
Yang Ying's resource downgrade is too serious! Sing and sell goods in the Internet celebrity live broadcast room! With an embarrassed smile on his face, humble and flattering!

author:Two ancestors

[Entertainment In-depth Observation] Yang Ying's live broadcast debut caused controversy: the starlight of the past has changed from the present, and the ups and downs of the entertainment industry


Recently, a live broadcast attempt by the famous actress Yang Ying (Angelababy) has become the focus of public opinion.

Yang Ying's resource downgrade is too serious! Sing and sell goods in the Internet celebrity live broadcast room! With an embarrassed smile on his face, humble and flattering!

After experiencing the facial coding incident in the "Let's Run" program, Yang Ying chose to start her live broadcast debut in the live broadcast room of Internet celebrity Simba, which not only caused an uproar in the outside world! The embarrassing performance in the live broadcast room is distressing!

Yang Ying's resource downgrade is too serious! Sing and sell goods in the Internet celebrity live broadcast room! With an embarrassed smile on his face, humble and flattering!

The embarrassment and challenges of the live broadcast room

Yang Ying's resource downgrade is too serious! Sing and sell goods in the Internet celebrity live broadcast room! With an embarrassed smile on his face, humble and flattering!

Yang Ying's appearance in Simba's live broadcast room should have been a breakthrough in his attempt to a new field, but the atmosphere at the scene was a little embarrassing.

Yang Ying's resource downgrade is too serious! Sing and sell goods in the Internet celebrity live broadcast room! With an embarrassed smile on his face, humble and flattering!

Her facial expression was accused of "smiling awkwardly", as if she were judging two people compared to the calm confidence she had when she attended high-end events in the past.

Yang Ying's resource downgrade is too serious! Sing and sell goods in the Internet celebrity live broadcast room! With an embarrassed smile on his face, humble and flattering!

On that day, Yang Ying wore a Ronald van der Kemp Fall/Winter 2022 haute couture outfit, with an irregularly cut top and denim shorts, trying to find a balance between casual and fashion!

This is the sixth time she has appeared in the public eye wearing RVDK haute couture, but unfortunately, she has left the shelter of the filter!

Yang Ying's resource downgrade is too serious! Sing and sell goods in the Internet celebrity live broadcast room! With an embarrassed smile on his face, humble and flattering!

Her true state was ruthlessly exposed: her complexion was dull yellow, her hair was messy, her face was slightly puffy, and her makeup was not delicate enough, which made many netizens sigh that "there are no stars".

Yang Ying's resource downgrade is too serious! Sing and sell goods in the Internet celebrity live broadcast room! With an embarrassed smile on his face, humble and flattering!
Yang Ying's resource downgrade is too serious! Sing and sell goods in the Internet celebrity live broadcast room! With an embarrassed smile on his face, humble and flattering!
Yang Ying's resource downgrade is too serious! Sing and sell goods in the Internet celebrity live broadcast room! With an embarrassed smile on his face, humble and flattering!

A moment of controversy in Simba's live broadcast room

Yang Ying's resource downgrade is too serious! Sing and sell goods in the Internet celebrity live broadcast room! With an embarrassed smile on his face, humble and flattering!

During the live broadcast, Simba's repeated praise for Yang Ying, including her appearance and affinity, seemed to be an affirmation of her!

However, Simba's seemingly joking "roll" in the live broadcast, although interpreted by fans as innocent, reflects to a certain extent that the interactive atmosphere in the live broadcast room is not as harmonious as it seems.

Yang Ying's resource downgrade is too serious! Sing and sell goods in the Internet celebrity live broadcast room! With an embarrassed smile on his face, humble and flattering!

For the former top female star, such a "joke" seems a little out of place, and it also makes people wonder whether Yang Ying's career is indeed experiencing a significant turning point.

Yang Ying's resource downgrade is too serious! Sing and sell goods in the Internet celebrity live broadcast room! With an embarrassed smile on his face, humble and flattering!

Netizens hotly discussed and compared Huang Xiaoming

On the Internet, the discussion about Yang Ying's live broadcast has not decreased, and many netizens expressed their distress that she was wearing high-end to bring goods in the live broadcast room, thinking that her posture was too humble.

Yang Ying's resource downgrade is too serious! Sing and sell goods in the Internet celebrity live broadcast room! With an embarrassed smile on his face, humble and flattering!

What's more, she compared Yang Ying's current situation with her ex-husband Huang Xiaoming's career development, pointing out that "without Huang Xiaoming, she wouldn't be able to go so high"!

Yang Ying's resource downgrade is too serious! Sing and sell goods in the Internet celebrity live broadcast room! With an embarrassed smile on his face, humble and flattering!
Yang Ying's resource downgrade is too serious! Sing and sell goods in the Internet celebrity live broadcast room! With an embarrassed smile on his face, humble and flattering!

On the other hand, the current Huang Sect Master!

Yang Ying's resource downgrade is too serious! Sing and sell goods in the Internet celebrity live broadcast room! With an embarrassed smile on his face, humble and flattering!

And Huang Xiaoming filmed "Chinese Restaurant" abroad, received the Golden Goblet Award after returning to China, and made it public with his girlfriend Ye Ke for the first time at the airport, Ye Ke sent flowers and happily took pictures of him! The two of them are quack and sweet! The double harvest of career and love is a stark contrast.

Yang Ying's resource downgrade is too serious! Sing and sell goods in the Internet celebrity live broadcast room! With an embarrassed smile on his face, humble and flattering!
Yang Ying's resource downgrade is too serious! Sing and sell goods in the Internet celebrity live broadcast room! With an embarrassed smile on his face, humble and flattering!

This series of comparisons not only makes people lament the rapid changes in the entertainment industry, but also triggers deep thinking about women's independence and career ups and downs.

Yang Ying's resource downgrade is too serious! Sing and sell goods in the Internet celebrity live broadcast room! With an embarrassed smile on his face, humble and flattering!

Epilogue: Shadows and Forwards in the Starlight

Although Yang Ying's live broadcast attempt has encountered a lot of controversy and doubts, it also shows her courage in the face of challenges and her determination to try new things.

Yang Ying's resource downgrade is too serious! Sing and sell goods in the Internet celebrity live broadcast room! With an embarrassed smile on his face, humble and flattering!


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