
In those years in the countryside: In order to let me not be cold-eyed after I got married, I helped him get a daughter-in-law

author:Plum talks about LZL

Material/ From a real interview (told by someone)

The content and opinions / are original to the author

In those years in the countryside: In order to let me not be cold-eyed after I got married, I helped him get a daughter-in-law

My name is Zhao Shucui, I was 21 years old in 1985, and I was from a rural area.

When I was seventeen years old, I went to the county accounting secondary school, and when I returned to the town, I became a statistician at an agricultural machinery station.

In my childhood, supplies were quite scarce, especially good food, which was quite scarce, unlike now, when you were dazzled by what you wanted to eat.

I remember when I was a child, I watched the children in the village, because the adults of their family had gone to the county seat and bought some peanut candy back, so they took the peanut candy in the most conspicuous position in the village, and looked at our other children who had no food while eating.

There are five people in our family, my parents, plus me, and my eldest sister and second sister.

At that time, when we were children, we were really hungry, and when we returned home, we always called our parents and went to the county seat to buy peanut candy for us to eat.

However, my parents have to farm, they are very busy, and it is not easy to go to the county seat, so eating peanut candy is really a luxury for us.

But my mother's younger brother, my second uncle, although he also had to work in the farm, always tried to see what people in the village drove tractors to the market, and when he arrived at the county seat, he also climbed the side of the car and sat in the back position.

In those years in the countryside: In order to let me not be cold-eyed after I got married, I helped him get a daughter-in-law

Sometimes he mingled with some animals like pigs and chickens, just to go over there and buy some snacks to satisfy the three of us.

When he came to my house, it was the happiest and happiest time for our three sisters, because he always brought something to eat, sometimes pickled radishes at home.

The second uncle's character is really good and good.

Whenever he learned that my parents were in great need of manpower in farming, and they couldn't keep busy, he would run over even if he dropped out of his work.

He not only helped my parents, but also my grandparents, and even once, my grandma fell down on the road and was injured, he happened to come to our house, and when my parents were away, he pedaled his bicycle and took my grandma to the health station.

Later, my eldest sister and my second sister all went on a blind date early, with some young men from nearby villages.

At that time, if they lacked something, for example, no hairpins or watches, or no bicycle when they were in love, my parents might not be able to help, but if they found my second uncle, they would definitely be able to solve it.

In my childhood heart, my second uncle was simply a god among good people, as if he was always powerful and could settle things.

In those years in the countryside: In order to let me not be cold-eyed after I got married, I helped him get a daughter-in-law

However, the second uncle's personal marriage and love were quite a failure.

Because he is short, he is less than 1.6 meters tall, so even if he has a good character, is quite helpful, and has a good reputation, he still has no less than ten blind dates in several nearby villages, but the girl thinks of his appearance and does not succeed.

When I was sixteen years old, I began to look beautiful and beautiful, and I felt that many men in the village and the male students in the town's middle school were looking at me strangely, and I knew that I was very attractive.

At that time, when I was in middle school, I would pass by where my second uncle lived, and he lived with my grandmother, who had passed away at that time, and my second uncle had two siblings, my mother and him.

While I was always there to visit my grandmother, I also helped my second uncle with some farm work, and my second uncle always brought some delicious things such as pork jerky, greeted me, and made me reluctant to leave.

Later, one day, my father solemnly told me not to go to my second uncle again.

When I heard this, I thought to myself, why did he tell me this so seriously?

At first, he said that he didn't want to say the real reason in his heart, but in the end, with my mother's joining, both of them told me that it was really inconvenient and inappropriate.

In those years in the countryside: In order to let me not be cold-eyed after I got married, I helped him get a daughter-in-law

Because my second uncle is a bachelor in his thirties, I can't find a wife, and I, as a big girl, go to him, what if something happens?

When I heard this, I thought to myself, this is impossible.

I fully believe in my second uncle's character, and if he really had his heart for me, in the past time, I often went to the mountains with him, and the two of us were cutting wood in the mountains, and if something had happened, I would have gone out a long time ago.

However, my mother told me that I should not go, because she knew that my second uncle had a good heart and absolute moral purity, but a big girl like me would not feel uncomfortable when she went to work with him on the farm?

After listening to my mother's words, I had to agree with her.

Slowly, I didn't go to my second uncle's place again, and when I was admitted to the technical secondary school and went to the county to study at the secondary school, I wouldn't go there even more, because it wasn't on the way.

But I had a thought, or a strong desire, in my heart, that is:

When I grow up, I have to help my second uncle get a daughter-in-law no matter what, so that he doesn't have to fight a bachelor anymore and bid farewell to this kind of singleton life that is ridiculed.

When my second uncle came to my house and met me, I said this big idea in my heart.

I want to make him, a kind-hearted person, have a wife, and I believe that God will definitely support me, after all, good people must be rewarded.

The second uncle was listening to me talk like this, giggling, this is a helpless bitter smile, he just told me to study hard and ignore his business.

He only hopes that I can marry well in the future and live a really good life, not like him.

In those years in the countryside: In order to let me not be cold-eyed after I got married, I helped him get a daughter-in-law

After I graduated from secondary school and had a job in the town, I was busy asking people I knew if there was a suitable girl for my second uncle.

At that time, I thought to myself that the reason why my second uncle had been difficult to find a suitable partner in the past was because he and my parents' generation were all active in several nearby villages, and they knew too few people and their network was too narrow.

I went to work in town, and I have a group of old classmates from the past, so I should be able to help my second uncle.

As a result, I actually found a few town girls for him.

In the end, however, it was a great disappointment for me and for him, and the girls in the town were even more disgusted that he was from a rural background, and that he was getting older and older, and that he was an old bachelor approaching forty, and it was becoming more and more difficult to find.

But when I was twenty-one years old, I was dragged by a co-worker to meet a young male teacher who was teaching in a town elementary school.

At that time, I was not in a hurry to get married, I just thought that if I met him, I would not lose anything anyway.

As a result, I fell in love with this young male teacher.

All aspects of the conditions are very much liked by both parties, and on the outside, he and I also take a fancy to each other.

I have to admire my matchmaker, she is too accurate, thinking that me and this young male teacher are a match made in heaven.

My first blind date became a relationship, and after only three months of love with this young male teacher, it reached the point of talking about marriage.

He took me to meet his parents and relatives, and I also took him to my rural home, and both parents thought that it was okay, so that my marriage would basically be decided, and even the date of marriage could be chosen.

In those years in the countryside: In order to let me not be cold-eyed after I got married, I helped him get a daughter-in-law

I was twenty-one years old at the time, and although I thought it was all a bit fast, after all, I met my sweetheart, and I really wanted to be his wife.

However, I can't rest assured that it is still the second uncle.

Even I don't know how I'm going to go to him and tell him I'm getting married, and I haven't helped him with his marriage.

What I didn't expect was that one day later, my second uncle came, and he even prepared a wedding gift for me, which was a little gold left by my grandmother, and he took it to make a ring for me to wear when I got married.

And he said to me with a smile, don't go to him casually when you get married in the future, for fear that there will be some misunderstanding on my husband's side and affect the relationship between me and my husband.

I nodded tearfully, and told him that even if I got married, I would still try to worry about him finding a partner, and I must let him get a daughter-in-law.

He giggled again and shook his head.

My wedding date was finally set at the end of the month, and on that day I would be taken from the countryside by my fiancé in the form of a daughter-in-law, and married into the town, so that he would officially become my husband.

However, at the beginning of this month, there was a situation that caught me and my mother off guard and was at a loss:

My fiancé told me that they had a custom that close relatives, as well as his parents, more than a dozen people in all, would come to my house for a meal before we got married.

At that time, my thinking was, our peasant family, the shabby environment, even if it is, the question is, where do we have anything to eat, and greet so many people in his family, more than ten in total, how much meat and how many vegetables do we need?

In those years in the countryside: In order to let me not be cold-eyed after I got married, I helped him get a daughter-in-law

And one of the pigs that my family raised before had just been sold, so that I could have some dowry when I got married, so basically we had to let my fiancé's relatives eat mustard.

Eventually, I ran back home and discussed it with my parents.

My parents only thought it was too sudden, there was really no meat and vegetables to greet my fiancé's relatives, and there was wine, which was an old wine made by my father. However, in terms of eating, do you really let those people eat mustard?

My father said to me that there was really no way, and I guess the relatives on my fiancé's side and his parents would be able to understand it, and I also believed that this kind of thing would not affect my marriage with my fiancé.

But my mother said to me, this is not good, if we have a dinner and there is nothing good to greet my husband's relatives, I will definitely not be treated well in the future, and I may even be gossiped about, just mention this matter, I may be affected by this incident for the rest of my life.

Therefore, my mother insisted on finding a way, and when she asked my father, she said, "Now that our family has no money, and we don't have any livestock to slaughter, and we can't catch just a few fish, what can we do?"

In the end, they couldn't argue, but I advised them to stop arguing, there was nothing to argue about.

As a result, when that day came, my fiancé and I brought more than a dozen relatives in his family, including his parents, to my rural home.

In those years in the countryside: In order to let me not be cold-eyed after I got married, I helped him get a daughter-in-law

I originally thought that this time it would be a common meal, no matter how well they ate, they would leave after eating anyway, and I didn't live with their relatives every day, and I would suffer from their cold eyes in the future, what did it matter?

What I didn't expect was that there was a fragrant aroma of dog meat wafting in my house, which made me want to taste it as soon as possible.

My fiancé's parents and more than a dozen relatives of his family ate quite happily and thanked me and my parents as they left.

I secretly asked my mother, where did this dog meat come from?

When my mother first started, she told me not to ask, but now that the matter is settled, she told me that there is nothing to say, and it is possible that I will not be very happy when I find out.

I ended up asking her all the time, just to find out.

Only then did she tell me that the whole litter of dog meat was brought by her second uncle.

The second uncle slaughtered his black-mouthed dog.

He cooked the dog meat himself, and it was quite fragrant, but after he only tasted it, he sent the whole litter to my house, thus solving the problem before I got married.

In those years in the countryside: In order to let me not be cold-eyed after I got married, I helped him get a daughter-in-law

When I learned that this was the case, I couldn't help but feel extremely excited, and I was moved by my second uncle's approach.

Because, the second uncle and his dog are very good, he has raised this dog for many years, and even talks to this dog whenever he feels lonely.

In other words, this dog is his good friend, he is now the only one in the house, grandpa and grandma have passed away, and only this dog can accompany him.

I thought to myself, when the second uncle decided to slaughter the black mouth, he must have been very entangled in his heart, very uncomfortable, and even extremely painful.

Eventually, despite my father and mother's obstruction, I rushed to my second uncle's house that night and found him drinking alone in the house.

I immediately asked him why he was slaughtering the black mouth. This was the dog he loved so much, and he shouldn't have done it.

Now that the black mouth is gone, he has to be alone in this dark and oppressive home, and every night in the future, how lonely and lonely he has to live, there is no sound at all.

But the second uncle said with a smile that he did not regret such a decision.

"It's just an animal, what's the pity of slaughtering it? The most important thing is that your daughter can live well in the future, and your happiness is the most important thing! I can help you, I think it's a good thing to do! ”

He said these things with a light in his eyes.

I could feel that although he said that he didn't care about black mouths, in fact, he was still sad because of the loss of this dog.

In those years in the countryside: In order to let me not be cold-eyed after I got married, I helped him get a daughter-in-law

In the end, I held back my tears and told him that I would definitely get him a dog to accompany him in the future, not let him be lonely, and make sure that he would get a daughter-in-law.

When I officially became a married woman and lived with my husband and his parents in the town, I would still go back to my mother's house, but it was really inconvenient for me to go to my second uncle's house, because when I went back to my mother's house, my husband would also be with me.

But I discussed with my husband to see if there was anyone I knew, who happened to have a dog in the family who gave birth to a puppy, so I got a puppy for my second uncle, and I told my husband that the meal of dog meat that I invited his relatives to eat was only after my second uncle slaughtered his beloved dog.

When he learned about it, he could also feel my second uncle's warm-heartedness, so he told me that he would solve the problem as soon as possible.

As a result, a friend he knew, who had an Akita dog at home, had just given birth to a puppy, and the couple rushed over immediately, and I picked a female dog cub and sent it to my second uncle as soon as possible.

After the second uncle saw this puppy, he liked it quite much, and he named the puppy at that time, called Ah Mei, and said that if he had this dog in the future, he would not feel lonely.

But I told him that I was not only going to give him such a cub, but I was also going to help him get a daughter-in-law, and I believed that I would be able to do it.

But he shook his head helplessly and told me not to bother about it.

He no longer has any expectations, even if he dies alone, he is satisfied with the dog as his company.

In those years in the countryside: In order to let me not be cold-eyed after I got married, I helped him get a daughter-in-law

That year, the second uncle was already forty years old.

But I continued to work hard, kept asking if there was an old girl who was suitable for him, and asked my husband to do everything he could to help solve this problem.

As a result, when my second uncle was forty-three years old, my husband finally found out that among the people he knew, he knew that there was such a divorced old girl, who was forty years old, and didn't care about other people's age and height, and those in the countryside could also do it, as long as they could live.

We immediately arranged for this divorced old girl to meet her second uncle.

At that time, the place where we met was the second uncle's house, he and Ah Mei's dog played with each other, and the divorced old girl didn't say anything, and played with the dog with the second uncle.

As a result, it was really as we expected, the divorced old girl married into the second uncle's family.

But she never had children.

However, the second uncle didn't care, he only felt that it was already quite lucky to have a wife who could warm the kang head, he already felt that this life was quite complete, and he didn't want to have children or not.

My husband and I already have a son and a daughter, and when we go back to our parents' house together, we will also go to my second uncle's house to get together with my second uncle and aunt and have a meal together, which is quite a happy moment.

But when the second uncle was fifty-five years old, his wife was completely unable to move in an electric shock accident at home, and was sent to the hospital for rescue.

In those years in the countryside: In order to let me not be cold-eyed after I got married, I helped him get a daughter-in-law

At the beginning, the second uncle fell into a state of sadness and grief, but he slowly accepted the reality, and after half a year, he faced life positively again, and continued to live alone.

Later, when my second uncle was 60 years old, his body could not hold on, and when he was dying, he did not forget to tell me that he died, and he didn't know what to do with my sister, so he asked me and my husband to help him take care of his dog until the dog was old.

I tearfully agreed and brought his dog, Ah Mei, home.

In the end, Ah Mei, the dog, lived to be twenty years old, and was too old to move and leave this world, and my husband and I buried it next to my second uncle's grave.


This article is written according to the content of the story, the names in the article are pseudonyms, the network source is illustrated, and some plots have processing traces and omissions, welcome to correct!

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