
Do you regret building a factory in India? Foxconn has new news, Guo Taiming is really an "old fox"!

author:Buyi Tao

Recently, Foxconn, the big man, has drawn a new stroke on the industrial map - decided to open two large factories in Vietnam. It sounds like news, but the story behind it is anything but simple. Watching Indian giants like Tata reach out to the mobile phone OEM industry, Foxconn is not stupid, and quickly adjusted its strategy and put a new chess piece in Vietnam.

Do you regret building a factory in India? Foxconn has new news, Guo Taiming is really an "old fox"!

After all, building a factory in India can be more bumpy than in your own backyard. Foreign companies in India often love and hate: cheap labor is love, policy abrupt changes and market instability are hate. A few years ago, wasn't there Xiaomi that was turned upside down by India? Guo Taiming has seen Vietnam's stability and maturity this time, which can be described as a deep calculation.

Do you regret building a factory in India? Foxconn has new news, Guo Taiming is really an "old fox"!

But don't look at the situation in Vietnam, there are a lot of risks and calculations behind this. Although Vietnam has a stable business environment and a gradually improving industrial chain, you think that it is a low-cost manufacturing base that has been competing with China for a long time.

Do you regret building a factory in India? Foxconn has new news, Guo Taiming is really an "old fox"!

Taking root here is both an opportunity and a challenge for Foxconn. Crucially, this move could have an impact on jobs and industrial chains in China, especially in cities that are relying on Apple orders to provide jobs. Therefore, Foxconn's jump is not just a simple geographical change.

Do you regret building a factory in India? Foxconn has new news, Guo Taiming is really an "old fox"!

A new test for China's manufacturing industry

Let's talk about the situation in China. Apple's sales in the Chinese market, you know, have been going up in recent years. Prices have dropped and fallen, attracting a large number of consumers.

Just when domestic mobile phone brands are still trying to narrow the gap with Apple, Foxconn and other Apple's major foundries are about to move out. This is directly plucking our hair!

Originally, many domestic employment opportunities and industrial chain orders now seem to have gone and there is no return. This is undoubtedly a big blow to the domestic mobile phone industry chain.

Do you regret building a factory in India? Foxconn has new news, Guo Taiming is really an "old fox"!

And now, the challenge continues. In order not to let the transfer of Apple's industrial chain affect too much, the domestic mobile phone industry chain must do it by itself.

We have to speed up iteration and update products, especially in the high-end market, to regain the market share that was stolen by Apple. Only in this way can we have a greater say in the global high-end mobile phone market and not be completely covered by the shadow of relocation.

Do you regret building a factory in India? Foxconn has new news, Guo Taiming is really an "old fox"!

This change, which seems to be a simple "move" by Foxconn and Apple, is actually a microcosm of the changes in the global manufacturing landscape.

The test faced by China's manufacturing industry is not only a technical and market challenge, but also a deep thinking about the entire industrial strategy. After all, whoever can take his place in this global competition will be in control of the future direction.

Do you regret building a factory in India? Foxconn has new news, Guo Taiming is really an "old fox"!

Future outlook: opportunities and risks coexist

So, do you say that Foxconn's departure is good or bad? Between India's instability and Vietnam's opportunities, Foxconn made a choice. But the global map and strategic adjustment behind this have a great impact on every ordinary consumer and even the national economy. What is the way forward? Can we seize the opportunity of this global industrial chain restructuring to strengthen our competitiveness?

Do you regret building a factory in India? Foxconn has new news, Guo Taiming is really an "old fox"!

There are many questions here, opportunities and challenges, and the answers need to be explored by each and every one of us. What do you think, and how should China's mobile phone industry chain respond to this challenge? Will we be able to seize the opportunity, or will we be reactive to change? This is a question that deserves deep consideration by every Chinese consumer and industry practitioner.

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