
The scholar woke up drunk and found that he was drunk and fell a fox, the fox: Call me little grandma


Hey, guys, let's talk about something new today. Let's talk about Nagada in the south of us, there is a small village where there lives a buddy named Zhang Xiucai, this guy is a literary and artistic young man, good wine and poetry, quite stylish. That evening, he slipped under the old tree at the entrance of the village, and made a little wine for himself, and drank it to himself. The old tree is not simple, the branches and leaves are dense, I heard that it has lived for hundreds of years, and the old people in the village say that it has spirituality.

Zhang Xiucai came to this tree, and he felt that after drinking two cups here, inspiration would bubble up and he could compose a good poem. After a few glasses of wine, Zhang Xiucai was a little confused, looking at the last touch of sunset in the sky, he muttered: "The sunset is infinitely good, but it is just near dusk." Before he finished speaking, he felt his eyelids getting heavier and heavier, and as soon as he tilted his head, he fell under the old tree.

After a while, Zhang Xiucai woke up in a daze, rubbed his eyes, and saw that it was dark, and the moon was hanging in the sky. He sat up and looked around, and there was a little fluffy thing lying there. When he looked closer, it was a fox, and his fur was as red as fire, as if he were wearing a brocade robe. Zhang Xiucai was taken aback, thinking to himself why did this fox drink too much? He pushed the fox, and saw that it had its eyes closed and slept like a dead pig.

The scholar woke up drunk and found that he was drunk and fell a fox, the fox: Call me little grandma

Zhang Xiucai thought this was very strange, so he decided to sit down and take a good look at what was so special about this fox. He looked at it carefully, and found that the fox had a bit of a human appearance on his face, and there was an aura between his eyebrows. Zhang Xiucai's heart moved, and he shouted softly: "Little fox, little fox, wake up, wake up." Unexpectedly, the fox really moved his ears and slowly opened his eyes. It looked at Zhang Xiucai, a hint of surprise flashed in its eyes, and then it actually spoke: "You scholar, why don't you understand the rules so much?" What do you want me to do? ”

Zhang Xiucai almost didn't jump up when he heard the fox speak. He stammered, "You...... You...... Can you speak? The fox rolled his eyes and said, "It's rare and weird, I'm a fox fairy who has been cultivating for many years, so what's so strange about talking." Zhang Xiucai swallowed his saliva and asked cautiously, "Then why did you drink too much?" The fox sighed and said, "I was cultivating in the mountains today, and suddenly I smelled the aroma of wine, so I followed the fragrance and found it. Who knew that this wine was so strong, and he would get drunk as soon as he drank it. ”

Zhang Xiucai listened to it and thought it was funny, this fox was quite greedy. He couldn't help but ask, "Then what's your name?" The fox wagged his tail and said, "I am a fox in the mountains, without a name or surname." If you want, just call me Grandma. Zhang Xiucai was stunned, this little grandmother's name is quite interesting. He smiled and nodded, and said, "Okay, I'll call you little grandma in the future." In this way, Zhang Xiucai and this little grandmother know each other. In the fertile black soil of the northeast, there is an old tree, and under the tree sits two people, chatting hotly. The little grandmother told Zhang Xiucai, don't look at her as a vixen, she has a good heart, and she never harms people. She said that she cultivated into a human form in order to be able to feel the ups and downs of the world more deeply and experience the true meaning of life. Zhang Xiucai was fascinated by what she heard, and felt that the little grandmother was not only smart, but also saw the problem very thoroughly, and admired it in her heart.

The scholar woke up drunk and found that he was drunk and fell a fox, the fox: Call me little grandma

The two chatted more and more speculatively, feeling like old friends for many years. Time flies, and the sky is getting dark. The little grandmother stood up and said to Zhang Xiucai: "It's not early, I have to go home." If you have time, come to me tomorrow in the mountains. Zhang Xiucai nodded and agreed: "Okay, I will definitely go." The little grandmother turned around and disappeared into the night, Zhang Xiucai looked at her back, and there was an indescribable feeling in her heart, feeling as if she had some ulterior secrets with this mysterious fox fairy little grandmother.

Early the next morning, Zhang Xiucai came to the mountains. According to the instructions of the little grandmother last night, he came to the depths of a dense forest, where there was a small cave, the entrance of the cave was covered with moss and wild flowers, and it looked quite hidden. Zhang Xiucai walked into the cave, the light in the cave was dim, but the space was quite large. He looked around, but he couldn't find the little grandmother. Just as he was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly heard a voice in his ear: "Scholar, you are here." Zhang Xiucai was startled, and followed the voice to see that the little grandmother was standing on the stone platform at the entrance of the cave, looking at him with a smile. She changed into white clothes today, and she looks more fresh and refined. Zhang Xiucai stepped forward and arched his hand and said, "Little grandma, I'm here." The little grandmother nodded and said, "Okay, since you're here, I'll show you the real mountain world." As soon as she finished speaking, her figure flashed, turned into a white light, and flew deep into the cave. Zhang Xiucai followed closely, and the scenery in the cave suddenly opened up, with green trees and gurgling streams, which was as beautiful as a fairyland on earth. They encountered a lot of strange flowers and plants, rare birds and beasts along the way, and the little grandmother introduced them one by one, which opened Zhang Xiucai's eyes and sighed that the world in the mountains was really wonderful.

But just as they were about to walk out of the cave, a sudden gust of wind blew and rolled up a cloud of dust. Zhang Xiucai's eyes were dark, and he couldn't see anything. He hurriedly reached out to grab the little grandmother, but the catch was empty. "Little grandma! Little grandma! Zhang Xiucai shouted anxiously, his voice echoing in the cave, but no one answered. At this moment, his feet slipped, and the whole person pounced forward. He reached for the ground, but felt something cold and slippery. When I looked down, I almost screamed in fright - it was a huge snake body! "Mom!" Zhang Xiucai screamed and wanted to retreat, but found that the snake body had tightly wrapped around his waist, tightening it tighter and tighter. Oh, this kid Zhang Xiucai, that's called a desperate one, but he struggled hard, and as a result, it was in vain. "Little grandma, help!" He shouted at the top of his voice, and there was a panic in his voice, and a despair. It was too late, and a white light swished, and the little grandmother stood in front of him. Holding a silver staff in his hand, he waved at the serpent. With a "bang", the big snake was hit with a stick, letting go of Zhang Xiucai, and rolling on the ground in pain.

The scholar woke up drunk and found that he was drunk and fell a fox, the fox: Call me little grandma

The little grandmother walked up to Zhang Xiucai and helped him up. Her eyes were full of concern, and she asked, "Scholar, what's wrong, are you okay?" Zhang Xiucai gasped, shook his head, and said, "It's okay, thanks to the little grandmother for saving her life." The little grandmother nodded and said, "This big snake is the patron saint of our cave, and it usually doesn't hurt people." I don't know what to do today, but suddenly I went crazy, someone must have moved its territory. ”

When Zhang Xiucai heard this, his heart rose to his throat and asked, "Territory?" What kind of territory? The little grandmother sighed and said, "There is a mysterious place in this cave, which is the place where the spiritual energy in the mountain gathers. There are many precious herbs and spirit beasts there, but they are also very dangerous. Only advanced cultivators can enter, and if ordinary people break in, it will be a big trouble. ”

When Zhang Xiucai heard this, he was worried in his heart, and said, "Then didn't I almost lose my life?" The little grandmother smiled and said, "Don't worry too much. Since I have saved you, I will keep you safe. But that mysterious place, you don't have to ask around. ”

The scholar woke up drunk and found that he was drunk and fell a fox, the fox: Call me little grandma

Zhang Xiucai nodded and said, "I definitely don't dare to go." I just don't know how many dangers there are in this mountain. The little grandmother sighed and said, "There are many dangers in this mountain, but there are also many adventures and opportunities. If you really want to practice, I can guide you. ”

Zhang Xiucai's heart moved and asked, "Grandma is willing to teach me?" The little grandmother nodded and said, "I see that you have potential and a good heart." If you are willing to practice with me, I will take you as a disciple. Zhang Xiucai was so happy, he immediately knelt down and kowtowed. The little grandmother helped him up and said, "From now on, you will be my apprentice." I will teach you to practice and help you on the path to immortality. ”

Since then, Zhang Xiucai has been practicing in the mountains with his little grandmother. He studied day and night, studied diligently, and slowly realized the way of cultivation. The little grandmother also did not reserve, not only teaching him to practice, but also teaching him the principles of life and the wisdom of life. In the past few years, Zhang Xiucai's cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds and he has become a real monk. He was grateful for his little grandmother's kindness and decided to stay in the mountains to continue his cultivation and protect the land.

The scholar woke up drunk and found that he was drunk and fell a fox, the fox: Call me little grandma

As for the little grandmother, watching Zhang Xiucai grow day by day, I feel relieved. She knew that she had found a good apprentice who could pass on her spiritual path. Since then, Zhang Xiucai and his little grandmother have started a quiet and rich life in the mountains. They practice side by side, explore together, and protect this land full of mysteries. Their story has been passed down in the mountain village and has gradually become a legend. Those who heard the story of Zhang Xiucai and the little grandmother always sighed: "It's really a good fortune, this scholar can meet such a mysterious fox fairy and get her guidance to practice." It seems that he is destined to embark on the immortal path in this life! Whenever he heard such an evaluation, Zhang Xiucai always smiled slightly, and his heart was full of gratitude and pride. He is well aware that his achievements and cultivation today are due to the careful teaching and selfless assistance of his little grandmother. He will always remember the kindness of his little grandmother and pass it on.

As for the mysterious fox fairy grandmother, she is still silently guarding Zhang Xiucai in the mountains, as well as those precious herbs and spirit beasts. With her actions, she interprets the true meaning of practice and inheritance. Those who are fortunate enough to meet her will also be influenced and inspired by her, and will go further and further on the path of cultivation.

During the years when Zhang Xiucai and his little grandmother were practicing, the village under the mountain also experienced many changes. The originally dilapidated small mountain village, with the secret help of Zhang Xiucai, gradually became prosperous. He used his medical skills to heal many villagers, and also taught them to grow herbs and breed spirit animals, so that the villagers could live and work in peace and contentment.

The scholar woke up drunk and found that he was drunk and fell a fox, the fox: Call me little grandma

However, such calm days did not last long. One day, a group of bullies came from outside the mountain, and they relied on the strength of the people to run rampant in the village and oppress the people. Although the villagers were angry in their hearts, they did not dare to speak out, so they could only endure in silence. Zhang Xiucai, who learned of this situation, decided to go down the mountain to eliminate the harm. He found the group of bullies and engaged them in a fierce battle. Although there were many bullies, Zhang Xiucai quickly defeated them with his own strength, and the bullies were defeated and fled. When the villagers saw Zhang Xiucai so brave, they cheered and celebrated, seeing him as a savior. Zhang Xiucai said modestly: "I just did what I should do." As a practitioner, I can't sit idly by and watch my fellow villagers suffer. "

However, it didn't end there. Although the bullies fled, they did not give up their intention of revenge. They looked around for helpers in an attempt to retaliate against Zhang Xiucai. Zhang Xiucai, who learned the news, did not feel panicked, and he discussed countermeasures with his little grandmother. After pondering, the little grandmother proposed: "Although the behavior of these bullies is hateful, we can't kill them all. We can use this opportunity to hone your cultivation and mind. Zhang Xiucai nodded in agreement. So, the little grandmother taught him a set of magical spells - illusions. This spell is capable of creating illusions and seeing what is most fearful. The little grandmother said to Zhang Xiucai: "You, use this illusion to deal with those bullies, as soon as they see you, they will see what they are most afraid of, and they will not dare to touch a single hair of you." Zhang Xiucai listened, the beauty in his heart, and he felt that this trick was quite reliable. He began to practice this illusion with his life, preparing to give the bullies a disadvantage.

A few days later, the gang of bullies came to the village again to make trouble, holding the guy's business in their hands, and rushed to Zhang Xiucai's house with a fierce momentum. But as soon as they saw Zhang Xiucai, they immediately stood there and didn't move-because the person in front of them was Zhang Xiucai, who was obviously a fierce and vicious ghost! The evil spirit, who looked like a ghost, rushed at them with his teeth and claws, and scared them so much that they ran away. Since then, the bullies have never dared to come to the village to make trouble. Zhang Xiucai also won the respect and love of the villagers because of his wisdom and courage.

The scholar woke up drunk and found that he was drunk and fell a fox, the fox: Call me little grandma

But the good times didn't last long, as Zhang Xiucai's cultivation became higher and higher, he found that the gap between him and his little grandmother was getting bigger and bigger. He began to mumble about whether he could keep the land and the villagers with his ability. The little grandmother saw his confusion and uneasiness, so she comforted him and said, "How can it be smooth sailing in this matter of cultivation, you have to go through ninety-nine eighty-one difficulties." You've done a good job, don't get too caught up with yourself. ”

Zhang Xiucai listened to the words of the little grandmother, and felt a little more steady, but she still couldn't let go. He began to cultivate even harder, hoping to reach the level of his little grandmother as soon as possible. In a flash, Zhang Xiucai practiced in the mountains for more than ten years. His cultivation is already frighteningly high, and he can compete with his little grandmother. But he was not satisfied, but was more humble and low-key, because he knew that the path of cultivation would never have a head.

One day, the little grandmother suddenly said to Zhang Xiucai: "Your cultivation is hard enough, you can leave this land and go to a broader world." When Zhang Xiucai heard this, he was stunned: "Little grandma, are you trying to drive me away?" The little grandmother shook her head: "It's not to drive you away, it's to encourage you to pursue a higher realm and a broader world." When you grow up, you should have your own life and pursuits. ”

The scholar woke up drunk and found that he was drunk and fell a fox, the fox: Call me little grandma

Zhang Xiucai was silent for a while, and then nodded: "I understand, little grandma." I will leave this land to explore the wider world, but wherever I go, I will remember your kindness and teachings. In this way, Zhang Xiucai said goodbye to his little grandmother and fellow villagers, left the land where he had lived for decades, and embarked on a new journey. He believes that as long as he has faith and pursuit in his heart, he can create his own legend.

As for the little grandmother, she still stays in the mountains, guarding this mysterious land and the villagers. She silently blessed Zhang Xiucai, hoping that he could break out of his own world in the broader world. Hey, this girl is looking forward to meeting Zhang Xiucai again, and the two of them will have fun together, sharing their own fun and that little achievement. We Northeast people speak straight and straight, and her mind is just like the cabbage in our Northeast, really, not adulterated. What she is waiting for is not vain, but sincere, looking forward to getting together with Zhang Xiucai again, and taking out the happy things in her heart to dry.


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