
Provincial list! 3 villages in Tancheng were selected!

author:Fengcheng Condenser
Provincial list! 3 villages in Tancheng were selected!


Shandong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism announced

The fourth batch of cultivation list of red cultural characteristic villages in Shandong Province

Madong Village, Matou Town, Xu Weizi Village, Gangshang Town, and Sun Export Village, Chongfang Town, were selected

Shandong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism

Notice on the announcement of the fourth batch of cultivation list of red cultural characteristic villages in Shandong Province

Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureaus: In order to strengthen the protection and utilization of revolutionary cultural relics in rural areas and give full play to the important role of red culture in promoting rural revitalization, our department continues to carry out the cultivation and creation of red cultural characteristic villages in Shandong Province. In order to further expand the results, our department launched the fourth batch of Shandong Province red cultural characteristic village cultivation declaration work, in accordance with the "Shandong Province Red Cultural Characteristic Village Creation Evaluation Management Measures (Trial)", the organization of experts to report the village review, and finally determined that 87 villages included in the fourth batch of Shandong Province red cultural characteristics village cultivation list (see the annex for details), is hereby announced. All cities are requested to guide the selected villages to do a good job of rectification and improvement in accordance with the "Detailed Rules for the Evaluation of Red Cultural Characteristic Villages in Shandong Province" to ensure that the creation work is completed on schedule. 1. Strengthen scientific protection. For the old revolutionary sites that are not in a good state of preservation, we should step up the protection and repair work in accordance with the requirements for the protection of cultural relics, properly handle the relationship between the protection of cultural relics, the display and utilization of cultural relics, and the construction of new rural areas, so as to achieve integrated development. 2. Strengthen the function of education. Carry out in-depth collection and research of revolutionary cultural relics, and excavate and tell the stories behind revolutionary cultural relics. Develop party history learning and education activities and research products that meet the needs of young people and party members, and build distinctive bases for revolutionary traditional education, patriotism education, and ideological and moral education for young people. 3. Strengthen the leading role. Explore and innovate the integrated development model of red resources, and rely on red cultural relics to empower rural revitalization. Combine red resources with local characteristic industries, traditional villages, natural scenery and other characteristic resources to create characteristic industrial clusters, incorporate them into red tourism routes, and help the development of rural industries. Carry out extensive publicity and promotion, improve the visibility and influence of the village, enhance the enthusiasm and initiative of the local people to participate in the inheritance of red culture, and give full play to the important role of red culture in leading development. Notice is hereby given. Attachment: The fourth batch of cultivation list of red cultural characteristic villages in Shandong Province

Shandong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, June 20, 2024

Provincial list! 3 villages in Tancheng were selected!

The fourth batch of cultivation list of red cultural characteristic villages in Shandong Province

(Linyi City)

Dadingzhuang, Fuzhuang Street, Luozhuang District

Madong Village, Matou Town, Tancheng County

Xu Weizi Village, Gangshang Town, Tancheng County

Sun Export Village, Chongfang Town, Tancheng County

Qianyinchang Village, Rim Town, Lanling County

Dazhong Village, Lanling County, Steep Ditch Zhuang Village

Shangdalu Village, Xiacun Township, Lanling County

Guolou Village, Changcheng Town, Lanling County

Gezhuang Village, Zhuge Town, Yishui County

Xiaogaozhuang Village, Huangshanpu Town, Yishui County

Qingtuo Village, Qingtuo Town, Yinan County

Shuangquanyuzi Village, Mamuchi Township, Yinan County

United Village, Sunzu Town, Yinan County

Yazi Village, Shuangwei Town, Yinan County

Dafeng Louzi Village, Qingtuo Town, Yinan County

Liutian Village, Zhangzhuang Town, Yinan County

Songlin Village, Yiwen Town, Yinan County

Sanshangou Village, Tongjing Town, Yinan County

Lijia Shiwu Village, Berlin Town, Pingyi County

Gaoqiao Village, Shijing Town, Fei County

Baihuayu Village, Taoxu Town, Mengyin County

Mengyin County, Tanbu Town, to Shizhuang Village

Zhuxia Village, Tangbu Town, Mengyin County

Duozhuang Village, Duozhuang Town, Mengyin County

Hongri Village, Duozhuang Town, Mengyin County

Nanrongfu Village, Duozhuang Town, Mengyin County

Junan County, Lingquan Town, Mapeng Guanzhuang Village

Licheng Village, Jiaolong Town, Linshu County

Xishanqian Village, Caozhuang Town, Linshu County

Madong Village, Matou Town

Provincial list! 3 villages in Tancheng were selected!

Madong Village is located in the core area of Matou Ancient Town, with a long history, a strong business atmosphere and a large number of businessmen. The industry is mainly concentrated in sanitary products, food, candy and other industries. The labor resources in the village are sufficient, and most of them are concentrated in the county seat and town. Madong Community is adjacent to the exit of Beijing-Shanghai Expressway, connecting Tanma Line and Snack Street to the south, Yihe River and Yihe East Road to the north, and Matouhan Street to the west. Madong Village has cultural resources such as the county party spirit education base, the Lanjia compound, the North Water Gate, and Qiushi Primary School, which is a hot spot for tourism in our county.

Xu Weizi Village, Gangshang Town

Provincial list! 3 villages in Tancheng were selected!

Xu Weizi Village, Gangshang Town, is located 1.5 kilometers northeast of Gangshang Town, and the surname Xu moved from Daweigou to build a village during the Shunzhi period of the Qing Dynasty, so it was named Xu Weizi. There is a red education base - Xu Weizi Anti-Japanese Memorial Square. At the beginning of May 1945, the Battle of Xu Weizi greatly dealt a blow to the arrogance of the Japanese invaders in the Tanma area, and it was also a model for the masses to spontaneously resist Japan. In January 2015, the Linyi Municipal People's Government listed Xu Weizi Anti-Japanese War Square as the city's youth patriotism education base. In March 2017, the Party Committee of Gangshang Town invested more than 260 yuan to build the memorial square of the Xuweizi Defense Site. On January 10, 2018, Xu Weizi Anti-Japanese War Square was listed as the third batch of Shandong Provincial Party History Education Bases.

Sun Export Village, Chongfang Town

Provincial list! 3 villages in Tancheng were selected!

Sun Export Village, Chongfang Town, is located in the north of Chongfang Town, on the shore of the Yi River and the Lunan Plain, with superior ecological environment, the village is surrounded by a large area of ginkgo forest, and has a long red history. In accordance with the general tone of red tourism proposed by the Municipal Party Committee, "red with green, green with red", combined with the red historical and cultural resources of Chongfang Town, we will strive to build the Chongfang Anti-Japanese War Memorial Hall. The memorial hall is located on the second floor of the Party and Mass Service Center of the Export Village of Chongfang Town, with a construction area of 400 square meters, and the memorial hall is divided into 7 parts, including "Cultural Chongfang, Historical Glory" and "Red Chongfang, Revolutionary Hot Land". Chongfang is an important part of the red Yimeng, during the agrarian revolution, Xu Haibang special commissioner Lunan commissioner, the Tancheng County Committee of the Communist Party of China was active here; During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, the soldiers and civilians of Chongfang unswervingly followed the Communist Party, shared the same hatred for the enemy, persevered, fought bravely, and made great sacrifices and contributions to national independence and liberation. Source: Shandong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism official website Cultural Tourism Tancheng

Provincial list! 3 villages in Tancheng were selected!
Provincial list! 3 villages in Tancheng were selected!
Provincial list! 3 villages in Tancheng were selected!
本期编辑:刘 珍

Editor in charge: Du Zhiwu Yin Lina

Preliminary examination: Zheng Yi

Final review: Shen Yan

Provincial list! 3 villages in Tancheng were selected!