
Swords in the snow; Wu Su was assassinated in the imperial city, why didn't the Liyang Dynasty assassinate Xu Xiao?

author:Illegitimate child

In the white-clothed case in the capital, the princess Wu Su was besieged by many masters of the Liyang Dynasty, which was originally a mortal situation!

At the critical moment, Princess Wu Su forcibly broke through to the pseudo-land sword immortal realm, fought her way out of the encirclement, and saved the fetus in her womb, but she also fell into incurable internal injuries.

It can be imagined that the princess Wu Su must have been a sword cultivator at the peak of the celestial realm, and it was obviously difficult for the Liyang Dynasty to assassinate Wu Su, so why not assassinate Xu Xiao directly?

As soon as Xu Xiao died, Beiliang's 300,000 iron horsemen were leaderless, and the Liyang Dynasty could disintegrate this "big trouble in my heart", today we will talk about why the Liyang Dynasty wanted to assassinate the princess Wu Su at that time, but did not dare to assassinate Xu Xiao!

Swords in the snow; Wu Su was assassinated in the imperial city, why didn't the Liyang Dynasty assassinate Xu Xiao?

Xu Xiao joined the army as a teenager to kill the enemy, and in a few years he became a lieutenant of Beiliang from a small soldier, and successively got acquainted with the future Empress Murong and the future princess Wu Su, as well as a group of people with lofty ideals.

Xu Xiao from 600 veterans as the foundation, the southern and northern wars for more than ten years, until the battle of the West Fortress, Xu Xiao has nearly 300,000 iron cavalry, under the command of countless military generals, Li Yishan, Zhao Changling, are all famous strategists, Wu Chen Zhibao, Yuan Zuozong, Chu Lushan and the like, Xu Xiao Bingfeng pointed out, invincible!

Swords in the snow; Wu Su was assassinated in the imperial city, why didn't the Liyang Dynasty assassinate Xu Xiao?

The Liyang Dynasty has completely risen, and it is no longer as oppressed by the countries as before, and it is only one step away from unifying the Central Plains at this time, as long as it can completely defeat the Western Chu Dynasty, the road to the unification of the Central Plains by the Yang Dynasty is unstoppable.

And the main force of the battle to destroy Chu was Xu Xiao and the 300,000 iron cavalry under his command, the soldiers under Gu Jiantang on the left and right wings and the troops of the vassal king, this was the situation before the battle of Xileibi in the early stage.

Swords in the snow; Wu Su was assassinated in the imperial city, why didn't the Liyang Dynasty assassinate Xu Xiao?

As the place where the world and the world converge, Xichu has always been a place that all literati yearn for, and Xichu has the jade seal of Daqin. The euphorbia of Western Chu is famous all over the world, and the euphorbia, as the "first in the world" at that time, is invincible on the battlefield, and Western Chu has a full 120,000 euphorbia.

Xichu also has 60,000 heavy armored cavalry, you must know that on the battlefield of the Central Plains, the heavy armored cavalry is definitely the king, and it is omnipotent to charge into battle. As for the foot soldiers, there are more, there are also "soldiers" Ye Baikui in Western Chu, who is known to have never been defeated, and such a strong Western Chu has dominated the Spring and Autumn Period for more than 200 years, and the Liyang Dynasty also pressed all its strength at the beginning of the game, and wanted to fight a "battle of national fortune" with the Western Chu Dynasty!

Swords in the snow; Wu Su was assassinated in the imperial city, why didn't the Liyang Dynasty assassinate Xu Xiao?

The Battle of Jinghe was the first battle of the Xileibi, and the heavy armor soldiers sent by Western Chu were the "King of the Land", which was the reliance of Western Chu to dominate the Spring and Autumn Period - Euphorbia! With the world's number one heavily armored foot soldier guarding the bank of the Jing River, no one in the world can believe that the Xu family army can break through the defense line, even His Majesty the Emperor Liyang thought that Xu Xiao would suffer heavy losses!

However, the result was the opposite, Xu Xiao used the mobility of the cavalry to repeatedly attack and harass the army of Western Chu. Euphorbia has strong defense, but after all, it lacks mobility. Coupled with Xu Xiao's righteous son Chu Lushan's plan to injure 1,000 enemies and damage 800 to himself, he completely defeated the world-famous Euphorbia!

Swords in the snow; Wu Su was assassinated in the imperial city, why didn't the Liyang Dynasty assassinate Xu Xiao?

Originally, according to the assumption of His Majesty the Liyang Emperor, the invincible iron cavalry under the command of Xu Xiao and the Western Chu Dynasty were both defeated, and their own vassal kings and Gu Jiantang took advantage of the situation to destroy Xu Xiao and Western Chu together, and no one thought that the Western Chu Dynasty would be so vulnerable.

The Battle of Jinghe also completely disrupted His Majesty the Liyang Emperor's plan, so he asked Gu Jiantang and the army of the vassal king to retreat for a few hundred miles, giving Xichu Ye Baikui a chance to breathe!

Swords in the snow; Wu Su was assassinated in the imperial city, why didn't the Liyang Dynasty assassinate Xu Xiao?

At this time, Princess Wu Su found out that she was pregnant, and Qin Tianjian predicted that Princess Wu Su was pregnant with a boy, and she was the reincarnation of Emperor Zhenwu, which made Emperor Liyang even more jealous of Xu Xiao.

Previously, Xu Xiao only had a daughter, and no boy could inherit his title and honor! But at this time, the boy in the womb of Princess Wu Su will be the prince of Beiliang in the future, and he will be the reincarnation of Emperor Zhenwu, which is obviously unlimited in the future!

Swords in the snow; Wu Su was assassinated in the imperial city, why didn't the Liyang Dynasty assassinate Xu Xiao?

At this time, the old emperor's military advisor, Yuan Benxi, who was nicknamed "Half Inch Tongue", saw what the emperor was thinking, so he began to start an operation against Xu Xiao and Bei Liang under the instruction of the old emperor.

At this time, Xu Xiao was commanding the battle on the front line of Xileibi, but Emperor Liyang ordered Xu Xiao's squad to return to the dynasty and fight again on a certain day, and Gu Jiantang and the vassal kings on the left and right flanks had already retreated for hundreds of miles, in order to clamp Xu Xiao and make Xu Xiao incapable of continuing to fight with the Western Chu Dynasty.

Swords in the snow; Wu Su was assassinated in the imperial city, why didn't the Liyang Dynasty assassinate Xu Xiao?

In order to unify the world, the people can live and work in peace and contentment! Xu Xiao only brought a few entourages to Tai'an City with his wife Wu Su, telling His Majesty the Emperor about the battle situation on the front line, Xu Xiao was reluctant to give Ye Baikui a chance to breathe, because he knew that once Ye Baikui came back to his senses, it would be even more difficult to destroy Western Chu in the future.

Xu Xiao and Wu Su, who was pregnant with Liujia, came to Tai'an City, Tai'an City is very familiar to Xu Xiao and Wu Su, and the two also have many friends here, so at this time, the two completely let down their guard.

Swords in the snow; Wu Su was assassinated in the imperial city, why didn't the Liyang Dynasty assassinate Xu Xiao?

As soon as he arrived in Tai'an City, Xu Xiao was called away by his friend Yang Taisui to reminisce, and Princess Wu Su was called away by the queen's mother Zhao Zhi to chat about interesting things, it can be said that this conspiracy has been deduced several times with the tacit consent of His Majesty Emperor Liyang!

At this time, Empress Zhao Zhi suddenly received information that Xu Xiao was in trouble in Tai'an City, Kyoto. As soon as Wu Su heard this, he immediately went out of the palace to rescue Xu Xiao, who knew that when he arrived at the place, he found out that he had been tricked. At that time, there were Qintian Supervisor Qi Cultivators, three Finger Xuan Realm masters, and a Celestial Realm master who was not weaker than himself, these masters included the human cat Han Mink Temple, the Liyang gatekeeper Liu Hao Master, and the Liyang Old Ancestor Zhao Huangchao who was rushing over.

Swords in the snow; Wu Su was assassinated in the imperial city, why didn't the Liyang Dynasty assassinate Xu Xiao?

At this moment, Wu Su is pregnant with Liujia, and his combat effectiveness has been greatly reduced, even if Wu Su is at his peak, it is difficult to escape in the face of so many masters besieging him!

Therefore, in the face of the siege of these people, Wu Su instantly fell into a life and death situation, Wu Su couldn't bear to die with the child in his belly before he was born, so he mobilized his essence and blood to forcibly enter the realm of pseudo-land immortals, and then Wu Su killed all directions, breaking through the siege and fleeing the capital all the way.

Swords in the snow; Wu Su was assassinated in the imperial city, why didn't the Liyang Dynasty assassinate Xu Xiao?

At this time, although Wu Su fought his way out of the encirclement, he forcibly broke through to the pseudo-land sword immortal realm and suffered extremely serious internal injuries, but Wu Su covered it up very well, and even her husband Xu Xiao didn't notice it.

Wu Su and Xu Xiao returned to Dantong Pass to recuperate, and the Liyang Dynasty also became extremely calm because of this assassination, maybe His Majesty the Liyang Emperor was waiting for Xu Xiao's anger, at this time, His Majesty the Liyang Emperor's fear of Xu Xiao had penetrated deep into the bone marrow, compared to the destruction of the Western Chu Dynasty, he wanted to eradicate Xu Xiao first, but Xu Xiao had become a big trend, and it was not that he could kill if he wanted to!

Swords in the snow; Wu Su was assassinated in the imperial city, why didn't the Liyang Dynasty assassinate Xu Xiao?

So the question is, Xu Xiao and Wu Su came to Tai'an City together, why did the Liyang royal family only dare to assassinate Wu Su, but not Xu Xiao? Here's why;

One; Xu Xiao and Wu Su came to Tai'an City to occupy the righteousness of the world, the countries are fighting, the people are miserable, the people of the world, the family of the gate valve do not want the Central Plains to be unified as soon as possible, at this time, if the Liyang Dynasty dares to kill Xu Xiao in Tai'an City, then all the forces in the world will regard the Liyang Dynasty as a mortal enemy, if the Liyang Dynasty is not popular with the people, how can it unify the Central Plains?

Xu Xiao joined the army to kill the enemy when he was a teenager, and he could become the commander of 300,000 iron cavalry in more than ten years.

Swords in the snow; Wu Su was assassinated in the imperial city, why didn't the Liyang Dynasty assassinate Xu Xiao?

Two; Although there are 300,000 iron horsemen under the command of Xu Xiao, the king of Beiliang, these Xu family troops are divided into two factions, one faction is headed by Li Yishan, and the implementation is to unify the Central Plains, so that the people can get rid of the sea of suffering; The other faction is the main royalist faction headed by Zhao Changling, who believes that this world should be Xu Xiao's, and Xu Xiao should conquer the Western Chu Dynasty and rule the Liyang River, or directly conquer Tai'an City first.

The two forces seem to be evenly matched, but you must know that Zhao Changling's foundation in the army is stronger than Li Yishan, if Xu Xiao, the king of Beiliang, is assassinated in Tai'an City, the two forces will inevitably twist into a rope and wave their troops to the north together, and the Liyang Dynasty will face 300,000 mourning soldiers who came to take revenge, even if it can be eliminated, the Liyang Dynasty will be completely disabled!

Swords in the snow; Wu Su was assassinated in the imperial city, why didn't the Liyang Dynasty assassinate Xu Xiao?

Three; At that time, the Western Chu Dynasty seemed to have lost the Jinghe War, but the Western Chu Dynasty still had a soldier Ye Baikui, and hundreds of thousands of troops, if the Battle of Western Chu was destroyed without Xu Xiao and the 300,000 iron cavalry under his command, the Liyang Dynasty was very likely to lose this battle of national fortune.

You must know that the battle of Xileibi was over, the elite division of the Western Chu Dynasty was basically killed and wounded, and only the Shenhuang City of the Western Chu Dynasty had not been breached, but the Liyang Dynasty asked the vassal king to attack the Shenhuang City, and the result was that it could not be attacked for a long time, it is conceivable that if the battle of the Xileibi was handed over to the vassal king, failure was inevitable, to put it bluntly, the Liyang Dynasty wanted to win the Western Chu Dynasty without Xu Xiao!

Swords in the snow; Wu Su was assassinated in the imperial city, why didn't the Liyang Dynasty assassinate Xu Xiao?

Four; The 300,000 iron cavalry under Xu Xiao's command has become a general trend, even if Xu Xiao is assassinated by the Liyang Dynasty and killed, the 300,000 iron cavalry will not be chaotic, because among the 300,000 iron cavalry, there are Chen Zhibao, Chu Lushan, Li Yishan, Zhao Changling, Yuan Zuozong, and countless Xu Xiao's robes.

Once Xu Xiao was assassinated in Tai'an City, the first thing these people did was to directly set foot on Tai'an City, a force that no dynasty in the world could bear.

Imagine that Princess Wu Su gave birth to Xu Longxiang, and when she was seriously injured and died, the entire Beiliang Mansion was full of anger, and countless generals were inviting war horses to step on Tai'an City, if it weren't for Xu Xiao finally suppressing these generals for the sake of the world, try to ask who can calm down these proud soldiers, once Xu Xiao is stabbed to death, no one can calm down this group of veterans of a hundred battles!

Swords in the snow; Wu Su was assassinated in the imperial city, why didn't the Liyang Dynasty assassinate Xu Xiao?

Xu Xiao came to Tai'an City for the second time, and he was simple and obedient, why wasn't he afraid that the Liyang Dynasty would send someone to assassinate him?

When the Baiyi case in the capital happened, the Liyang Dynasty did not dare to assassinate Xu Xiao, so when Xu Xiao fought for the hereditary replacement of his son Xu Fengnian, he didn't have to worry about the Liyang Dynasty assassinating him in Tai'an City, what would be the consequences if Xu Xiao was assassinated in Tai'an City?

One; Xu Xiao has been in charge of the three states of Beiliang for nearly 20 years, suppressing two courts with a palace and a river and lake for 20 years, and the Liyang Dynasty dares to send dead soldiers to assassinate Xu Xiao wherever he is, but he does not dare to let Xu Xiao die in Tai'an City.

If Xu Xiao is assassinated in Tai'an City, the 300,000 iron cavalry of the Beiliang Palace's Mansion will immediately go south to level the Liyang Dynasty, no matter which vassal king it is, who can stop this veteran of a hundred battles!

Swords in the snow; Wu Su was assassinated in the imperial city, why didn't the Liyang Dynasty assassinate Xu Xiao?

Two; If Xu Xiao is assassinated in Tai'an City, then it is possible that the 300,000 iron cavalry of Beiliang will unite with the former enemy Beimang barbarians to overthrow the Liyang Dynasty.

This is not groundless, you must know that Empress Murong is Xu Xiao's little fan sister, if Empress Murong learns that Xu Xiao was assassinated by Emperor Liyang in Tai'an City, she will definitely avenge Xu Xiao, you must know that if you don't talk about national affairs, only talk about personal relationships, Empress Murong and Xu Xiao have a good relationship, very good!

Swords in the snow; Wu Su was assassinated in the imperial city, why didn't the Liyang Dynasty assassinate Xu Xiao?

Three; If Xu Xiao is assassinated in Tai'an City, the remnants of the Spring and Autumn Kingdoms will definitely wake up from their dreams, and the slaughter of Xu Xiao is not only the Liyang Dynasty, but also the remnants of the Spring and Autumn Period who escaped from the catastrophe, these remnants of the Spring and Autumn Period have been planning to overthrow the Liyang Dynasty, but someone slaughtered Xu Xiao alive, and they did not dare to return to the country.

Otherwise, after Xu Xiao died of illness in Qingliangshan, the remnants of the kingdoms began to jump out and began to subvert the Liyang Dynasty, especially the restoration of the Western Chu Dynasty made the Liyang Dynasty very passive!

Swords in the snow; Wu Su was assassinated in the imperial city, why didn't the Liyang Dynasty assassinate Xu Xiao?

In fact, if Xu Xiao was assassinated in Tai'an City of the Liyang Dynasty at this time, the most likely thing to happen was that Chen Zhibao led the Beiliang Iron Cavalry to go directly south, with Chen Zhibao's strategy and the combat power of the Northern Liang Iron Cavalry, coupled with the beacon fire and wolf smoke everywhere in the Central Plains, the Liyang Dynasty would definitely be subverted!