
Hot search number one! The Oriental selection anchor publicly expressed his dissatisfaction with the company

author:Fog and rain review room

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Hot search number one! The Oriental selection anchor publicly expressed his dissatisfaction with the company

On June 27th, the anchor of the Dongfang Selection live broadcast room spoke out, which aroused heated discussions among netizens, and the video showed that his main anchor Dun Dun was not in a stable mood at present, and bluntly said that there was a problem with the company's management, which made them unable to work well as the anchors with goods.

Dunton pointed out that the current company team sees the anchor not so much as a colleague as a tool, even if it wants to open a new account, it will not discuss with the relevant anchor, and has begun to interfere with the live broadcast style, making it more commercial.

Previously, there was a big difference between the style and commercialization of the anchor Dunton, and Dongfang Selection proposed ways to improve this, and even gave a set of style templates, hoping to carry out live broadcast according to their plan.

Hot search number one! The Oriental selection anchor publicly expressed his dissatisfaction with the company

For this reason, Dongfang Selection's anchors began to urgently change their live broadcast style, because only in this way can the company push streams to them, and Dunton bluntly said that this is full of drawbacks, and will even lead to the company going downhill.

From the perspective of income, choosing live streaming is an act to expand the scope of benefits, which is understandable, but there should be a certain limit to related operations, and there should be no standard entry into the goods industry, but Dongfang Selection did not do this.

The anchors under his company have different styles, and some anchors are not suitable for live broadcasts with goods, which has brought great damage to the viewing experience, and some anchors have also responded that after Dongfang Selection asked to join the delivery link, the total number of fans and viewers has decreased significantly.

Hot search number one! The Oriental selection anchor publicly expressed his dissatisfaction with the company

At present, the number of fans lost by Dongfang Selection has exceeded 1 million, and these reduced fans have basically all flowed to competing companies, I believe that this situation is also not what Dongfang Selection wants to see, although there are more topics, but they are basically criticized.

Narrowing down a wider audience and concentrating on the selling industry, although it is equivalent to screening customer groups for the company, when the live broadcast room is full of demand for buying goods, it will naturally expand the volume of orders, but the relevant managers only see the benefits.

As a company, in addition to paying attention to income, employees also care about the working environment, physical and mental burden, etc., not just to ensure the corresponding income, not to mention that because of the decline in the number of fans, the income of some anchors cannot be guaranteed.

Hot search number one! The Oriental selection anchor publicly expressed his dissatisfaction with the company

When the live broadcast room gathers groups of buyers and goods, the emotional pressure actually brought to the anchor will be relatively large, and it is impossible to return to a more relaxed atmosphere.

Previously, Dongfang selected knowledge to bring goods to the hot search, attracting the attention of many people outside the circle, but this is only a blessing in popularity, many groups with goods and selling goods are actually not very satisfied with this style, thinking that it is too procrastinating and does not conform to the form of fragmented transmission.

The management of Oriental Selection also found that it could not achieve the corresponding revenue target under the scenario of high recognition, so it made up its mind to take high commercialization as the goal, but in fact, this way of thinking obviously went into a misunderstanding.

Hot search number one! The Oriental selection anchor publicly expressed his dissatisfaction with the company

Products that are recognized by the public will not necessarily get high income, but those that are not recognized by the public will definitely have no chance, if you talk about it as a whole, the public's recognition of the company's brand is equivalent to whether the product can be sold or not.

Dong Yuhui publicly responded to the controversy over bringing goods, saying that from his own point of view, his view on bringing goods is only work rather than life, and it is necessary to obtain material income, but life is the essence of human beings, which cannot be divorced from reality.

In other words, choosing to bring goods is just a helpless move, and he himself is not happy to bring goods, if there is no corresponding capital demand, naturally there will be no corresponding work, this remark has aroused widespread resonance, and Dongfang Selection also has its own position.

Hot search number one! The Oriental selection anchor publicly expressed his dissatisfaction with the company

For Dongfang Selection, the non-commercial stance will make people habitually regard Dongfang Selection as a live broadcast IP rather than a commercial IP when establishing positioning, which will be very different, and if Dongfang Selection forms a dependence, it may encounter Waterloo.

Then, it is understandable that Dongfang Selection is eager to seek change from its own products, starting with its own products, and being more commercial, so that the public can realize that they are now transforming from live broadcast to selling goods.

However, the anchor Dunton's speech exposed some problems in the transformation process of Dongfang Selection, in his opinion, Dongfang Selection is based on the company's image, and it will not last long to benefit by means of wearing out impression points.

Hot search number one! The Oriental selection anchor publicly expressed his dissatisfaction with the company

If Dongfang Selection decides to transform, it is also extremely important to weigh the relationship between big anchors, because the impression points of Dongfang Selection are obtained by these anchors, and now it will be difficult to sacrifice their efforts and turn to full commercialization.

In the case that the company's internal employees began to be dissatisfied, Dongfang Selection should indeed calm down, rethink the strategic layout, and weigh the interests of multiple parties as much as possible, rather than ignoring the position of one party and advancing without authorization, otherwise it may lose a large market.

Bibliography: (Chuncheng Evening News)

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