
Is cerebral infarction closely related to exercise? The doctor reminds again: middle-aged and elderly people, keep these points in mind when exercising

author:Möngke talks about health

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"Oh, it's really amazing today, I heard that cerebral infarction has something to do with running?" Levi, an ordinary accountant, was taking a leisurely walk on the side of the stadium's track when he overheard a conversation between two old men. This made him both curious and worried.

His daughter Xiaoyu fell at school today and suffered a minor arm injury, so he is taking her to the hospital. Thinking of this, Levi decided to take the opportunity to check himself as well, after all, he was also over half a hundred years old.

Is cerebral infarction closely related to exercise? The doctor reminds again: middle-aged and elderly people, keep these points in mind when exercising

Li Wei and Xiaoyu walked into the outpatient department of the hospital, and the atmosphere in the hospital was lively and serious. They went to the pediatrics first, and after the doctor bandaged Xiaoyu's arm, Levi took the opportunity to ask the doctor about the topic he had heard in the morning.

"Doctor, I heard someone say today that cerebral infarction is related to exercise, is this true?" Levi said, looking at the doctor slightly nervously.

Is cerebral infarction closely related to exercise? The doctor reminds again: middle-aged and elderly people, keep these points in mind when exercising

The doctor smiled and explained while bandaging Xiaoyu: "Actually, proper exercise is very beneficial to prevent cerebral infarction. However, the way and intensity of exercise must be appropriate for one's physical condition, especially for middle-aged and elderly people, excessive or inappropriate exercise may indeed increase some health risks. ”

After hearing this, Levi's doubts eased a little, but he still decided to conduct a comprehensive physical examination to confirm his physical condition. On the advice of the doctor, he went to the medical examination center to register and wait for the number to be called.

Is cerebral infarction closely related to exercise? The doctor reminds again: middle-aged and elderly people, keep these points in mind when exercising

While waiting, Levi thought that he was usually busy with work, often working overtime, and did not have much time to exercise. He suddenly realized that maybe he should pay more attention to his health and adjust his lifestyle.

Levi finally came to the day of the medical examination. Under the guidance of the doctor, he did an electrocardiogram, measured his blood pressure, and took some blood for examination. The whole process is well organized and comes step by step. During the examination, the doctor constantly reminded him that middle-aged and elderly people really need to pay attention not to be overly intense when exercising, especially those who are at risk of cardiovascular disease.

Is cerebral infarction closely related to exercise? The doctor reminds again: middle-aged and elderly people, keep these points in mind when exercising

After the medical examination, Levi waited for the results in the rest area of the hospital. He silently hoped that everything would be normal, and at the same time, he was determined that no matter what the result was, he would start exercising more scientifically to ensure that he could grow up with Xiaoyu healthily.

He thinks about how he can adjust his workout routine in the future, such as walking consistently every day or participating in fitness activities that are appropriate for his age. This physical examination undoubtedly gave Li Wei a wake-up call, and also made him start to re-examine his living habits.

Is cerebral infarction closely related to exercise? The doctor reminds again: middle-aged and elderly people, keep these points in mind when exercising

When discussing the relationship between exercise and the risk of cerebral infarction in middle-aged and older adults, a common misconception is that we blindly pursue high-intensity or high-frequency exercise, which may actually be counterproductive.

Let's be clear up a misconception: high-intensity interval training (HIIT) isn't for everyone in the middle-aged and old. While HIIT can quickly improve cardiorespiratory fitness and endurance, it is not necessarily a gentle boost for the cardiovascular system. So, pay attention to the intensity when exercising to avoid risks.

Is cerebral infarction closely related to exercise? The doctor reminds again: middle-aged and elderly people, keep these points in mind when exercising

Many middle-aged and elderly people may exercise directly because of time constraints or ignoring the importance of warm-up and stretching. This can suddenly increase the strain on the heart and the pressure on the blood vessels, especially during more strenuous exercise. Proper warm-up activities can help gradually increase blood circulation, so that the heart and blood vessels are prepared to cope with the stress of exercise, thereby reducing the chance of cardiovascular events such as cerebral infarction.

Many middle-aged and older adults may have chosen the type of exercise that is not suitable for their current health condition. Activities that are more impactful, such as running or jumping rope, can make joint pain worse and even increase the risk of falls by losing balance easily. In contrast, low-impact exercises such as swimming or tai chi are more suitable, both to build strength and to protect delicate joints.

Is cerebral infarction closely related to exercise? The doctor reminds again: middle-aged and elderly people, keep these points in mind when exercising

Exercising in times of poor air quality or extreme weather may make you feel like you can't breathe well and be a challenge to your heart, which can actually increase the risk of cerebral infarction. Middle-aged and elderly friends had better consider the environment when choosing a time and place to exercise. Choose a time and place where the air is fresh and the weather is not hot or cold to do activities, which is better for the body.

Neglecting feedback and overexercising is also very dangerous. Middle-aged and elderly people often ignore the body's fatigue signals when exercising, and continue to exercise in order to achieve a certain effect, such as weight control or muscle strengthening. However, excessive exercise can lead to over-fatigue, weakened immunity, and increased stress on the heart, which may induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events.

Is cerebral infarction closely related to exercise? The doctor reminds again: middle-aged and elderly people, keep these points in mind when exercising

By avoiding these common wrong exercise patterns, middle-aged and elderly people can not only effectively prevent cardiovascular diseases such as cerebral infarction, but also improve their quality of life and enjoy a healthy old age.

In order to maintain a healthy body and stay away from serious health problems such as cerebral infarction, middle-aged and elderly people need to pay special attention to the way and state of mind when doing daily exercise.

Is cerebral infarction closely related to exercise? The doctor reminds again: middle-aged and elderly people, keep these points in mind when exercising

The improvement of cardiorespiratory endurance is an important aspect of exercise in middle-aged and elderly people. Interestingly, sustained moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, swimming, or cycling, can improve heart function and blood vessel elasticity, and reduce the risk of cerebral infarction due to cardiovascular disease.

This type of exercise can help blood flow more efficiently to the brain and other critical organs, enhance the health of blood vessel walls, and reduce the likelihood of hardening of the arteries.

Is cerebral infarction closely related to exercise? The doctor reminds again: middle-aged and elderly people, keep these points in mind when exercising

Strength training is also crucial, especially as muscle mass naturally decreases as you age. What many people may not know is that moderate strength training can not only help maintain and increase muscle mass, but also improve blood sugar control and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, as muscles are the primary glucose-using organs.

In addition, proper rest and recovery are equally important. Middle-aged and elderly people should be given enough time to recover after exercising. Taking a proper rest can not only avoid the problem of overtraining, but also help the body repair small wounds and prevent cardiovascular problems caused by accumulated fatigue, which is better for the body.

Is cerebral infarction closely related to exercise? The doctor reminds again: middle-aged and elderly people, keep these points in mind when exercising

For middle-aged and elderly friends, a comprehensive exercise plan is very important! Of course, everyone's health and physical abilities are unique, so it is important to take into account your specific circumstances when developing an exercise plan, and seek the advice of a medical professional or health professional if necessary to ensure that exercise is performed safely and effectively.

(The names in the article are pseudonyms) #头条首发大赛#

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Is cerebral infarction closely related to exercise? The doctor reminds again: middle-aged and elderly people, keep these points in mind when exercising



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