
In 85, I was admitted to the teacher college and wanted to divorce my fiancée, so in order for me to marry her, my mother devised a plan

author:Sage practice

(Narrator: Rong Wei Text: Sage Cultivation The illustrations in this article are all from the Internet)

I grew up in a small village on the Loess Plateau, our village is a well-known rich village in the whole township, mainly there are more than a dozen porcelain tube kiln factories in our village, when I was young, not only most of the people in the village worked in the factory, but also many people from other places also came to work in our village, because the economy of the village is good, many girls are willing to marry into our village.

My father and Uncle Wang, that is, my later father-in-law, are working in the factory, they were divided into a group, one summer, the weather was particularly hot, Uncle Wang and my father were assigned the task by the team leader, to go to the kiln to move the successful porcelain tubes, in order not to be burned, they are wearing thick protective clothing, so hot environment, you can imagine their hard work, when Uncle Wang just moved some of the porcelain tubes below, the result of the porcelain tubes above suddenly became loose, about to collapse, Father's eyes were quick and he pulled Uncle Wang out.

In 85, I was admitted to the teacher college and wanted to divorce my fiancée, so in order for me to marry her, my mother devised a plan

As soon as Uncle Wang came out, the porcelain pipe inside collapsed, and Uncle Wang felt palpitations after seeing it, if it wasn't for his father pulling him, his life might have been explained here. In order to thank his father, Uncle Wang specially invited his father to his house for a meal, and his father originally shirked it, but under Uncle Wang's sincere invitation, his father had to go to Uncle Wang's house.

The relationship between the two people was originally good, after this incident, they were even more sympathetic, after the wine was more than half a tour, Uncle Wang proposed that the two people worship as brothers with different surnames, and the father immediately agreed when he heard it, and the two of them knelt on the ground with the strength of the wine, kowtowed three times, and since then they have become good brothers.

Uncle Wang's family has only two children, a boy Wang Hai is the elder brother, and a daughter Wang Hong, originally Wang Hong and I had no intersection, but because of her father and my father, we gradually got closer.

One year it happened to be autumn, and the villagers of our village successively sent their wheat to the threshing field, and after a few days, the threshing field was built up with thick wheat stalks, which looked like golden hills from afar, and the weather was very hot in those days, which was the most dangerous period for the barley field, because if one was not careful, the wheat stalks would catch fire and be burned clean.

On the same day, I came home from school and passed by the wheat field, and I saw a few classmates from the neighboring class playing with fire near the wheat field, and I was very angry and worried when I saw it, so I ran over to drive them away, but a few of them were surrounded by a large number of people and wanted to teach me a lesson, at this time Wang Hong suddenly broke over and immediately blocked in front of me.

These classmates were a little puzzled and asked Wang Hong why he wanted to help me, at that time, there were still many things that the village people did not know about my father's marriage with Uncle Wang, Wang Hong pointed to me and said to them: "He will be my brother in the future, don't beat his idea." "These classmates are not good at school like Wang Hong, but they have a good relationship, and they usually help each other with anything, and they are not angry when they see Wang Hong protecting me, but they are very righteous and say that they will protect me in the future, seeing Wang Hong and these classmates such a friendship, I was no longer angry, more moved.

In 85, I was admitted to the teacher college and wanted to divorce my fiancée, so in order for me to marry her, my mother devised a plan

When they left, Wang Hong also told them not to play with fire near the wheat field, if they were a little careless, it might bring a lot of losses to the boss, and people would definitely find them.

Later, when I was in junior high school, we were assigned to a class, and I was assigned to the first row because I studied well, and Wang Hong was always sitting in the back, but the classmates she knew also had a good relationship with me.

Once after school, Wang Hong and her friends played football in the playground, but a little friend kicked the ball to the window of the teacher's office because of his strength, and the glass on the window was broken.

When I went home, I heard Wang Hong say this, so I discussed with Wang Hong about this pot on my back, because I studied well, the teacher would not say anything, Wang Hong looked at me gratefully, and knew that I could only do this, so the next day I took the initiative to admit my mistake to the teacher, and the teacher really looked at my good academic performance, so he did not pursue it again.

Since then, Wang Hong and her little friends have completely accepted me, and we have become good friends who talk about everything.

Because my relationship with Xiaohong is getting better and better, and later Uncle Wang knew, at a drinking party, Uncle Wang looked at my father and proposed to let me and Wang Hong order a doll, my father was immediately happy to hear it, this is a daughter-in-law for nothing, and Wang Hong's reputation in the village is so good, my father immediately agreed, and Wang Hong and I knew it, we will smile.

Soon we went to high school, in the year of the college entrance examination in 85, I was admitted to a teacher college in the province, but Wang Hong was unsuccessful, she had to go back to her home to farm, when Uncle Wang knew that I was admitted to the teacher college, he came to my house to congratulate. Just as I was about to leave the village to go to college, Uncle Wang suddenly found my father, and they were drinking and chatting at Uncle Wang's house.

In 85, I was admitted to the teacher college and wanted to divorce my fiancée, so in order for me to marry her, my mother devised a plan

Uncle Wang looked at his father and pointed to Wang Hong, who was busy in the kitchen, and his father immediately understood, it turned out that Uncle Wang was worried that I would abandon Wang Hong when I was admitted to the teacher's college, and my father thought about it for a while, so he proposed to let me and Wang Hong get engaged before I left the village, and Uncle Wang nodded immediately when he heard it. They chose a good day, the two families had a meal together, and then Wang Hong and I got engaged, and I was very happy at that time, because I did have Wang Hong in my heart.

Soon I left the village and came to the provincial city to go to university, when I first came to school, I was deeply attracted by the prosperity of the provincial city, and my classmates were from different places, we were all curious about each other, I was 18 years old at the time, white and clean, tall and handsome, naturally became the object of the female classmates in the class.

In our class, there is a female classmate Xiaofen from the provincial capital, her family is very wealthy, which can be seen from the clothes she wears, and she is more beautiful than Wang Hong, she is a girl who will make boys feel tempted at a glance, but at that time I was only Wang Hong in my heart, so I didn't think much about it.

But Xiaofen liked me from the first time she saw me, when she boldly pursued me, looking for opportunities to get close to me every day, in constant contact with Xiaofen, I slowly fell in love with Xiaofen, this kind of liking is different from liking Xiaohong, at that time I didn't know who was the girl I really liked, I mistakenly thought that I and Xiaofen were true love.

Originally, Xiaohong and I agreed to write a letter to each other once a week, and I could still write it at first, but after falling in love with Xiaofen, I didn't have the heart to write, and then I didn't reply directly, maybe Xiaohong also felt that I had changed, and then she didn't write to me anymore.

In 85, I was admitted to the teacher college and wanted to divorce my fiancée, so in order for me to marry her, my mother devised a plan

During the summer vacation of one year, I went home in the evening, because I didn't want to alarm Xiaohong's family, and when I got home, my mother cooked me a good meal, and just when we were eating, my father asked me what was going on with Xiaohong, and I knew that Xiaohong must have told my father about us.

Seeing that my father had made it clear, so I told him that I wanted to divorce Xiaohong, before my relationship with Xiaohong was not love, I have now found true love, my father slapped the table when he heard it, and my mother and I were startled, and my mother immediately stopped my father and said to him: "Let the children deal with the children's affairs, let's not get involved." ”

Seeing my father's anger, I immediately picked up my luggage and left overnight, not knowing how much my actions had hurt the two families.

Half a year later, I suddenly received a message from home, saying that my mother was seriously ill and was bedridden, and my mother wanted me to take the object home, so that she could feel at ease at a glance, I told Xiaofen about the situation, Xiaofen immediately agreed to go home with me, we asked for leave, and rushed back overnight.

After returning home, I found that Xiaohong was already sitting next to my mother, she saw me and Xiaofen, her eyes were full of embarrassment and injury, I pulled Xiaofen to my mother's side, just when Xiaofen was about to talk to her mother, her mother suddenly vomited, and the things she spit out immediately covered the entire bed, and the bad smell also came out, Xiaofen immediately pinched her nose and ran outside the house, and Xiaohong did not dislike it, but found a towel to deal with these things, and my heart suddenly hurt when I saw this.

In 85, I was admitted to the teacher college and wanted to divorce my fiancée, so in order for me to marry her, my mother devised a plan

After Xiaohong tidied up, her mother asked Xiaofen to go back to the house, but Xiaofen said that she didn't go in, she said she couldn't accept it, at this time, even her father came out to let her into the house, she didn't go back, my father glared at me fiercely, in order not to be embarrassed, I asked Xiaofen to go back to school first.

After Xiaohong and I took care of my mother for a few days, I saw that my mother went back to school without any major problems, after coming to school, I saw Xiaofen as if nothing happened, I began to reflect on my relationship with her, maybe the reason why I like her is just fresh, and the person I really like is Xiaohong, after thinking about it, I took the initiative to break up with Xiaofen, Xiaofen couldn't believe it, but at my insistence, she didn't say anything.

After the breakup, I wrote a letter to Xiaohong, in which I sincerely apologized to her, but fortunately, Xiaohong finally forgave me, and we finally reconciled.

Later, I graduated from the teacher college and was assigned to teach in a key high school in our county, and I also got married to Xiaohong, at this time my mother told me that she was not sick back then, but set up a plan to test Xiaohong and Xiaofen, and finally Xiaohong passed the test, hearing my mother's words, I finally understood her and my father's hard work, Xiaohong is indeed a good daughter-in-law.