
DNF Mobile Game: Strong Profession + Weapon Analysis, Who is the Crossover Stone for? The key is to have epic

author:Gaming Esports Express


Next week, the mobile game cross-border stone will be in hand, and it is 2 at a time, so what profession and what equipment to give to these 2 cross-border stones have become the two most critical questions. After all, the value of crossover stones is still very high, and many players are equipped with the wrong class.

DNF Mobile Game: Strong Profession + Weapon Analysis, Who is the Crossover Stone for? The key is to have epic

First of all, it is recommended to use cross-border stones.

Berserker, male big gun, martial god, Devil May Cry, qigong master. In fact, it is 3 pure Cs and 2 auxiliaries. The reason why there is no auxiliary nurse is that the nurse's epic weapons are not as strong as soul weapons, among them, berserkers, male big guns and martial gods belong to pure output characters; Devil May Cry is an excellent control, defense-reduction, and damage-increasing support character; The Qigong Master is an excellent three-speed, defense-reduction, and invincible hood support character; As for the nurse, her epic weapons are not as powerful as soul weapons, so she can directly choose the pink equipment Blue Dragon Staff to craft.

DNF Mobile Game: Strong Profession + Weapon Analysis, Who is the Crossover Stone for? The key is to have epic

Secondly, it is recommended to use cross-border stone weapons.

The weapons of these 6 must-play professions, and the graduation equipment are all relatively rare, except for the nurse, which are all epic equipment. If the player's trumpet is out, it can be used across borders for the large trumpet. After all, the cross-border stones sent do not need to cost additional materials and gold coins.

(1) Berserker's graduation weapon: Dragon's Fury.

(2) The graduation weapon of the male big gun: the Gravity Covenant Cannon.

(3) Valkyrie's graduation weapon: Spiral Meteor Gauntlet.

(4) Devil May Cry's graduation weapon: Shadowless Sword.

(5) Master's Graduation Weapon: Thunder Shocking Stick.

(6) The nurse's graduation weapon: Soul Blue Dragon Staff, no need to cross borders. You can upgrade directly with the package.

These weapons are all extremely valuable, and if you can successfully cross over, it will give your character a huge boost.

DNF Mobile Game: Strong Profession + Weapon Analysis, Who is the Crossover Stone for? The key is to have epic

In the end, the key is that you have to have epic weapons.

But then again, you don't have a weapon, you're lonely? No matter which class or weapon you choose, the prerequisite must be that you already have the corresponding epic weapon. Otherwise, even if you get the Crossover Stone, you won't be able to play its true role. So, before deciding whether or not to use a crossover stone, it's important to make sure you already have the right epic weapon.

DNF Mobile Game: Strong Profession + Weapon Analysis, Who is the Crossover Stone for? The key is to have epic

In general, the use of transboundary stones needs to be carefully considered. Only by choosing the right class and weapon at the right time, in the right place, can it maximize its value. I hope you find the above suggestions inspiring, and I wish you better results in the game!

DNF Mobile Game: Strong Profession + Weapon Analysis, Who is the Crossover Stone for? The key is to have epic

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