
A beautiful woman in France married a refugee for love, got married and had a baby, but was brutally subjected to domestic violence

author:The Great Wave of Cities

Miserable! The beauty fell in love with the refugee, got married in a flash, and had a baby, but life was worse than death, "I will kill you before calling the police"!

It's miserable

Recently, the news of a "beautiful woman marrying a refugee for love, but being tragically subjected to domestic violence" has been widely reported by foreign media, causing social concern, one is related to the bad case of domestic violence, and the other is about the refugee issue, and netizens have also expressed their dissatisfaction.

Let's take a look at what is going on, this year's 31-year-old French beauty Ivana (Ivana) fell in love with a handsome guy 2 years older than herself online in December 2020, and then the two ran into love and fell in love.

A beautiful woman in France married a refugee for love, got married and had a baby, but was brutally subjected to domestic violence

The man was a former Luxembourg small club footballer who retired as a delivery boy and specialized in delivering meals to the elderly.

Ivana was in love at the time, and she felt that the handsome guy in front of her was handsome and kind, doing such a heartwarming job.

After the two lightning got together, it didn't take long for them to decide to live together, moved to Belgium, and then got married in a flash.

However, life didn't last long, and Ivana's nightmare began - this man tore off his mask and turned into a domestic violence man! If it's okay, just punch and kick her!

Not only that, domestic violence men are shooting more and more frequently, and their hands are getting heavier and heavier, rewarding slaps, punches and kicks, falling to the ground, and pulling hair, which can be called a "full package of domestic violence".

There is a huge disparity in strength between men and women, and Ivana is often beaten until she loses consciousness, like a tattered doll, and is still on the ground after the beating.

A beautiful woman in France married a refugee for love, got married and had a baby, but was brutally subjected to domestic violence

What's worse is that this person also has a gambling addiction, often goes out to gamble, and when he loses, he gets angry with Ivana, and he doesn't go out to work, and she relies on her to support the family alone.

Perhaps out of fear or out of undissipated love, Ivana failed to escape the home and became pregnant.

But even Ivana was pregnant with Rokka, and she was pregnant with her own biological bones in her stomach, this domestic violence man couldn't stop, if he beat his wife violently according to three meals.

Once, Ivana was even hit until her cervix was opened by 2 cm!

A beautiful woman in France married a refugee for love, got married and had a baby, but was brutally subjected to domestic violence

The domestic violence man also threatened Ivana, saying, "Don't think about calling the police, I'll kill you before the police come." "

On August 23, 2022, their son Anur was born. The name An'er means tranquility and harmony, but she was born into a family full of violence and fear.

thought that the birth of the child would make this demon a little restrained, but it turned out to be a new excuse for a domestic violence man.

A beautiful woman in France married a refugee for love, got married and had a baby, but was brutally subjected to domestic violence

He hated the baby's crying all day long, so he took out his anger on Ivana, and he threatened her: "If you don't let him be quiet, I'll beat you!" "

Sometimes, he didn't care that Ivana was still holding the child in his arms, so he started beating her, and he didn't feel sorry for his wife and children at all.

Two years have passed in hell, and Ivana slowly realizes the reality and knows that she can't go on like this.

In June 2023, Ivana quietly packed her baggage, fled back to her French mother's house with her son overnight, directly sued her ex-husband in court, and began to receive psychological treatment.

Since the official judicial divorce judgment has not yet come down, Ivana has to take her children to meet the domestic violence man every week.

This person is like a different face, and every time he will use both soft and hard, trying to trick Ivana back.

Ivana, who has come to her senses, is so easy to fool, she has a firm heart to leave, and there is only one thought: to end it all!

At the beginning of January 2024, Ivana was ready and felt that the time was ripe to file a complaint with the Family Court.

A beautiful woman in France married a refugee for love, got married and had a baby, but was brutally subjected to domestic violence

But the ex-husband of the domestic violence man showed his true face and bit back. On February 6, he sued Ivana for "abducting children" and wanted the child back!

Ivana was desperate, "This is his revenge, he wants to take everything from me." "

If the court can make a correct trial here, this domestic violence case can still stop in time, but the tragedy is not over, and the French court "closed the case wrongly"!

On June 13, the French court handed down an incredible verdict - Aner must be returned to her father, and Ivana may lose her son forever!

According to the judge, the child has been living in Belgium since birth, which is his "habitual place of residence". Therefore, Ivana "does not have the right to change the place of residence of the child without the consent of her ex-husband".

A beautiful woman in France married a refugee for love, got married and had a baby, but was brutally subjected to domestic violence

"The child cannot be severed from the mother, but given that the mother has no residence in Belgium, the child must return to the father's house," the verdict reads. "

When she got this verdict, Ivana was desperate and felt that she had been stabbed in the back by the law.

Lawyer Laura Casaro said the verdict was an eye-opener, "It is tantamount to pushing the client into the wolf's mouth, and she would rather be beaten than separated from her son." "

But in fact, such judgments are not uncommon in Europe, and "unless it can be proved that the child is in serious danger with the father's side, the court will require the child to return to his country of origin." "

Especially in France, even if one of the parties to a divorced or separated couple is a violent maniac, he does not lose his rights as a parent, he retains parental authority, and the courts do everything in their power to maintain his contact with his children.

This result, even the prosecutor himself admits that it was a procedural error.

What's even more absurd is that the court also held that the evidence provided by Ivana for domestic violence was insufficient!

A beautiful woman in France married a refugee for love, got married and had a baby, but was brutally subjected to domestic violence

Ivana handed in photos of herself injured after being subjected to domestic violence, with dark circles under her eyes and swollen lips, but the judge said that her ex-husband also provided photos, and that "Ivana was still taking pictures with a smile on her face 48 hours after she was subjected to violence, without any traces of violence."

The domestic violence man completely denied his actions, claiming that it was all orchestrated by Ivana.

She was completely sent to hell and cried out in a broken heart: "Do you want to go back and wait for him to kill me before you believe me?" He will take my son to Kosovo and I will never see him again. "

A beautiful woman in France married a refugee for love, got married and had a baby, but was brutally subjected to domestic violence

Although she will continue to appeal, before this her son can only be taken away by her ex-husband who is domestic violence, An'er seems to sense what is happening, and has often been awakened in the middle of the night recently.

"He sensed that something was going to happen, but I could only count the time and wait for him to come and take the child away......"

This is not just a case of domestic violence, it is also about refugees.

Ivana's ex-husband is actually not a Belgian, but a refugee from Kosovo, and the exposure of this case has also made many people feel dissatisfied, saying that Europe has absorbed too many refugees, affecting social security.

This is not to say that refugees are equal to criminals, nor that locals are necessarily good people, but the influx of refugees does pose a threat to local security to a certain extent, as is the case of sexual assault of young girls by refugees in the United States, which has recently caused a lot of uproar.

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