
Hong Kong wives always drink this, no wonder 50 years old does not look old.

author:Gluttonous Rice Bucket Diary

The neighbor's sister in the countryside works as a nanny for rich wives in Hong Kong!

In the past two days, he came back and bragged to me, saying that Hong Kong wives love to drink this five-red soup the most, and they must drink it about 3 times a week!

Mask care is less, girls just need to drink more of this!

The neighbor's sister asked me to see the difference between her and the past, and I silently took out the previous photos without makeup to compare, and it was indeed a big change!

Hong Kong wives always drink this, no wonder 50 years old does not look old.

She used to be dull yellow, rough and dull, and she looked like she had no energy!

Now: ruddy and shiny, confident, and generous in speech!

At the age of 35, it feels like she's 18 again!

The neighbor's sister said that it was all about drinking this soup with the wives, and it got better slowly, never skin care or care!

My heart was moved when I said it, I asked for the formula, and I quickly started to do it!

Hong Kong wives always drink this, no wonder 50 years old does not look old.

Please see the ....... for the method and the steps

Hong Kong wives always drink this, no wonder 50 years old does not look old.


Peanuts must be dressed in red, white clothes are useless!

If you are afraid of peanuts and red beans that can't be boiled, you can soak them in advance!

Or just use a pressure cooker to press it, and use a rice cooker for a little longer!

Hong Kong wives always drink this, no wonder 50 years old does not look old.

These ingredients are very friendly to me, a yellow-faced woman!

I insisted on drinking it myself for a while and it felt really good!

No one says I'm going out without makeup, and it's not good-looking to be a housewife, hum!

My husband also praised me for becoming beautiful!

Hong Kong wives always drink this, no wonder 50 years old does not look old.

The main thing is that this is also delicious, sweet and soft and glutinous, plus put in homemade pearls, QQ bombs are also glutinous, very delicious!

Or rich wives will eat it, this recipe is fantastic!


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