
The rain is falling, the fish are jumping and jumping, the ditch is walking, and the fish are jumping into the pot

author:The second dog of Chen Dayuan's family
The rain is falling, the fish are jumping and jumping, the ditch is walking, and the fish are jumping into the pot
The rain is falling, the fish are jumping and jumping, the ditch is walking, and the fish are jumping into the pot

We here, every rainy season, it rains every day, the big pond is full, and the small pond is full. The water in the ditches and channels is rushing.

Where there is water, there are fish, shrimp, loaches and small river crabs.

Catch big fish in heavy rain and catch small fish in light rain.

The rain is falling, the fish are jumping and jumping, the ditch is walking, and the fish are jumping into the pot
The rain is falling, the fish are jumping and jumping, the ditch is walking, and the fish are jumping into the pot

In the past, when rural people were poor, they had no money to buy meat, so they relied on catching fish and shrimp to improve their lives when it rained.

Friends who have lived in the countryside should know that fish have the habit of swimming against the current.

The rain is falling, the fish are jumping and jumping, the ditch is walking, and the fish are jumping into the pot

When it rains heavily, the pond is full of water and connects with the ditch.

The big fish in the pond, such as silver carp, carp, grass carp, and even large herring, swim up the river against the current.

Experienced fishermen will keep watch over the narrow part of the ditch.

The rain is falling, the fish are jumping and jumping, the ditch is walking, and the fish are jumping into the pot

In the winding ditch, the big fish shook their heads and tails and went upstream. Sometimes the ditch is so narrow that the fish even jump out of the water, not knowing that bad luck awaits them.

These fishermen have precise eyes, light steps, and strong hands. Once the fish is caught by their big hands like old fire tongs, no matter how much they struggle and slippery, they will not be able to escape.

The rain is falling, the fish are jumping and jumping, the ditch is walking, and the fish are jumping into the pot
The rain is falling, the fish are jumping and jumping, the ditch is walking, and the fish are jumping into the pot

Often, after half a day, the buckets they carry are almost full, enough for their families to eat fresh fish for a few days.

When it rains lightly, catch small fish.

The fishermen braved the drizzle, their trouser legs tied high, and carried their nets along the ditch.

The rain is falling, the fish are jumping and jumping, the ditch is walking, and the fish are jumping into the pot

There will be a lot of small fish and shrimp in the ditch, as well as river crabs and loaches.

Some of these small fish are washed down from the upper reaches of the river, and some swim up the pond against the current.

The rain is falling, the fish are jumping and jumping, the ditch is walking, and the fish are jumping into the pot

Use a net pocket to go to the net, and after half a day, you can catch a large half bucket.

Whether it is heavy rain or light rain, the most caught one is the head fish (scientific name crucian carp), which has a short and fat body, and many of them have fish roe in their stomachs.

The rain is falling, the fish are jumping and jumping, the ditch is walking, and the fish are jumping into the pot

Whether it is fried and eaten, fried or eaten as crucian carp soup, it is very delicious. Especially when making crucian carp soup, it can be fresh and fresh!

I heard that it has a good lactation-inducing effect, and people who have pregnant women will cook its soup for mothers to drink.

The rain is falling, the fish are jumping and jumping, the ditch is walking, and the fish are jumping into the pot

I remember that in the past, among the fish that my dad caught, I could always see carp with bulging stomachs, fat heads with big heads, and Diao Zi fish with small heads and slender bodies.

In this season, there are many carp roe, fat head and obesity, and there is a folk saying: "fat brain shell carp miscellaneous", they are the best delicacies.

The rain is falling, the fish are jumping and jumping, the ditch is walking, and the fish are jumping into the pot

I often remember that at that time, my father or younger brother came back with wet hair, wiped the hair with a towel, and said to my mother with a smile: "You have washed the fish and cooked it for lunch." ”

Then they went to change their wet clothes and pants.

The rain is falling, the fish are jumping and jumping, the ditch is walking, and the fish are jumping into the pot

The rest is for Mom and our sisters.

For big fish, we need to remove the gills, cut open the belly with a knife, take out the intestines, and clean them with water.

The rain is falling, the fish are jumping and jumping, the ditch is walking, and the fish are jumping into the pot

The little fish plucked its belly with their hands, squeezed out its intestines, scraped off the scales and gills with their hands, and washed it with water.

Shave the ginger, peel the garlic and wash the shallots.

Heat the oil and put the fish in the pan. Fry until golden brown on both sides, add water, bring to a boil over high heat, and simmer over low heat.

The rain is falling, the fish are jumping and jumping, the ditch is walking, and the fish are jumping into the pot

My mom usually fried some small frozen fish, fried four or five shoeboard-sized shoefish, and burned a large plate of loaches. I will also make a pot of fat soup or carp offal to make a table of "whole fish feast".

The whole family sits around the table and feasts.

The rain is falling, the fish are jumping and jumping, the ditch is walking, and the fish are jumping into the pot

It's so fragrant, so fresh!

Now that I think about it, my mouth is still drooling.

In my memory, around the Dragon Boat Festival, it began to rain, and we could eat fish and shrimp often.

The rain is falling, the fish are jumping and jumping, the ditch is walking, and the fish are jumping into the pot

It has been many years since we moved out of the village. Because of his busy work, his husband rarely returns to the village, and he has not fished for many years.

Yesterday afternoon, just after the heavy rain stopped, my father-in-law rode a battery car and brought us a number of happy head fish, saying that they were caught in the ditch in the morning.

The rain is falling, the fish are jumping and jumping, the ditch is walking, and the fish are jumping into the pot

Looking at these happy head fish densely packed in the basin and exhaling with their mouths open, I can't help but think of the good times when I was young, catching and eating fish.

The rain is falling, the fish are jumping and jumping, the ditch is walking, and the fish are jumping into the pot

Alas! In the village now, young and middle-aged men have gone out to beg for a living. Those who can catch fish are some elderly people.

Now it's raining again, and my friends who read my article, do you want to go fishing with me!

The rain is falling, the fish are jumping and jumping, the ditch is walking, and the fish are jumping into the pot
The rain is falling, the fish are jumping and jumping, the ditch is walking, and the fish are jumping into the pot

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