
Three wins in a row! Han Xu 24+6, the Chinese women's basketball team lost to Serbia by 11 points, and two major problems need to be solved

author:Poetry says sports

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Three wins in a row! Han Xu 24+6, the Chinese women's basketball team lost to Serbia by 11 points, and two major problems need to be solved
Three wins in a row! Han Xu 24+6, the Chinese women's basketball team lost to Serbia by 11 points, and two major problems need to be solved
Three wins in a row! Han Xu 24+6, the Chinese women's basketball team lost to Serbia by 11 points, and two major problems need to be solved
Three wins in a row! Han Xu 24+6, the Chinese women's basketball team lost to Serbia by 11 points, and two major problems need to be solved
Three wins in a row! Han Xu 24+6, the Chinese women's basketball team lost to Serbia by 11 points, and two major problems need to be solved
Three wins in a row! Han Xu 24+6, the Chinese women's basketball team lost to Serbia by 11 points, and two major problems need to be solved

Women's basketball warm-up game three consecutive defeats: the alarm bell has sounded, and adjustment is imperative

1. The loss of defeat: The Chinese women's basketball team suffered an 11-point difference from Serbia

In the recent warm-up match for the Women's Basketball Olympics, the Chinese women's basketball team suffered an embarrassing situation of three consecutive defeats. In the contest against Serbia, although Han Xu played well, scoring a team-high 24 points and contributing 6 rebounds, the team finally lost with a score of 82:93, and the 11-point gap highlighted the problems of the women's basketball team in many aspects. The defeat was not only a disappointment for the fans, but also a wake-up call for the women's basketball team that these issues must be addressed quickly if they are to do well at the upcoming Olympics.

At the beginning of the game, the Serbian women's basketball team showed strong strength, making consecutive fouls and hitting free throws, and quickly established a double-digit lead. The Chinese women's basketball team is not in good shape, frequently blocked on the offensive end, and unable to effectively limit the opponent on the defensive end. Although the women's basketball team once narrowed the gap by scoring consecutive points in the second quarter, it was then hit by the opponent with a wave of climaxes, trailing by 7 points at halftime. Entering the second half, although the women's basketball team once chased the difference to only two points, the mistakes and inaccurate three-point shooting at the critical moment in the final quarter once again made the team fall into passivity, and finally lost regrettably.

Second, the problem is highlighted: mistakes and three-point shooting are the key

Looking back on this game, the two major problems exposed by the Chinese women's basketball team cannot be ignored. The first is the issue of mistakes. The 22 turnovers allowed the opponent to easily get a quick break and a three-point opportunity, which seriously affected the team's offensive efficiency. In the last game, the women's basketball team also had a high 20+ turnover, which shows that the team needs to be strengthened in controlling turnovers. Reducing mistakes requires not only players to improve their individual skills and concentration, but also to strengthen teamwork and tactical execution.

Then there's the issue of three-point shooting. In this game, the women's basketball team's three-point shooting performance was poor, hitting only 3 of 14 shots, and the shooting rate was less than 30%. In modern basketball, the three-point shot has become one of the most important means of scoring, and the same is true for women's basketball. To do well at the Olympics, women's basketball must improve the accuracy and consistency of their three-point shooting. This requires players to step up their three-point shooting in their daily training sessions and maintain a calm and confident mindset during the game.

Third, the road of adjustment: start from the details, and comprehensively improve the strength

In the face of the defeat and the problems exposed, the Chinese women's basketball team must quickly adjust its state and find a solution. First of all, the team needs to start from the details and strengthen the training and improvement of basic skills. Reducing unnecessary mistakes in the game is one of the top priorities; At the same time, improving offensive efficiency is also key. This requires the players to pay more attention to the polishing of technical details and the practice of team tactics in their usual training.

Second, the women's basketball team needs to conduct special training on three-point shooting. By strengthening three-point shooting practice and training that simulates game scenarios, the players' three-point shooting ability and mental quality are improved. Maintaining a calm and confident mindset during the game is one of the important factors in improving the accuracy of three-point shooting.

Finally, the team needs to focus on improving overall strength and teamwork. Basketball is a team sport that requires every player to perform to the best of their abilities and contribute to the team. Improving the overall strength of the team by strengthening team coordination and tactical execution is the key to good results.

4. Looking to the future: The women's basketball team still needs to work hard, and the Olympic Games are expected to break through

Although the women's basketball team suffered three consecutive defeats in the warm-up game, fans still have confidence in them. After all, the women's basketball team has achieved good results and progress in the past few years, accumulating rich game experience and strength reserves. As long as the team can adjust their form in time and find a solution to the problem, they will be able to make a breakthrough and achieve good results at the Olympics. As fans, we will continue to support the women's basketball team, cheer them on, and look forward to their even better performances at the Olympics!

The Chinese women's basketball team in the eyes of fans: challenges and opportunities coexist

As a veteran basketball fan, I have always followed every game of the Chinese women's basketball team. Recently, the women's basketball team suffered three consecutive defeats in the warm-up games before the Olympics, which undoubtedly brought a big blow to the team and fans. However, in addition to the loss, I also see the challenges and opportunities for the team.

1. Competition review: regret and tenacity coexist

When I think back to the match against Serbia, I have mixed feelings. Although Han Xu's outstanding performance was eye-catching, she scored 24 points and contributed 6 rebounds, showing extremely high individual ability and competitive state. Unfortunately, the team's overall performance was not matched by it, resulting in an 11-point loss.

At the beginning of the game, the Serbian women's basketball team showed strong strength, and they quickly established a lead with fast counterattacks and accurate three-point shooting. The Chinese women's basketball team seems to be a little slow to heat, the offensive end is frequently blocked, and the defensive end has not been able to effectively limit the opponent. This situation is anxious and worrying, but it also shows the resilience of the women's basketball team. They didn't give up because of this, but kept working hard and looking for opportunities in the next games to try to turn things around.

2. Problem analysis: mistakes and projection become bottlenecks

After a series of losses, we have to face up to the problems faced by the women's basketball team. The most prominent of these are turnovers and three-point shooting issues.

Mistakes are a fatal danger in the game. In the game against Serbia, the women's basketball team's 22 turnovers allowed the opponent to easily get a lot of counter-attacking opportunities and three-point opportunities. In this case, even if you have excellent individual ability, it is difficult to make up for the losses caused by the team's mistakes. Therefore, we need to deeply analyze the causes of these mistakes and find solutions to solve them. Is it because the player's individual skills are not strong? Or is the team not working together well enough? Or is it a poor execution of tactics? Only by getting to the root of the problem can it be solved in a targeted manner.

In addition, three-point shooting is also an area that the women's basketball team needs to focus on. In modern basketball, three-point shooting has become one of the most important means of scoring. However, in the game against Serbia, the women's basketball team had a poor three-point shooting performance and shot less than 30%, which seriously affected the team's offensive efficiency and game tempo. We need to reflect on whether this is because the players don't practice enough in their usual training. Or is it because of a lack of confidence and consistency in the game? In either case, we need to train and improve the mentality of the players.

Third, the road to adjustment: start from the details and improve in an all-round way

In the face of difficulties and challenges, the Chinese women's basketball team needs to quickly adjust its state and find a solution to the problem. First of all, we need to start from the details to strengthen the training and improvement of basic skills. Reducing unnecessary mistakes and improving offensive efficiency in the game is one of the top priorities; At the same time, we also need to focus on the improvement of overall strength and teamwork ability, and strengthen teamwork and tactical execution to cope with a more competitive competition environment.

In addition, we need to work on three-point shooting. By strengthening three-point shooting practice and training that simulates game scenarios, the players' three-point shooting ability and mental quality are improved. At the same time, we also need to maintain a calm and confident mindset in the game to deal with all kinds of complex situations.

Fourth, looking to the future: opportunities and challenges coexist

Although the women's basketball team suffered three consecutive defeats in the warm-up games, I don't think that means they don't have a chance at the Olympics. On the contrary, these setbacks and failures can make them more aware of their problems and find solutions to them. At the same time, the Olympic Games is also a stage to show their strength and style, as long as the women's basketball team can adjust their condition and play their best, they will definitely be able to usher in a breakthrough and achieve good results.

Finally, I would like to say that as fans, we will always support the women's basketball team and cheer them on. At the same time, we also hope that the women's basketball team can learn from these setbacks and failures, continue to improve and improve, and bring more exciting performances to the fans. At the same time, I also hope that the majority of fans can look at the results of the game rationally, give enough support and encouragement to the women's basketball team, and witness their growth and progress together!

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

Through thick and thin, the women's basketball team is unyielding

Looking at the sky, the clouds are rolling and the event is like a shuttle. The women's basketball team fought bravely, sweat spilled all over the court. The glory of the past, the challenge of today, after three consecutive defeats, shows the true character of heroism.

The ancient charm still exists

The green mountains are still there, and the sunset is red several times. The women's basketball team is full of ambition, and the fighting spirit on the court is stronger. Even if he loses three times in a row, his heart is like a rock, he breaks out of his cocoon and becomes a butterfly, and when the wind rises, he flutters his wings and flies high.


Han Xu is alone in the arena, and his elegance is unparalleled. Twenty-four points showed bravery, six rebounds to protect the basket. Although defeated, she is still glorious, heroic, and heroic, which is admirable.

Loss of Interest

Mistakes were frequent, and the three points were not as expected. The women's basketball team must introspect and practice their skills hard to succeed. Mistakes are not the end, but the starting point, shame and courage, in order to climb the peak.


United, the team shows their powers. The women's basketball team is in the same boat and rides through the wind and rain together. Unite as one, be fearless of challenges, work together to create brilliance.


The road is long, and the women's basketball team is looking up and down. Not afraid of failure, not afraid of difficulties, forge ahead, and eventually become a great tool. Through trials and hardships, the women's basketball team is unyielding, and the road to the Olympics will be brilliant.

Looking to the future

Looking forward to the future, the women's basketball team is full of confidence. The Olympic arena will surely raise its eyebrows and make new achievements. Fans expect the women's basketball team to climb the peak, win glory for the country, and create brilliance.

Through thick and thin, the women's basketball team is unyielding

This ancient poem summarizes the performance and mental journey of the Chinese women's basketball team in the warm-up game before the Olympic Games. From the glory of the past to the challenges of today, the women's basketball team has faced defeats and setbacks with an indomitable spirit and firm faith. The poem depicts their demeanor and hard work on the field, and also reflects their determination to introspect in failure, unite in difficulties, and move forward in challenges. Finally, the poet is full of expectations and confidence in the future of the women's basketball team, believing that they will definitely raise their eyebrows and achieve new achievements in the Olympic arena.

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

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