
Forgetful old people want to eat less beef? The doctor reminds: If you don't want Alzheimer's disease, you should do more of these 3 things

author:Director Xu Health said

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Uncle Hu, 67, retired as a volunteer in the park, often feeding the pigeons and tending to the flower beds. But lately, he's found himself getting more and more forgetful. Just last week, he put a pot of braised beef on the fire and plunged headlong into the plot of the TV series, until the house smelled of mush, and he ran to the kitchen in a panic.

The incident made Uncle Hu worry about whether his forgetfulness was related to his recent increase in beef consumption. Uncle Hu is a lover of food, especially beef, which he believes is not only delicious, but also replenishes physical strength and strengthens physical fitness.

Forgetful old people want to eat less beef? The doctor reminds: If you don't want Alzheimer's disease, you should do more of these 3 things

In order to answer this doubt, Uncle Hu went to the hospital and found a doctor who specializes in the relationship between Alzheimer's disease and eating habits. The doctor made a detailed inquiry about Uncle Hu's condition and did some basic cognitive tests. The test results showed that Uncle Hu's cognitive function was within the normal range, but he still needed to be vigilant.

When talking about the link between beef and forgetfulness, doctors first explained some basic physiological mechanisms. The health of the human brain is closely related to diet.

Forgetful old people want to eat less beef? The doctor reminds: If you don't want Alzheimer's disease, you should do more of these 3 things

Protein is an important substance for building and repairing body tissues, and beef, as a source of high-quality protein, is actually beneficial to the body. But the problem is that improper eating habits, such as excessive intake of high-fat and high-cholesterol foods, may affect cardiovascular health, which indirectly affects the blood supply to the brain and increases the risk of forgetfulness.

Doctors note that while there is no direct evidence of a direct causal relationship between beef consumption and forgetfulness, dietary habits do have an important impact on brain health.

Forgetful old people want to eat less beef? The doctor reminds: If you don't want Alzheimer's disease, you should do more of these 3 things

Too much saturated fat and cholesterol can lead to hardening of the arteries, which affects not only the heart but also blood circulation to the brain. Excessive intake of iron, especially non-heme iron from red meat, may increase oxidative stress, which is thought to be a possible risk factor for Alzheimer's disease.

Doctors advised Uncle Hu to have a balanced diet and not to favor one food over another, especially foods that are high in fat and cholesterol. At the same time, doctors also emphasize the importance of maintaining a moderate amount of exercise and active social activities, which are effective ways to maintain brain vitality and prevent memory loss.

Forgetful old people want to eat less beef? The doctor reminds: If you don't want Alzheimer's disease, you should do more of these 3 things

After listening to the doctor's explanation, Uncle Hu's doubts were greatly alleviated. He decided to adjust his diet to reduce his intake of red meat and add more vegetables and whole grains, while maintaining the habit of taking daily walks and socializing with friends. He believes that through these changes, his forgetfulness problems will be alleviated and he will be able to enjoy a healthy old age.

In the medical field, research on how to prevent Alzheimer's disease has been going on, but small habits and daily choices that seem inconspicuous but are actually far-reaching are often overlooked. Today, we will not talk about those well-known suggestions, such as eating more fruits and vegetables, sticking to physical exercise, etc.

Forgetful old people want to eat less beef? The doctor reminds: If you don't want Alzheimer's disease, you should do more of these 3 things

Simply put, it's about experiencing the world with all your senses. Why is this effective in preventing Alzheimer's? The reason for this is that a multi-sensory experience activates multiple areas of the brain, and this all-encompassing stimulation helps the brain maintain vitality and connectivity.

You can try to play some soft music while doing chores to stimulate the senses of sight, sound and touch at the same time. Or try to feel the fragrance of flowers around you while walking, and observe trees of different colors and shapes, these seemingly simple activities are actually exercises for your brain.

Forgetful old people want to eat less beef? The doctor reminds: If you don't want Alzheimer's disease, you should do more of these 3 things

We're talking about "creative expression". Many people may choose to live quietly after retirement, but I want to tell you that there's never been a better time to show off your creativity. Whether it's drawing, writing, knitting, or gardening, these creative activities promote neuroplasticity in the brain, helping you make new neural connections and enhance memory.

Older people who regularly participate in these activities have a slower rate of cognitive deterioration than those who do not engage in these activities. We are going to talk about "new ways of social interaction". Traditionally, the social activities of the elderly are often limited to tea parties or bridge gatherings, but have you ever thought about expanding your social circle in a more modern way?

Forgetful old people want to eat less beef? The doctor reminds: If you don't want Alzheimer's disease, you should do more of these 3 things

These seemingly unconventional suggestions may not have been taken seriously to you before, but they can make a huge difference in your life. If you think about it, making small changes that might give you a healthy old age is worth a try, right? And not only can these activities help slow down cognitive deterioration, but they can also make your retirement more colorful and meaningful.

Keeping your brain healthy is not just about eating the right food, it's about activating and protecting your brain through a varied lifestyle. Such a lifestyle doesn't cost much, but the benefits that can come are enormous. So, for a healthy old age, you might as well start now and try some new lifestyles!

Forgetful old people want to eat less beef? The doctor reminds: If you don't want Alzheimer's disease, you should do more of these 3 things

It may sound nerdy, but it's actually very practical. Regular self-awareness testing, such as using some online tools or apps to measure memory, concentration and mental agility, can help you detect potential signs of cognitive decline early.

This proactive approach to health management allows you to take measures earlier, such as adjusting your lifestyle or seeking medical advice. Moreover, regular brain training is also an effective way to promote neuroplasticity, which can help the brain metabolize and enhance its resistance to disease.

Forgetful old people want to eat less beef? The doctor reminds: If you don't want Alzheimer's disease, you should do more of these 3 things

Older people are often advised to avoid risk-taking to reduce the risk of injury. However, moderate freshness and light adventures, such as trying a new travel route, learning a new skill, or even experiencing a virtual reality trip, can significantly increase the joy of life and stimulate brain activity.

Living in the same environment for long periods of time, people's senses and cognition may gradually reduce their sensitivity. Changing the environment, such as changing the layout of the room you live in, changing the path you walk or exercise regularly, or even planting different types of plants in your home, can provide new visual and sensory stimuli that help keep your brain alive and flexible.

Forgetful old people want to eat less beef? The doctor reminds: If you don't want Alzheimer's disease, you should do more of these 3 things

These unique perspectives may not be entirely consistent with traditional health advice, but they are all based on an in-depth understanding of modern lifestyles and cognitive science. By integrating these activities into daily life, you can not only make life more interesting, but also effectively maintain and improve the function of the brain and delay the aging process. (All names have been changed)

What do you think about Alzheimer's? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

[1] Yan Shuyun. Observation of the effect of argatroban combined with neurotolepine on neuronal activity and astrocyte ultrastructure in senile dementia rats under EGFR-PLCγ, Chinese Journal of Gerontology, 2024-06-10

Forgetful old people want to eat less beef? The doctor reminds: If you don't want Alzheimer's disease, you should do more of these 3 things
Forgetful old people want to eat less beef? The doctor reminds: If you don't want Alzheimer's disease, you should do more of these 3 things

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