

author:Master Academy

【Original Works】

Written by Li Xuguang


Mirror Lake Hanlian - Li Xuguang photography

The buds of the lotus flower in Jinghu Lake, that is, what the ancients called "Hanlian" (the second word, reading the sound of sweating), have not been drilled out of the water until today: timidly hiding in the lotus leaves one by one, obviously, these buds called Hanlian have not really become the protagonist of Jinghu, nor can they be regarded as "hibiscus out of the water" in the strict sense.


Mirror Lake Hanlian - Li Xuguang photography

We might as well continue to wait, wait until it breaks and smiles, wait until the day when the lotus leaves are infinitely green, to the day when the lotus flowers are different red in the sun, and wait until the mirror lake transforms into a perfect "lotus pond", "lotus pond", "hibiscus country"...


Mirror Lake Hanlian - Li Xuguang photography

I remember that Xiaohe showed his "sharp corners" on June 2; The starry "Qian Ye Yuan" is June 11; The first event of the "rain cover" was on June 16. After another 13 days, I first got to know "Hanlian". "After a long time, he came out, still holding the pipa and half covering his face." It's a day to remember!


Mirror Lake Hanlian - Li Xuguang photography

In my opinion, the lotus flower, which is also known as hibiscus and hibiscus, is a node or a milestone in its growth today. She is still in the process of growing up: we must not be impatient when we are waiting for flowers, and we should not be sad when we are grateful...


Photo by Li Xuguang


Mirror Lake Hanlian - Li Xuguang photography

The first acquaintance with Hanlian reminds us of the same principle of all good things and all life processes, and we can create and expect a better life with a peaceful mind, without being deceived, confused, or confused by some lies and illusions.

(Xuguang.2024.6.29 on the shore of Jinghu Lake)


Author: Li Xuguang


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