

author:Little Plum pushes the book

In the third year of liking the crown prince, we met an assassin, and I blocked a knife for him.

But he said that I would do whatever it took to force him to marry me.

I was sick and coughed up blood every day, but he gave my life-saving medicine to my sister to replenish her body.

He said that only a woman like Sister A is worthy of marrying him and giving birth to children for him.

As for me, since I like to pretend to be sick, I don't need to get better.

Later, I relived my life and burned my engagement book with him in public.

I wish him and Sister Lang a love and concubine, and grow old together.

But he said that I would not marry.

In the second year of marrying Xiao Yunjing, I blocked a knife for him.

The knife was coated with poison, and the imperial doctor was going to scrape off the flesh and skin.

I bit the handkerchief, and I was so painful that I broke out in a cold sweat, afraid that Xiao Yunjing would be distressed, so I endured it and didn't make a sound.

But when he raised his head, he saw him standing beside Sister A, covering Sister A's eyes, and whispered, "Awan, don't look at it."

Sister has always been timid, Xiao Yunjing is probably worried that she will be afraid.

He didn't look at me the whole time.

Tears suddenly flowed down my eyes.

I thought, it hurt so much to scrape that I cried, who had always been good at tolerating pain.


With tears blurring, I thought of Xiao Yunjing when I was sixteen years old, pestering me and asking me to marry him.

He said that he will not marry me in this life, and he will only love me and love me as a woman in his life.

I was born in the General's Mansion and grew up in the barracks with my father.

Daddy always forbade me to cry out in pain, and he didn't allow me to cry.

Only Xiao Yunjing will coax me softly when I am wronged: "Ah Wan, cry if you want to, I'll wipe your tears for you."

I remembered that in the old horse race, someone deliberately tripped my horse and caused me to fall to the ground.

In fact, the injury was not serious, but only a little bit of skin was scratched, Xiao Yunjing was so distressed that he gritted his teeth, kicked the man to the ground with his foot, and beat him hard.

He knew that I had been wronged.

In this world, he is the only one who will coax me softly: "Ah Wan, cry if you want to, I'll wipe your tears for you."

Obviously, he loved me seriously in the past, but when did it suddenly change?

Probably after Sister A came back from Jiangnan.


Sister Ah has been in poor health since she was a child, and was sent to her hometown in Jiangnan to recuperate, and she was only taken back to the capital to discuss marriage at the age of seventeen.

I practice martial arts, and my sister cultivates literature.

When I was dominating the men's pile, she embroidered and practiced calligraphy at home, and she had the demeanor of everyone's ladies.

Xiao Yunjing mentioned with a smile: "Your sister is gentle, you and her are the same mother, your eyebrows and eyes are similar, why are your temperaments so different?"

I feigned anger, grabbed his ear, and asked him viciously, "Now you dislike me for being rude, don't you?"

He waved his hand for mercy.

After I let him go, I quietly stole another sip of incense.

"Lone likes Ah Wan's free, unrestrained appearance."

I covered my cheek, chased him all over the house, and finally fell into his arms.

Sister A's window in front of the wind looked at us with very sad eyes.

At that time, I couldn't read her eyes.


It was probably when I was preparing for the military ring match, that Sister Ah and Xiao Yunjing got closer.

The prize for the champion of the ring tournament is a golden sword.

The golden sword of the cloud is only worthy of heroes.

I thought, if I win, I'll give it to Xiao Yunjing.

He will be delighted.

In order to win, I mixed in the martial arts training platform day and night, and Xiao Yunjing didn't find me when he went to the General's Mansion, so he had more contact with Sister A.

They are interested in poetry, playing chess, and discussing the way of governing the country, and when they are most interested, they are introduced as confidants.

And when I grabbed the treasure knife with a wound, Xiao Yunjing and Sister A were boiling tea and admiring the moon, and they were relieved.

I gave the golden knife to Xiao Yunjing.

He looked at my blue nose and swollen face, but frowned: "Girls' families, dancing guns and sticks all day long, like something!"

I grew up with him, and with that one sentence, I knew something had changed.

In the past, when he saw that I was hurt, no matter how distressed he was, he would not speak out against it.

He would only silently take the ointment and apply it to me.

Because he knows, I like it.

Now, he thinks I'm careless and unseemly.


I never saw that golden knife after it was given away.

It was the sachet that Xiao Yunjing was wearing, and I recognized it at a glance, and the embroidery on it was from Sister A's hand.

Xiao Yunjing said that the golden knife was not commonly used, so it was put in the warehouse.

I would love to ask him if he regretted it.

Do you regret asking the emperor for this marriage?

Originally, the emperor wanted Sister A to be the crown princess, she was dignified and beautiful, and she was born with a phoenix, so she should be with Xiao Yunjing.

But Xiao Yunjing ignored the opposition of the courtiers and insisted on marrying me.

The emperor was furious and punished him for kneeling in the snow for three hours, but he finally got his wish.

Everyone said that Xiao Yunjing loved me the most, so much so that he did not hesitate to disobey the emperor's orders and gamble on the throne.

But I didn't know that Lang's heart was like a surging river, and he would never return.


After I was injured, my sister took over the errand of taking care of me.

Xiao Yunjing also often came to see me, but he read the way of Confucius and Mencius, and learned the good way to govern the country.

The only thing I'll be able to read is the Zhiwei script.

Sister and he chatted so much that I couldn't say a word next to me.

I whispered to Sister A, "Sister is interested in His Highness?"

Sister Ah panicked, waved her hand again and again, and only said, "His Royal Highness is Ah Wan's fiancé, how can I have delusional thoughts?"

I don't know whether to breathe a sigh of relief or feel sad for Xiao Yunjing.

The person he loves, he doesn't love him.

Daddy once told me that he would prefer the future crown princess to be me.

The Jiang family is a general, holding military power, in order to eliminate the emperor's suspicions, one of the daughters of the Jiang family always wants to marry Xiao Yunjing.

When Sister Ah was calculated by the national teacher, he was only worried.

She has a gentle temperament and a weak body, and if she marries into the royal family, Daddy is always worried that she will be bullied.

But I have a martial arts body, and I have never admitted defeat.

When Xiao Yunjing asked to marry me, he finally let go of a big stone in his heart.

At that time, I saw Daddy's gray hair, and I was slow to notice his aging.

I think, it's okay like this, if I marry Xiao Yunjing, I can exchange for the stability of Sister A and the Jiang family.

What's wrong with not being loved?


I said to my sister, "King Xiang has a heart, the goddess has no dreams, and Sister doesn't have to come over tomorrow."

Sister didn't speak, but her eyes were full of tears.

I have never understood these twists and turns, and I don't understand why Sister Ah still looks so sad when she declares that she has no intention of him.

The next day, Xiao Yunjing came to me with a cold face and asked, "You bullied Ah Wan?"

I don't know what Sister said about it, Xiao Yunjing was really angry.

He still looked at me, but his tenderness was gone:

"It's not that you don't know that she's not in good health, so why do you want to stimulate her? I don't know when you became a jealous woman!"

Jealous woman?

I asked him, "Do you remember what your Highness promised me?"

"You say, one life and one couple. I believe, why do you think I'm jealous?

"If the oath can be invalidated, then why is the person you love a sister!"

People's hearts have always been fickle and happy, but the person Xiao Yunjing likes is Sister A.

It's my sister.

Xiao Yunjing's face was ugly, and he wrinkled his brows and said, "Lonely and Awan, the mountains and rivers are innocent. Don't slander our relationship with your unwarranted speculation."

Innocent, innocent!


After that day, Xiao Yunjing and I fell into a cold war.

He didn't come anymore, and I didn't bow my head.

The dispute between me and Xiao Yunjing reached Ah Niang's ears, and Ah Niang advised me not to be too careful, but there was real worry on my face.

Ah Niang's mind is exquisite, even I can see the wavering, how can she not notice?

But Sister A is innocent, and she can't bear to blame, so she can only step up the pace of marriage proposal for Sister A.

Sister Ah came to me to cry every day, regretting that she shouldn't have returned to the capital, which disturbed my relationship with Xiao Yunjing.

Hug Yue for me: "In my opinion, the eldest lady is pretending, and if she can climb up to His Royal Highness, she can't be happy in her heart!"

I scolded her, "It's getting more and more unruly."

This angry shout touched the air in my chest.

An itch came from my lungs, and I began to cough violently, one after another, and the more I coughed, the heavier the cough became.

Until a mouthful of blood was coughed up.

I remembered what the national teacher said when he gave me the order.

[Miss Jiang Er, a noble person, but unfortunately the fortune was shallow and died in a short fold. 】

Die of a short break, I see.

Baoyue saw the blood stains on the handkerchief, and instantly turned white, with tears in her eyes: "Miss, I'll go find you a doctor."

I stopped her, "There's no need."

The imperial doctor had already seen me, and he said that I had not been cured of the disease after a serious injury, and that it would get worse and worse as time went on.

Unless, a thousand-year-old ginseng can be found as medicine, there is no medicine for medicinal stones.

But the only thousand-year-old ginseng in the world is in the warehouse of the imperial palace.

Unless I marry into the East Palace, how can I ask for such a precious medicine?


As if she was angry, Sister A chose the most stubborn and unscrupulous among the many princes in the capital who courted for marriage.

The two families made an appointment, and they looked at each other at the Moon Tower in the evening.

I stopped her, "What are you doing, Sister? That son of the Wang family is a wallowing in the flowers, prostituting, gambling, eating and drinking, and nothing else, which point is worthy of you?"

But Sister said, "Don't care, I deserve it."

She didn't care about going out, I was injured and couldn't stop her, so I had to let Baoyue send someone to carry a sedan chair to chase.

As soon as I arrived at the moon landing building, there was a commotion inside, and black smoke billowed from the second floor.

The guest Xiao Er rushed out, saying that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince had a big temper and beat the prince of the Wang family to a cripple.

The son of the Wang family wanted to escape, but he happened to knock down the candle on the case and burned.

I have no master of the six gods, and Sister A and Xiao Yunjing are still inside.

Reluctant to let me take the risk, she tried her best to stop me, but I broke free of her hand and ran into the fire.

I didn't find Sister Ah and Xiao Yunjing, but I was hit on the head by a beam.

Before falling, I saw Xiao Yunjing wrapping Sister Ah in a cloak and rushing out with her in her arms.

I called him, but he was full of eyes and only Sister A, and he didn't hear my cry for help.

Before fainting, I obviously saw Sister Ah smiling in his arms.

Sister, it turns out that you are really lying to me......


In a groggy dream, I went back to the day I married Xiao Yunjing in my previous life.

He was dressed in a bright red wedding dress, standing in front of me, but his eyebrows and eyes were extremely cold.

Because on that day, Sister A got married.

Although the emperor wants Sister Ah to be the crown princess, I have made a meritorious contribution to saving the car and sacrificed half my life for Xiao Yunjing, if I regret the marriage, he is worried that it will make my father feel cold.

In order to stabilize the court, he gave Sister A a marriage.

Xiao Yunjing said, I was so vicious that I would force him to marry me by any means.

That night, Xiao Yunjing pressed me under me and tortured me, I cried and coughed, and finally coughed up blood all over his bed.

But the candle flame was dim, and he didn't notice it.

At the beginning of the rain, he threw me on the bed alone and went to sleep in the study alone.

Later, Xiao Yunjing ascended the throne of God, killed Sister A's husband, and welcomed her into the palace.

He said that only a woman like Sister A is worthy of being his queen and giving birth to children for him.

Sister A is weak, and in order to make up for her, he uses the thousand-year-old ginseng in the palace.

I begged him to give me life-saving medicine, but he just coldly pushed me away:

"You are jealous of Awan's favor, and you don't hesitate to bully the king. If you say you are sick, then you need not be healed."


My illness got worse and worse, so serious that when my sister came to my dormitory, I didn't even have the strength to get up and see her.

Sister smiled and said, "It's painful, isn't it? Not enough! On the day Xiao Yunjing married you, my pain was a hundred times greater than yours.

"I hate you, obviously I am the phoenix, why can Xiao Yunjing only see you in his eyes?"

She had me carried behind the screen in her dormitory, and let me listen to her and Xiao Yunjing lingering in love all night.

Xiao Yunjing gasped and called her name, saying that he only loved her.

Knife by knife at my heart.

Ah Wan, Ah Wan, maybe when he pressed on me, he shouted Sister A......

I lay behind the screen, unable to even cry.

When it was light, I closed my eyes forever and died on an ordinary winter day.


When I woke up, I spurted out a mouthful of black blood and still had tears on my face.

Baoyue pounced on her, crying and said, "Miss, you have finally woken up, and if you don't wake up, Baoyue will go with you."

I touched the head of Huyue, and there was only a numbness in my heart:

"yes, I'm finally awake......

This time, I woke up completely.

On the second day, my eyes were red and swollen, and I was summoned into the palace by the Queen Mother with my sister.

Xiao Yunjing's incident in the Moon Tower that night made trouble in front of the Queen Mother.

The dignified prince, leaving his fiancée, and walking out of the sea of fire with my sister in public, behaved intimately, which is really against the law of etiquette.

The Queen Mother is benevolent, with clear rewards and punishments, and after knowing what happened, she didn't favor her because of Sister A's life.

Instead, in front of Xiao Yunjing, he scolded Sister Ah fiercely, saying that she was misbehaving and seducing the East Palace.

Xiao Yunjing had the intention to defend it, but was reprimanded by the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother took my hand and said generously, "It's Yunjing, this kid, who wronged you. The mourners will definitely punish him severely, and they will not leave you with no way to appeal."

Xiao Yunjing said, "Gu and Ah Wan are innocent. Besides, it is common for men to have three wives and four concubines, and Ah Wan refuses to serve a husband with others, so is it impossible to monopolize the East Palace?"

He meant to say that I was jealous and could not tolerate anyone.

He is the lord of the East Palace, and he will be the lord of the world in the future, and the continuation of heirs is the right way.

A jealous queen who loses royal decency.

The Queen Mother was just about to reprimand him, but I preemptively said, "Your Highness is very right."


I bow to the Queen Mother:

"The courtiers are narrow-minded and unelegant, and they are really not worthy of being this princess. Therefore, the courtiers asked to withdraw from the marriage."

Xiao Yunjing took a step forward, his face as ugly as a ghost: "What did you say?"

I pulled out the engagement book I had prepared and handed it over with both hands.

But Xiao Yunjing didn't answer, and his face was cold: "Are you using divorce to force orphans?"

I smiled wryly and shook my head.

It's just that the scene in the dream is too real for me to bear.

There was a charcoal fire in the hall, and I threw the engagement book into the brazier, and Spark ignited the engagement book in an instant.

Xiao Yunjing panicked, kicked over the brazier, and poured hot charcoal fire on Sister A's embroidered shoes.

Sister Ah exhaled in pain, and Xiao Yunjing looked at her distractedly.

By the time he looked down again, the engagement book was already halfway burned.

"Since Your Highness and Sister Ah know each other, the courtiers wish Your Highness and Sister Ah Lang love and concubines, and grow old together."

Sister, since you want to marry into the East Palace, then I will fulfill you.


On the day of the wedding, it snowed heavily in the capital.

The snow paved my way home, and my aunt waited at the door of my house to welcome me home.

She didn't say anything, just took my cold hand and turned her head to hide the tears from the corners of her eyes.

On the third watch at night, Xiao Yunjing knocked on the wooden window of my room.

The candle flame was heavy, his eyes were dark, and he finally bowed his head to me:

"I answered you alone, and I won't interact with your sister anymore, you won!

"Lone will not marry anyone but you."

He didn't understand why I insisted on getting out of the marriage, he just thought I was trying to force him.

In the past, I had a falling out with him, and he was the first to show goodwill.

I asked him why he was so nice to me, and he just smiled softly.

He said I don't remember.

Back then, I was a doll crawling all over the floor.

At the Zhou banquet, I crossed all kinds of objects, and I had the audacity to hug His Royal Highness the Prince.

The family affection in the palace is weak, and when he is hugged by me, his heart is soft.

I don't know any etiquette and rules, I just know how to take good care of this doll to grow up.

Later, I grew into a willful mischievous character, and grabbed him to go to the astrological pavilion to steal the apricots planted by the national teacher.

When I was caught, I stood in front of him and confessed all my sins.

He said, "Lone is the prince, and everyone around you prays for Lone's protection, and you are the first to protect Lone."

How ridiculous!

He will remember that I confessed the grace of stealing apricots for him, but he will not remember the sword I desperately blocked for him.

Xiao Yunjing! Xiao Yunjing! I really can't guess you.


I took out a jade plaque from the box under the bed, which was a token given to me by Xiao Yunjing.

I handed it back to him: "Your Highness, go back, and cherish it from now on, and nothing else."

"What the hell are you messing with! Lone has already agreed that you will no longer have anything to do with your sister, why do you still insist on getting out of the marriage?"

I looked at him, and I only felt that the young man in my mind who would love me unconditionally and protect me was gradually moving away, and I couldn't see it anymore.

"Between you and me, we can't go back, so why continue to learn from each other?"

Xiao Yunjing stared at the jade plate for a few moments, and suddenly smiled coldly:

"Lonely's good Ah Wan is really free and easy, I just hope you won't regret it."

After Xiao Yunjing left, I couldn't sleep anymore, looking out the window at the moonlight in a daze.

I covered the scar on my heart, and since waking up from my dream, I don't seem to have hemoptysis.

By such a coincidence, was it a dream, or did I really have it in my previous life?


After the news of the divorce spread, it was rumored in the capital that Xiao Yunjing would propose to the Jiang Mansion again in the near future.

After all, Sister Ah is the phoenix life recognized by the national teacher herself.

But Xiao Yunjing didn't move for a long time.

Sister Ah waited in a hurry, and went to see him under the pretext of the poetry meeting, but was sent back by his men.

When I returned, I was sharpening my knife in the backyard.

Sister Ah stopped pretending, and ridiculed me for quitting the marriage, and I would definitely not be able to marry again.

I smiled and said, "Sister has behaved in public with the prince, if he doesn't come to propose, who will want you?"

Sister, we are the same.

A-Niang is ready that I will not be able to marry for the rest of my life, and actively buys an industry for me, lest I have a bad life after she goes.

I saw that A-Niang was working hard and couldn't help anything, so I could only polish her ink silently.

Butler Zhang broke in and stammered, "Madam, the country...... The National Teacher has arrived."

A-Niang and I were both stunned, I don't know what kind of wind blew this adult here.


Wen Wushi came in a low-key manner, but A-Niang didn't dare to slack off, and even sent someone to the barracks to call Daddy back.

Daddy, a general with great military achievements, looked very respectful and cautious in front of Wen Wushi:

"I don't know why the National Teacher is here this time?"

Wen Wushi sat on the top seat, his handsome face revealing a faint detachment.

It is said that it was with his help that the founding emperor of Daqi opened up a new world.

Now, more than 200 years have passed.

This national teacher has lived for an unknown number of years, but he has always maintained his youthful appearance.

Xiao Yunjing privately called him a monster, but when he met him, he still had to say respectfully, "My lord."

After all, even the emperor wants to give him seven points.

Wen Wushi took a sip of tea and evoked a smile: "This official saved a kitten when he had nothing to do, and this time he wants to ask for a reward."

As soon as he waved his hand, the boy beside him took out a piece of jade pendant and handed it to my father.

His indifferent eyes lazily paused at me: "You promised me that after the deed is completed, you will marry me."

The jade pendant was engraved with the word "Wen", which was a dowry gift from him.

With it in hand, the Son of Heaven will bow to it.

My father's face changed, and they all looked at me, as if they were asking me when I provoked this big Buddha.

But I'm also full of doubts at this time.

When did I promise to marry him?


Daddy wanted to block a column for me, but Auntie pulled his sleeve and didn't allow him to speak.

A-Niang found a reason and ran away with Daddy.

The boy also withdrew in amusement, leaving Wen Wushi and I alone.

I was silent for a long time, and Wen Wushi calmly tasted tea.

After all, I couldn't hold back and tentatively asked about the marriage contract.

Wen Wushi's cold gaze swept over me, and I only felt a chill down my spine.

When I was a child, I stole his apricots and was slapped by him more than a dozen times.

Now that I think about it, my palms still ache faintly.

Wen Wushi only said lightly, "Come here."

I leaned over and craned my ears to listen to him, only to be knocked on the head by his fingers.

I bared my teeth and cried out in pain, and he chuckled, and the ice and snow on his face melted for a moment:

"You are a reborn person, and I saved this life, so you won't deny it, right?"


He glanced at me with a little disgust, and said to himself, "Tsk! I made a mistake and saved a fool."

The news that Wen Wushi was going to marry me spread throughout the capital.

The people who wanted to see my jokes all died down all of a sudden, after all, no one could afford to provoke Wen Wushi.

I can't afford to mess with it.

So, you can only marry him.

Ah Niangle was broken, laughing, and ran out, saying that it was a dowry for me.


On the second day, the prince's dowry was also carried into the general's mansion in boxes.

Xiao Yunjing asked for a decree to marry Sister A.

Like the competition, the dowry is a little better than that brought by the astrological cabinet.

On the day my sister tried on the wedding dress, I was also there.

She asked me, "Do you think Sister A's beauty?"

"Sister is beautiful."

She covered her lips and smiled, her fingertips resting on my brow.

"Ah Wan is wrong, Sister is not as beautiful as you."

Sister A's smile gradually cooled: "But Sister Ah is the crown princess and the future master of the Middle Palace. Ah Wan, why don't you salute me when you see me?"

She slapped me in the face as if she was angry.

She said that she was Xiao Yunjing's woman, my eldest sister, and a sister who didn't know the rules.

I have to suffer, and I can't resist.

But I didn't get used to her, and grabbed her two or three steps and jumped up to the tallest tree in the backyard.

Sister Ah was afraid of heights and didn't know martial arts, so she was trembling holding the trunk of the tree, and she didn't dare to open her eyes and look down.

I jumped off the tree in a few steps, leaving her alone in terror.

When Xiao Yunjing came to the door, Sister Ah had been on the tree for three hours.

When I came down, my legs were all weak.

She lay on Xiao Yunjing's chest and cried, "Ah Wan must be angry with me for His Highness's business."

Sister Ah originally intended to complain to Xiao Yunjing, but Xiao Yunjing's eyes lit up.

He stopped me, "You went to toss Awan for me?"

"Your Highness is a little self-inflicted."

I glanced at him and reminded him, "Your Highness is a person with a marriage contract, so you should abide by your husband's way and cherish the people in front of you."


There were two marriages in the general's mansion at once, and they were busy with a pot of porridge.

Even Baoyue was borrowed by A-Niang.

I was bored, so I went into the palace to harass Wen Wushi.

Wen Wushi drew talismans in the astrology pavilion, and I used his talisman paper and cinnabar to draw villains next to me.

I asked him, "Did you really save me?"

Wen Wushi didn't even raise his head: "The question is too stupid, change it."

I angrily drew a pig's nose on his little figure