
The male stars who are over half a hundred years old and still not married are all rich and handsome, and they have their own emotional difficulties

author:Zhouzhou Film and Television Entertainment Review
The male stars who are over half a hundred years old and still not married are all rich and handsome, and they have their own emotional difficulties

Text: Pity

Editor|Zhouzhou Film and Television Entertainment Review

As the saying goes: men should get married, and women should get married.

However, with the continuous development of the times, the world has gradually become more and more open to the concept of marriage.

There are many celebrities who choose to give up marriage in pursuit of freedom.

Especially in recent years, there have been more and more divorced celebrities in the entertainment industry, and everyone no longer blindly tries love.

Today, let's take a brief inventory of these older male stars, why they are still bachelors when they are over half a hundred years old.

The male stars who are over half a hundred years old and still not married are all rich and handsome, and they have their own emotional difficulties

01 Fei Yuqing

Fei Yuqing, born in 1955, is a native of Taiwan, China.

In the entertainment industry, everyone affectionately calls him "little brother".

"Thousands of Miles Away" and "A Cut of Plums" are his masterpieces.

But Fei Yuqing is not just a singer.

Those who know him should have watched the variety show "Dragon Brother and Tiger Brother" hosted by him.

The male stars who are over half a hundred years old and still not married are all rich and handsome, and they have their own emotional difficulties

Fei Yuqing is also a "joker" when he hosts the show.

I believe that many people should have seen his famous scenes.

It can be seen that Fei Yuqing is a very interesting and funny man in private.

The male stars who are over half a hundred years old and still not married are all rich and handsome, and they have their own emotional difficulties

In 1977, 23-year-old Fei Yuqing met his Japanese ex-girlfriend - Chie Yasui during a tour of Japan.

The two can be called love at first sight, and they have been in love for ten thousand years.

Soon Fei Yuqing began to prepare for the marriage proposal.

And when Fei Yuqing was already preparing for the engagement banquet, he was opposed by the woman's father.

The male stars who are over half a hundred years old and still not married are all rich and handsome, and they have their own emotional difficulties

Because Chie Yasui belongs to a famous family in Japan and wants to get married, the other party asked Fei Yuqing to give up his acting career.

He even went so far as to ask Fei Yuqing to renounce his Chinese nationality.

This made Fei Yuqing completely lose confidence in this relationship.

The male stars who are over half a hundred years old and still not married are all rich and handsome, and they have their own emotional difficulties

How can you give up the career you have worked so hard for?

What's more, if you are Chinese, how can you give up your home and country because of a relationship?

So Fei Yuqing ended this relationship.

After returning to China, Fei Yuqing got the song "Thousands of Miles Away".

Now looking at the lyrics "Send you away thousands of miles away", it has a unique charm.

The male stars who are over half a hundred years old and still not married are all rich and handsome, and they have their own emotional difficulties

Years later, the two reunited on a cruise ship.

But at this time, things have long been different.

Fei Yuqing's love has long since faded with time.

The male stars who are over half a hundred years old and still not married are all rich and handsome, and they have their own emotional difficulties

After this relationship ended, Fei Yuqing had no lover.

Only his confidante Jiang Hui has always been by his side.

There were rumors that the two might develop into lovers, but Jiang Hui denied this speculation.

The two are already a relationship that transcends the world.

The male stars who are over half a hundred years old and still not married are all rich and handsome, and they have their own emotional difficulties

Whenever they see the two going for a walk in the park together, many netizens will be moved by it.

Fei Yuqing also joked that it is also a good choice to spend the rest of her life with Jiang Hui like this.

Imagine how happy it would be if you ever missed a relationship and still have friends by your side when you are old.

The male stars who are over half a hundred years old and still not married are all rich and handsome, and they have their own emotional difficulties

02 Zhang Xinzhe

Zhang Xinzhe, born in 1967, is a native of Taiwan, China.

He has loved music since he was a child, and he participated in singing competitions during college.

Soon signed with a brokerage company.

The song "Love Like a Tide" became popular all over the mainland, and Zhang Xinzhe became the "Prince of Love Songs".

may be the reason for the "bitter love song", which makes Zhang Xinzhe have many infatuated female fans.

And Zhang Xinzhe's first relationship started with one of these female fans.

The male stars who are over half a hundred years old and still not married are all rich and handsome, and they have their own emotional difficulties

In 1993, Zhang Xinzhe went to Hong Kong to participate in publicity activities.

A female fan often follows him to attend events, and this female fan is Zhu Xiaomei.

Zhu Xiaomei is a Fujian girl from Hong Kong.

She is a radio editor from an ordinary family, and she can be regarded as Zhang Xinzhe's number one fan.

Like other fans, Zhu Xiaomei knows Zhang Xinzhe's songs well.

The male stars who are over half a hundred years old and still not married are all rich and handsome, and they have their own emotional difficulties

But gradually, Zhu Xiaomei changed from fans' appreciation of idols to a secret love between men and women.

She began to record her feelings in a diary.

When Zhang Xinzhe attended the event, he boldly sent the diary out.

Unexpectedly, this confessional diary really moved Zhang Xinzhe.

Zhu Xiaomei never imagined that she would one day become the girlfriend of her idol.

The male stars who are over half a hundred years old and still not married are all rich and handsome, and they have their own emotional difficulties

After that, Zhang Xinzhe began to contact Zhu Xiaomei by letter.

came and went, and the relationship between the two gradually warmed up.

In 1994, Zhang Xinzhe dated Zhu Xiaomei for the first time.

The two officially made their relationship public.

The male stars who are over half a hundred years old and still not married are all rich and handsome, and they have their own emotional difficulties

However, the love of the king of heaven will naturally receive the attention of countless people.

Especially the girlfriend is still an ordinary person.

Many people are dissatisfied with Zhu Xiaomei's identity, thinking that she is not worthy of the big star Zhang Xinzhe as an ordinary small staff.

This relationship brought a lot of pressure to Zhu Xiaomei.

During this period, there were even paparazzi who went downstairs to peep, which seriously disrupted Zhu Xiaomei's normal life.

The male stars who are over half a hundred years old and still not married are all rich and handsome, and they have their own emotional difficulties

So Zhu Xiaomei, who couldn't withstand the pressure, proposed the option of marriage to Zhang Xinzhe.

hopes to gag the mouths of netizens through marriage.

But Zhang Xinzhe, who is on the rise in his career, is not in the plan, and he hopes that his little sister will wait for him for another three years.

This move also aroused the dissatisfaction of Zhu Xiaomei's parents, who thought that there would be no good results for the two of them if they continued like this.

So Zhu Xiaomei chose to give up this idol drama-like love after struggling.

The male stars who are over half a hundred years old and still not married are all rich and handsome, and they have their own emotional difficulties

Zhu Xiaomei immigrated to Canada with her whole family and completely disappeared from Zhang Xinzhe's field of vision.

After the breakup, Zhang Xinzhe was very sad and tried his best to find Zhu Xiaomei's whereabouts, but found nothing.

The failure of this relationship made Zhang Xinzhe have a huge fear of love.

I haven't been in contact with a new person for many years after breaking up.

In 2007, Zhang Xinzhe contacted Zhu Xiaomei with hope.

What I was waiting for was a goodbye: thank you for coming to see me, and we won't see each other again.

The male stars who are over half a hundred years old and still not married are all rich and handsome, and they have their own emotional difficulties

After the breakup, Zhu Xiaomei started a new life in Canada, and she has already married and had children.

Zhang Xinzhe can only let go of blessings.

After returning to China, Zhang Xinzhe deleted Zhu Xiaomei's contact information.

This is the end of this vigorous relationship.

The male stars who are over half a hundred years old and still not married are all rich and handsome, and they have their own emotional difficulties

03 Zhao Wenxuan

Zhao Wenxuan, born in 1960, is also from Taiwan, China.

In 1998, a newspaper casting advertisement changed the trajectory of Ms. Zhao's life.

At that time, he submitted his resume with enthusiasm, although he was not from a professional background.

As expected, with no acting experience, he hit a wall in his first audition.

Ang Lee even bluntly said that Zhao Wenxuan "doesn't know how to perform at all".

The male stars who are over half a hundred years old and still not married are all rich and handsome, and they have their own emotional difficulties

But Zhao Wenxuan did not give up, he decided to fly to the United States and communicate face-to-face with Ang Lee.

This persistence moved Ang Lee, and handed over the actor of "The Wedding Banquet" to an amateur.

Under the guidance of the famous director, Zhao Wenxuan completed the performance in more than 20 days, and at the same time won many awards with the help of "The Wedding Banquet".

He successfully stepped into the door of the entertainment industry.

The male stars who are over half a hundred years old and still not married are all rich and handsome, and they have their own emotional difficulties

A "Daming Palace Ci" made Zhao Wenxuan famous.

Popular actresses such as Zhou Xun and Chen Hong are all devoted to him.

But Zhao Wenxuan kept her distance from the actresses.

He thinks that love is too beautiful, but the reality is too cruel.

So at the age of 50, Zhao Wenxuan made a shocking decision: to die alone.

The male stars who are over half a hundred years old and still not married are all rich and handsome, and they have their own emotional difficulties

Unlike the previous two, Fei Yuqing and Zhang Xinzhe both decided to be lonely for the rest of their lives because of the loss of their love.

But Zhao Wenxuan didn't expect love from the beginning.

His concept of love is "rather lack than excess".

For the sake of art and freedom, I chose to keep only the kitten by my side.

As a star, this choice does not have any worries, and the career he worked hard in the past few years is enough to provide for his retirement.

Coupled with the fans who love him, Zhao Wenxuan's life is also full of fun.

The male stars who are over half a hundred years old and still not married are all rich and handsome, and they have their own emotional difficulties

04 Lin Jiadong

Lam Ka Tung, born in 1967, is from Hong Kong.

The masterpiece "Infernal Affairs" has become a classic in the history of cinema.

It is precisely because of this movie that the world has spread that there is more than just brotherhood between Lin Jiadong and Andy Lau.

At the premiere of the movie "Sneaking" in 2023, Lin Jiadong blew up that he had a girlfriend, and only Andy Lau knew about his girlfriend.

The male stars who are over half a hundred years old and still not married are all rich and handsome, and they have their own emotional difficulties

Because they entered Andy Lau's company not long after their debut, the relationship between the two is very deep.

In the face of the economic crisis, Lin Jiadong never thought of leaving.

Such a heavy love and righteousness made many netizens want to be wrong.

And Andy Lau did not disclose Zhu Liqian's identity at that time, which made fans mistakenly think that Lin Jiadong was gay.

But this situation has long been denied by Lin Jiadong.

The male stars who are over half a hundred years old and still not married are all rich and handsome, and they have their own emotional difficulties

But in fact, Lin Jiadong has had many girlfriends.

After graduating from middle school, I had a 7-year relationship with my classmate's first love, but I broke up because of the Cold War.

Later, he dated Feng Baobao's niece Rossetti, but in the end he couldn't go to the end because Lin Jiadong was unmarried.

Over the years, Lin Jiadong has always denied the ambiguous relationship between himself and Andy Lau.

The two are just like-minded brothers.

The male stars who are over half a hundred years old and still not married are all rich and handsome, and they have their own emotional difficulties

05 Fan Hongxuan

Fan Hongxuan, born in 1946, is from Taiwan, China.

Graduated from National Taiwan University, he is an engineer, but because his work is too boring, he changed his career and became an actor.

A "Bao Qingtian" made the audience deeply remember the image of "Gongsun Ce".

At the same time, he also formed an "iron triangle" with He Jiajin and Jin Chaoqun.

The male stars who are over half a hundred years old and still not married are all rich and handsome, and they have their own emotional difficulties

Because of He Jiajin's lively personality, Fan Hongxuan once asked him: "Is it easy to find a girlfriend with a character like yours?" ”

He Jiajin replied with a smile: "It's hard to find, so I'm still single." ”

Regarding feelings, Fan Hongxuan has always believed that filming is more important.

During this period, many friends introduced him to his partner, but they were all rejected.

In fact, there is no shortage of beauties around Fan Hongxuan.

But Fan Hongxuan didn't take them seriously.

The male stars who are over half a hundred years old and still not married are all rich and handsome, and they have their own emotional difficulties

Now Fan Hongxuan has faded out of the entertainment industry.

During this period, he had a serious illness, which caused his figure to be a little out of shape.

It took a lot of time to lose weight after recovery.

has a successful career, and his friends have already married and had children, Fan Hongxuan's only regret is that he is not accompanied by his lover.

The male stars who are over half a hundred years old and still not married are all rich and handsome, and they have their own emotional difficulties


Everyone has their own understanding of feelings.

In the past, it was said that marrying a wife and having children was a necessary plan for life.

But now it seems that if you have a close friend by your side, you are not alone.

On the contrary, there are some people who have a bumpy road and are divided and combined.

If you have a successful career at a young age, even if you are alone, you don't have to be afraid of loneliness.

The only flaw is that there is no happiness under the knees of children and grandchildren.

The male stars who are over half a hundred years old and still not married are all rich and handsome, and they have their own emotional difficulties

Some references:

Fei Yuqing: No smoking, no drinking, no gambling, no marriage. [2023-07-17].

Chie Yasui watches Fei Yuqing's concert. Shenzhen Hotline. [2023-07-17].

Golden nightclub, Jiang Hui, Ren Xianqi, Fei Yuqing, Jiang Shuna stars celebrate the New Year. Tencent Video. [2023-07-17].

Zhang Xinzhe: After singing love songs all his life, he is still single at the age of 56, and now he is ridiculed as a singer. Sohu Entertainment. 2023-04-25[2023-06-02].