
He was a regular teacher for 1 year, and he was promoted to the position of a regular soldier, and described his reaction at that time with a sunny day and thunder


In October 1968, Zhang Yimin, political commissar of the 6th Speedboat Detachment of the East China Sea Fleet, received a transfer notice and served as the political commissar of the Zhoushan base. In this regard, he reacted very strongly, and even used a sunny day to thunder, startled, and spoke jammed to reflect his state at that time.

Being promoted from a regular teacher to a regular military position is not considered a promotion beyond the ranks, how could he have such a big reaction?

He was a regular teacher for 1 year, and he was promoted to the position of a regular soldier, and described his reaction at that time with a sunny day and thunder

Zhang Yimin was a peacetime naval hero, and in 1955, when he was the captain of a naval speedboat, he single-handedly picked out an enemy ship and sank it in one fell swoop. Since then, he has been involved in many naval battles in the East China Sea, such as the Battle of Kinmen in 1958 and the Battle of Chongwu in 1965.

For ten years, from 1955 to 1965, he was promoted from lieutenant to major. In fact, in 1963, he left the army to study at the Naval Academy for 2 years. After returning in 1965, he served as the deputy chief of staff of the detachment, and after receiving the task, he learned that the two gunboats of the Kuomintang Southern District Patrol Detachment, "Yongtai" and "Yongchang", formed a small formation in a vain attempt to send the bandits to the enemy-occupied island of Wuqiuyu.

At the combat meeting, Zhang Yimin learned about the situation of the two gunboats and pondered the possibility of his superiors demanding the total annihilation of the enemy ships. He weighed it quickly, and felt that he was 90 percent sure. We participated in the battle with 12 ships, formed into two assault groups, frigates and torpedo boats. Ma Gan and Wang Zhiqi were in charge of the frigates, and Zhang Yimin was in charge of the torpedo boats.

With the cooperation of the frigate and the speedboat, the second group of the speedboat force hit the enemy, and the Yongchang was blown up and sunk. Of course, in this operation, the tactics were constantly adjusted, and it was not a battle as soon as the attack was struck; after three rounds of contests between the enemy and us, the tactics were readjusted and the fourth round was won, and Zhang Yimin was responsible for how to fight.

He was a regular teacher for 1 year, and he was promoted to the position of a regular soldier, and described his reaction at that time with a sunny day and thunder

This naval battle was supposed to completely annihilate the enemy, but one ship was sunk, and in terms of the outcome of the battle, it was not fought well. In terms of the balance of forces, I have an absolute advantage, and I am also sure, and even the completion of the mission is nine out of ten, he thinks that the commander of the formation is inferior to the enemy, perhaps in the opinion of the commander of the formation, six high-speed gunboats will definitely be able to take it in a hurry, and he did not want to use torpedo boats, deploy to destroy the enemy, and rush up to ensure total annihilation, but the result is not ideal.

After the battle, Tao Yong, commander of the East China Sea Fleet, had a conversation with Zhang Yimin, and the commander was happy that he commanded the speedboat to take down the Yongchang ship, and he also said to Zhang Yimin that the speedboat is the direct force of the fleet, and it will return to Hong Kong after the battle, and the Fujian front line will still rely on frigates to guard, and the speedboat will not fight for merit, this is the need to obey the overall situation of the East China Sea, can it be done? Zhang Yimin assured the commander that he could do it. This is also a verbal covenant between the two.

Although the enemy was not completely annihilated in this naval battle, Zhang Yimin's military career was promoted again, and he was not only received by the head of the central government, but also issued a commendation order by the Ministry of National Defense.

He was a regular teacher for 1 year, and he was promoted to the position of a regular soldier, and described his reaction at that time with a sunny day and thunder

In June 1966, the East China Sea Fleet ordered him to be transferred to the deputy political commissar of the 6th Speedboat Detachment, and changed from a military cadre to a political work cadre. From the regimental rank to the deputy division post. Although his position was promoted, he was not happy at all, because he preferred to go to the front line to command and serve as a military cadre.

His task is to be responsible for the general management, and is responsible for the daily work of the military training regiment, such as the organization, administrative management, and life management, as well as the leave of the regiment members. In 1967, he took over the post of political commissar of his detachment and became a full teacher. In this year, he also became a pacesetter in the Navy and was received by the leaders of the country. As the political commissar and party secretary of the speedboat, he thought a lot about how to make this army an iron army on the sea. The detachment has four brigades under its jurisdiction, and he wants to make the unit the most courageous assault lion on the front line in the Taiwan Strait.

He was a regular teacher for 1 year, and he was promoted to the position of a regular soldier, and described his reaction at that time with a sunny day and thunder

In 1968, when he was busy with the separation of the 6th speedboat detachment, he received a call from the political commissar of the East China Sea Fleet, informing him to serve as the political commissar of the Zhoushan base. He listened to the chief's phone call, and his reaction at that time was: thunder on a sunny day, startled, stuck in speech, etc. The chief asked him to express his position, and he said that the political commissar of the Zhoushan base was an errand that only the old Red Army could suppress, and he was not qualified for it. He was told not to worry about seniority.

As for the position of a regular military cadre, I personally find it attractive, not because of the high position, but because Zhoushan was the first strategic highland in coastal defense at that time, and he was willing to take risks and fight. In his eyes, Zhoushan is a place where people with courage, ability and achievements can display their ambitions and talents. After some thought, I felt that I had received the appointment.