney disease and maintain a good quality of life.

Tomatoes are the "murderers" of kidney failure? Reminder: The kidneys are already bad, try to eat as little as possible of these 3 dishes

After discussing vegetables that are not good for kidney function, we turn to those that are good for the kidneys, that can help maintain kidney health, or that have an adjuvant therapeutic effect on already damaged kidneys. When choosing kidney-friendly vegetables, we should focus on foods that are low in potassium levels, rich in antioxidants, and help reduce inflammation in the body.

Tomatoes are the "murderers" of kidney failure? Reminder: The kidneys are already bad, try to eat as little as possible of these 3 dishes

Cabbage is a good choice for people with kidney disease, and it is relatively low in potassium, much lower than many root and leafy greens. Cabbage is also rich in water-soluble fiber, which helps reduce the level of urinary toxins in the blood, which is especially important for patients with renal insufficiency.

Tomatoes are the "murderers" of kidney failure? Reminder: The kidneys are already bad, try to eat as little as possible of these 3 dishes

Celery is another vegetable that is good for the kidneys, not only does it contain moderate potassium, but the phytochemicals in celery, such as carvacin, have a blood pressure-lowering effect, which is essential for preventing the development of kidney disease, as high blood pressure is one of the main risk factors for kidney disease.

Tomatoes are the "murderers" of kidney failure? Reminder: The kidneys are already bad, try to eat as little as possible of these 3 dishes

Patients with kidney disease should follow the advice of a doctor or dietitian in dietary management to ensure that the food they consume meets their daily nutritional needs and does not put an additional burden on the kidneys. Reasonable dietary choices are a key part of maintaining kidney health, and a suitable diet is the best medicine for friends with poor kidneys.

(All names have been changed)

What are your thoughts on preventing kidney failure? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Tomatoes are the "murderers" of kidney failure? Reminder: The kidneys are already bad, try to eat as little as possible of these 3 dishes



[1] Cheng Banglan. Correlation between quality of life and psychological resilience, social support, and self-perceived burden in elderly patients undergoing hemodialysis with renal failure, Geriatrics and Health Care, 2024-02-25

Tomatoes are the "murderers" of kidney failure? Reminder: The kidneys are already bad, try to eat as little as possible of these 3 dishes

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