
Is watermelon a "catalyst" for high blood sugar? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood sugar to get out of control, you should eat less of these things

author:Möngke talks about health

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"Oh, wife, you said that this watermelon is really sweeter and sweeter the more you eat it, but will it make your blood sugar soar to a high level?" Li Dabu picked up a piece of watermelon in the teahouse and said to his wife Xiao Hong who was sitting next to him. They spent the afternoon in this teahouse today, waiting to go to the hospital for a prenatal checkup.

Is watermelon a "catalyst" for high blood sugar? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood sugar to get out of control, you should eat less of these things

Li Dabu is an ordinary accountant, in addition to facing a dazzling array of numbers and statements every day, his greatest pleasure is to taste all kinds of food with his wife Xiao Hong. Today they chose this famous old teahouse, and the watermelon happens to be the free fruit of the teahouse today.

A few old gentlemen at the next table were discussing a health topic. "You know what? Eating too much watermelon is the enemy of blood sugar! An old man with gray hair said, shaking his fan. These words made Li Dabu, who was eating watermelon, feel nervous, especially when he remembered his father's troubles because of diabetes.

Is watermelon a "catalyst" for high blood sugar? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood sugar to get out of control, you should eat less of these things

Xiao Hong noticed his expression and patted his hand gently: "Dabao, if you are worried, ask the doctor what he said when you go to the hospital later." ”

In between prenatal checkups, Li Dabu seized the opportunity to ask Dr. Zhu, a nutrition expert at the hospital, his questions. Dr. Chu is an experienced nutrition expert with an in-depth understanding of the relationship between food and health. "Doctor Zhu, I heard someone say this in the teahouse just now, I don't know if it's true." Li Dabu said with some uncertainty.

Is watermelon a "catalyst" for high blood sugar? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood sugar to get out of control, you should eat less of these things

Dr. Zhu smiled: "Watermelon is indeed a fruit with a relatively high sugar content, but its sugar content is mainly fructose, and its impact on blood sugar is not as direct and strong as that of sucrose. However, eating too much, especially on an empty stomach, can be detrimental to blood sugar control, especially for people with diabetes or unstable blood sugar control. ”

He went on to explain: "The glycemic index (GI) of watermelon is actually medium, about 72, but because of its high water content, eating a normal amount of watermelon actually doesn't have a particularly big effect on blood sugar. The problem is that many people tend to eat a lot at once, which can cause blood sugar to be too high in a short period of time. ”

Is watermelon a "catalyst" for high blood sugar? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood sugar to get out of control, you should eat less of these things

When discussing the specific effects of watermelon on blood sugar, we need to start with the characteristics of watermelon's ingredients and the body's response to these components. Although watermelon is a fruit with a very high water content, the sugar and other nutrients it contains also have a non-negligible effect on blood sugar.

Watermelon's high fructose content is an important consideration for blood sugar management. Although the absorption of fructose does not require insulin intervention, which may sound like good news for diabetics, in fact, excessive intake of fructose can lead to an increased burden on the liver, which may cause insulin resistance in the long term and indirectly affect blood sugar levels.

Is watermelon a "catalyst" for high blood sugar? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood sugar to get out of control, you should eat less of these things

Secondly, although the glycemic index of watermelon is medium, its glycemic load (GL) is high, because there are about 7 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams of watermelon.

This means that if too much watermelon is consumed, even foods with a moderate glycemic index can cause a rapid rise in blood sugar. In addition, the carbohydrates in watermelon are mainly in the form of simple sugars, which are absorbed quickly and can easily cause a sharp rise in blood sugar in a short period of time.

Is watermelon a "catalyst" for high blood sugar? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood sugar to get out of control, you should eat less of these things

Let's talk about the amount of watermelon consumed. Generally speaking, if an adult eats more than half a small watermelon (about 500 grams) at one time, the amount of carbohydrates will reach about 35 grams, which may not be a problem for normal people, but it can be a potential risk for diabetics or individuals with poor blood sugar control.

Therefore, controlling the amount of food consumed is very crucial, especially when consuming watermelon in an inactive state may have a more immediate adverse effect on blood sugar control.

Is watermelon a "catalyst" for high blood sugar? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood sugar to get out of control, you should eat less of these things

In addition to directly affecting blood sugar, watermelon's high moisture and sugar properties may also affect the body's feeling of fullness. Watermelon, while able to quickly replenish a lot of water, provides less energy, and because of its high sugar content, people may feel hungry again soon after eating, and this "false satiety" may lead to an increase in total caloric intake and an indirect challenge to blood sugar management.

Watermelon is a great choice to quench your thirst in the summer, but for people who need to strictly manage their blood sugar, you need to be extra cautious when eating it. It is reasonable advice that people with diabetes or unstable blood sugar control should monitor their blood sugar response after eating watermelon, adjust the amount of water they eat according to their blood sugar response, avoid eating large amounts on an empty stomach, and cooperate with appropriate physical activity to help better manage blood sugar.

Is watermelon a "catalyst" for high blood sugar? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood sugar to get out of control, you should eat less of these things

If you want to keep your blood sugar stable, in addition to paying attention to the intake of high-sugar fruits such as watermelon, there are some other fruits and vegetables that need special attention. Many people may think that only sweet, fruity fruits can affect blood sugar, but in fact, some seemingly harmless fruits and vegetables can also pose a challenge to blood sugar management.

Let's take a look at carrots. Carrots are well-known health foods rich in β-carotene and fiber, but carrots have a relatively high glycemic index (GI) of 47. While this number isn't particularly high, for people with sensitive blood sugar, excessive consumption of carrots, especially cooked ones, (which will have a higher GI) may cause blood sugar fluctuations.

Is watermelon a "catalyst" for high blood sugar? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood sugar to get out of control, you should eat less of these things

Next up is sweet corn. Sweet corn is loved by many people for its sweetness and texture, but it has a relatively high glycemic index that can reach more than 60. Despite its high fiber content, corn is still a cause for caution due to its high sugar content. For those who need to control their blood sugar, the amount of sweet corn consumed should be limited, especially when used as a staple food.

Is watermelon a "catalyst" for high blood sugar? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood sugar to get out of control, you should eat less of these things

Another type that is often eaten by mistake is beetroot. Beetroot is rich in iron, vitamins and antioxidants, but it's also not low in natural sugars. Beetroot can have a glycemic index of up to 65, which is a potential problem for those who need to control their blood sugar.

Although beetroot has many health benefits, such as potentially helping to lower blood pressure, it is important to control the amount when eating it to avoid blood sugar problems due to its high sugar content.

Is watermelon a "catalyst" for high blood sugar? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood sugar to get out of control, you should eat less of these things

For those who need to control their blood sugar, it is important to understand and choose fruits and vegetables with a low glycemic index. While carrots, sweet corn, and beetroot are all nutritious and healthy foods, their sugar content and blood sugar effects cannot be ignored.

Is watermelon a "catalyst" for high blood sugar? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood sugar to get out of control, you should eat less of these things

Eating these ingredients in moderation and pairing them with high-fiber foods whenever possible can help avoid blood sugar fluctuations and maintain overall health. Proper food choices and portion control are one of the key steps in managing blood sugar.

(The names in the article are pseudonyms) #头条首发大赛#

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Is watermelon a "catalyst" for high blood sugar? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood sugar to get out of control, you should eat less of these things


[1] Cong Yuan, Using Food Glycemic Index to Provide Dietary Guidance for Diabetic Patients, Shanxi Medical Journal (Second Half Monthly), 2010-11-25

Is watermelon a "catalyst" for high blood sugar? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood sugar to get out of control, you should eat less of these things

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