
The women's basketball team lost to Serbia, both offense and defense collapsed, relying only on Han Xu and Wang Siyu, Huang Sijing is still looking for a state

author:Qingqing said sports
The women's basketball team lost to Serbia, both offense and defense collapsed, relying only on Han Xu and Wang Siyu, Huang Sijing is still looking for a state

On June 30, 2024, Beijing time, the Chinese women's basketball team suffered an irreparable defeat in the match against Serbia. At the beginning of the game, the women's basketball team fell into chaos on both offensive and defensive ends. They trailed by 15 points in the first quarter, a disadvantage that became a heavy burden for the entire game.

The dilemma on the offensive end is obvious: the Chinese women's basketball team failed to carry out effectively due to the lack of threat on the inside in the game against Serbia. Netizens have pointed out that the lack of Li Yueru has a great impact, and her departure has made an obvious gap in the women's basketball team's interior line, so the opponent can easily lay out defense. A netizen named a basketball fan commented: "Without Yueru, our inside fulcrum is obviously insufficient, and the opponent seized the opportunity to form an iron bucket formation under the basket, and we are like dealing with a wall." ”

The women's basketball team lost to Serbia, both offense and defense collapsed, relying only on Han Xu and Wang Siyu, Huang Sijing is still looking for a state

Frequent offensive turnovers and sluggish shooting percentages made things even worse. After the game, netizen Xiao Wang wrote on social media: "Mistakes and missed shots are simply our weakness, watching them keep hitting the iron, I want to rush into the screen to teach them how to shoot." This discontent has been widely circulated online, with many fans disappointed with the offensive efficiency of the women's basketball team.

The defense also faced a tough test, as the women's basketball team failed to effectively expand the defensive range, allowing the Serbian team to easily find rhythm and space in the offense, resulting in a large number of points conceded. A netizen who claimed to be a basketball commentator said in the live broadcast comment: "Our defense is too passive, allowing the opponent to swing freely on the outside, and the inside line is also attacked by the Serbs, how can we win like this?" ”

These issues were evident throughout the game and made fans worried about the future of the game. Netizens have appealed, hoping that the women's basketball team can adjust its skills and tactics, find its form as soon as possible, and meet the next challenges.

Despite such a difficult situation, Han Xu and Wang Siyu showed remarkable individual strength. Han Xu is not afraid of tough basket confrontations on the court, whether it is on the offensive or defensive end, she has shown stability and excellent performance. Whenever the team is in trouble, Han Xu can always step up, and her under-the-basket finishing and defensive rebounds have become a solid backing for the women's basketball defense.

The women's basketball team lost to Serbia, both offense and defense collapsed, relying only on Han Xu and Wang Siyu, Huang Sijing is still looking for a state

At the same time, Wang Siyu played a key role in organizing the attack and scoring. She is not only a scorer, but also a playmaker and stabilizer for the team. In the game, Wang Siyu's passing and ball handling ability helped the women's basketball team find a glimmer of life in the chaos, and her stability and calmness made her a pillar of the team.

In the eyes of fans, the performances of Han Xu and Wang Siyu have won a lot of praise. On social media, netizens praised Han Xu's indomitable and perseverance, and some fans commented: "Han Xu is really a fighter, and he is admirable on and off the court!" As for Wang Siyu, fans spoke highly of her organizational skills and ability to deal with complex situations calmly: "With Siyu, our team can operate in an orderly manner, and she is our soul." ”

Fans have high hopes for these two key players. They hope that Han Xu can continue to play a leading role and lead the team out of the predicament, while Wang Siyu is considered the mainstay of the team's future development. In the next games, fans are looking forward to seeing them once again show their extraordinary individual ability and bring more victories to the Chinese women's basketball team. Wang Siyu's basketball talent may not be the most outstanding, but her intelligence and skills on the court are impressive. She has a very high basketball IQ and is able to quickly analyze the situation on the court and make effective decisions. Many fans were amazed by her ability, and some netizens wrote on social platforms: "Wang Siyu doesn't rely on physical fitness to win, her brain is her strongest weapon." This delicate insight and cool head on the court allowed her to step up and not be afraid when it mattered.

The women's basketball team lost to Serbia, both offense and defense collapsed, relying only on Han Xu and Wang Siyu, Huang Sijing is still looking for a state

In addition to wisdom, Wang Siyu's personal skills are also top-notch. Her playmaking skills and attacking skills are excellent, and she is able to pass the ball and score with ease. In the eyes of fans, Wang Siyu's skills are delicate and exquisite, and some netizens commented: "Wang Siyu's passing is really delicate and in place, and every pass has a seemingly simple but exquisite feeling." "Her individual skills are not only reflected in her passing, but also in her offensive performance, which is also impressive, able to adapt her tactics to the situation of the game, and always maintain an efficient scoring ability.

Another outstanding feature of Wang Siyu is her courage to take responsibility and the courage to stand up at critical moments. She is always able to play well in key games, which has allowed her to play an important role in the team. Some fans commented on social media: "Wang Siyu's big heart is really admirable, she can stand up every time she plays a key game, and this confidence and determination are the spiritual pillars of our team." "Her performance is not only an individual performance, but also an inspiration and motivation for the whole team.

The women's basketball team lost to Serbia, both offense and defense collapsed, relying only on Han Xu and Wang Siyu, Huang Sijing is still looking for a state

Wang Siyu is not only an excellent basketball player, but also a leader with superb intelligence and skills. Her ability and courage have not only been praised by fans, but also won numerous victories for the Chinese women's basketball team on the court. In the future, fans are looking forward to seeing her continue to play a role in leading the team to an even more brilliant future.

In addition to these two key players, Huang Sijing maintained a certain aggression on the defensive end, although her performance on the offensive end did not live up to expectations. Wu Tongtong and Yang Shuyu, on the other hand, were inadequate, especially Wu Tongtong's frequent mistakes in ball control and defense, failing to bring the support and stability needed to the team.

The final result showed that the women's basketball team suffered an 82-93 defeat to Serbia, and this defeat highlighted the team's shortcomings and urgent needs for improvement in many aspects. Despite the improvement in free-throw shooting over the course of the game, technical and tactical deficiencies were still the main cause of defeat. For future games, the Chinese women's basketball team needs to seriously summarize the lessons of this fiasco, adjust the tactical layout and team status, in order to regain confidence and usher in better performance in the next games.

The women's basketball team lost to Serbia, both offense and defense collapsed, relying only on Han Xu and Wang Siyu, Huang Sijing is still looking for a state

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