
Sudden death is not a sudden attack, the body has a precursor! Don't ignore these "red alerts".

author:Möngke talks about health

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On a lively weekend morning, Li Wei was busy in his garden. He is an ordinary accountant, and he is usually busy with work, and he likes to plant flowers and grass in the garden every weekend, enjoying a sense of tranquility.

On this day, the weather was exceptionally sunny, and the sun was shining on his face through the dense leaves, which made him look particularly warm. He bent down and was watering the newly planted peonies in the flower beds. It was during this quiet weekend that the unexpected happened.

Sudden death is not a sudden attack, the body has a precursor! Don't ignore these "red alerts".

Li Wei suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest, as if someone was clamping his heart tightly with pliers. He hurriedly put down the watering can in his hand, clutched his chest, and staggered to the small chair by the garden. But before he could reach the chair, his vision began to blur, and his whole body staggered, and finally collapsed to the ground.

Li Juan, who was at home, heard the noise outside and felt something abnormal, so she immediately rushed out to check. Seeing Li Wei fall to the ground, her heart tightened, and she hurriedly ran over to check the situation. Finding that Li Wei had no breathing and no heartbeat, Li Juan hurriedly took out her mobile phone and dialed the emergency number.

Sudden death is not a sudden attack, the body has a precursor! Don't ignore these "red alerts".

The ambulance quickly arrived at the address of Li Wei's home. Several paramedics quickly moved the stretcher and performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation professionally. However, despite their best efforts, Li Wei was still unable to be awakened. After a brief and tense rescue, the emergency doctor on the team shook his head and said that Li Wei had no signs of life.

"We are very sorry that he should have died suddenly." The emergency doctor said to Li Juan, his voice low and sympathetic.

Sudden death is not a sudden attack, the body has a precursor! Don't ignore these "red alerts".

Li Juan sat on the garden path, hiding her face with her hands, tears falling like beads with broken threads. Li Wei's sudden death was undoubtedly a sudden blow to the family. Looking at her husband who was lying quietly on the stretcher, she felt that the world was spinning, and the whole world lost its color at this moment.

Doctors and nurses waited quietly, giving Li Juan the greatest sympathy and support. In the garden, apart from the occasional birdsong and the rustle of leaves, everything seemed eerily quiet.

Sudden death is not a sudden attack, the body has a precursor! Don't ignore these "red alerts".

The fragility and impermanence of life are unmistakably revealed at this moment, and the garden that was once full of life is now eclipsed by an accident. Sudden death, medically known as 'sudden cardiac death', refers to sudden and unintentional death due to heart problems, usually within an hour of a heart attack.

The example of Li Wei is a typical case of sudden death, in which he suddenly collapsed due to heart problems without obvious external stimuli.

Sudden death is not a sudden attack, the body has a precursor! Don't ignore these "red alerts".

First, it is important to recognize that the main cardiac cause of sudden death, most typically coronary artery disease. The coronary arteries are responsible for delivering nutrients and oxygen to the heart muscle.

When these blood vessels become narrowed or blocked, the heart muscle may suffer damage due to a lack of blood and oxygen, which in extreme cases can lead to myocardial infarction or arrhythmias, which can eventually lead to sudden death. In addition, structural abnormalities of the heart, severe electrolyte imbalance, and valvular heart disease are also important factors that cause sudden death.

Sudden death is not a sudden attack, the body has a precursor! Don't ignore these "red alerts".

Sudden death is usually preceded by precursors that, if recognized and dealt with appropriately, may prevent the tragedy from happening. Some common precursors of sudden death include:

Chest pain or tightness: This is the most typical symptom of heart disease, especially when the chest pain is pressing, accompanied by cold sweats and nausea, and may be a sign of severe coronary artery stenosis. Syncope or near-syncope: Fainting can occur when the heart is not pumping enough, or when the heart arrhythmia is arrhythmia, the blood supply to the brain is temporarily insufficient.

Sudden death is not a sudden attack, the body has a precursor! Don't ignore these "red alerts".

Palpitations: Abnormal heartbeat sensations, especially those accompanied by irregular heartbeats, may be a sign of an arrhythmia. Abnormal fatigue: prolonged, unexplained fatigue should be a cause for concern, especially if accompanied by other cardiac symptoms.

In Li Wei's case, if he could have realized that his chest pain was a red flag and sought medical attention in time, there might have been a chance to avoid sudden death through medical intervention. In such cases, your doctor may recommend tests such as coronary angiography to assess the health of your coronary arteries and remove potential dangers with medication or interventional surgery.

Sudden death is not a sudden attack, the body has a precursor! Don't ignore these "red alerts".

It is essential to educate the public to recognize these precursors of sudden death. Educating people about heart health and teaching people how to seek professional help in time when they have these symptoms is an effective strategy to reduce the occurrence of sudden death. At the same time, the promotion of basic cardiac first aid knowledge, such as training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills, is also a key factor in improving survival rates.

In conclusion, heart disease is a chronic disease that often takes years or decades to develop, so it is of great significance to pay attention to lifestyle adjustments such as healthy diet, moderate exercise, weight control, and stress management in daily life to prevent heart disease and sudden death.

Sudden death is not a sudden attack, the body has a precursor! Don't ignore these "red alerts".

For middle-aged people like Li Wei, regular heart check-ups may be an important measure to prevent sudden death. In the aftermath of sudden death, doctors stressed the importance of continuous attention and protection of physical health, especially the maintenance of heart health.

Li Wei's example reminds us that heart health is not only related to the safety of an individual's life, but also affects the happiness of the whole family and the stability of society.

Sudden death is not a sudden attack, the body has a precursor! Don't ignore these "red alerts".

First and foremost, healthy lifestyle habits are the cornerstone of preventing heart disease and sudden death. Reasonable dietary habits, such as reducing the intake of saturated fat, transformed fat, and cholesterol, and increasing the intake of dietary fiber, whole grains, fresh fruits, and vegetables, can effectively reduce the risk of coronary artery disease.

Second, avoiding smoking and limiting alcohol consumption are equally important to protect the heart. The harmful substances in tobacco can damage the cardiovascular system and promote the development of atherosclerosis, while excessive alcohol consumption can cause high blood pressure, both of which are important risk factors for heart attacks.

Sudden death is not a sudden attack, the body has a precursor! Don't ignore these "red alerts".

Mental health should not be overlooked. Long-term stress and poor mood regulation have been shown to be associated with heart disease. Maintaining a positive attitude towards life and developing healthy mechanisms to cope with stress, such as regular relaxation exercises, yoga or meditation, can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease.

Finally, it is extremely important for people who already have heart disease to follow their doctor's treatment plan strictly. Through these comprehensive measures, everyone can reduce their risk of heart disease and sudden death to a certain extent.

Sudden death is not a sudden attack, the body has a precursor! Don't ignore these "red alerts".

The tragic incident of Li Wei is a wake-up call that we can't ignore health issues even in our busy lives. Only through a proactive lifestyle and health management can we effectively protect the heart health of ourselves and our families, so as to avoid the shadow of sudden death.

(All names have been changed)


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[1] Wu Lin.ESC Cardiomyopathy 2023 Guidelines Interpretation and Cardiomyopathy Prevention and Treatment Strategies for Sudden Cardiac Death. Department of Cardiology, Peking University First Hospital, 2024-14-15

Sudden death is not a sudden attack, the body has a precursor! Don't ignore these "red alerts".
Sudden death is not a sudden attack, the body has a precursor! Don't ignore these "red alerts".