
Scholar Jinwu Zangjiao drove away his original wife, but he didn't expect that there was a huge conspiracy behind it


Once, Li Qingyun went to the provincial capital to take the imperial examination, and met a beautiful woman named Qin Wan'er on the way. This girl looks like she came out of the painting, and she has a good figure, and the idea in her eyes is gentle, which can hook people's souls. As soon as Li Qingyun glanced at it, his heart moved, the two chatted happily, and exchanged tokens before leaving.

After the imperial examination, although Li Qingyun did not take the first place, he was also on the list, and the imperial court gave him an official position as a small county order. He had been thinking about Qin Wan'er in his heart, so he secretly sent someone to find her, and finally found her in a remote village. Li Qingyun saw that Qin Wan'er was still so beautiful, and her heart blossomed, so she took her back to the county government and secretly hid her.

At the beginning, Li Qingyun could still deal with both sides, but after a long time, Wang Xiulian felt that something was wrong. She found that Li Qingyun often didn't go home, and when she came back, she still smelled of other women. Wang Xiulian had the mystery in her heart, but she didn't dare to ask directly, so she could only observe secretly.

Scholar Jinwu Zangjiao drove away his original wife, but he didn't expect that there was a huge conspiracy behind it

One day, Li Qingyun was not at home, so Wang Xiulian slipped into the study and saw a portrait of Qin Wan'er. She was shocked, and she understood everything. The uncomfortable one in my heart, tears were pouring out, but thinking about the relationship between the two for many years, I couldn't bear to expose it.

But the paper couldn't hold the fire, one day Li Qingyun went out, Wang Xiulian was wandering around the house and accidentally bumped into Qin Wan'er. As soon as the two looked at each other, Wang Xiulian's fire came up, and she rushed up and asked Qin Wan'er why she wanted to seduce her husband. Qin Wan'er did not show weakness, and also ridiculed Wang Xiulian for being old and unworthy of being by Li Qingyun's side. Wang Xiulian was so angry that she decided to confront Li Qingyun. But when he found Li Qingyun, he found that he had been fascinated by Qin Wan'er, and he couldn't listen to her at all. Li Qingyun even proposed a divorce to straighten Qin Wan'er.

Wang Xiulian's heart was broken, she didn't expect years of hard work in exchange for this result. But she also understands that she can't just give up. She decided to secretly check Qin Wan'er's details to see what this girl was all about. After a check, Wang Xiulian was taken aback, it turned out that Qin Wan'er was not an ordinary person, there was a big force behind her who was manipulating, using her beauty and wisdom to hook up with powerful men and seek their benefits. Why did Li Qingyun get this kid? It's not because those people fancy his official position and status. Wang Xiulian was in a panic, she felt that there must be some big conspiracy behind this marriage. She pondered that she had to take action to keep herself and her husband safe. She secretly contacted a group of loyal servants and villagers to prepare for a fight with them......

Scholar Jinwu Zangjiao drove away his original wife, but he didn't expect that there was a huge conspiracy behind it

Li Qingyun has become more and more wrong during this time, either muttering with Qin Wan'er in the study, or sending letters outside. Wang Xiulian secretly opened one, and the letter was written in the trivial things in the county, but there was an abnormal tension between the lines. She pondered that eighty percent of these letters were evidence that the people behind Qin Wan'er were manipulating the county. In order to figure things out, Wang Xiulian decided to go out in person. She first secretly followed Qin Wan'er and found that she had been meeting a mysterious man in the ruined temple outside the city. Wang Xiulian didn't dare to act rashly, so she observed from a distance. The man was tall and big, with a cold face, and he was not a good bird at first glance. When the two met, they looked like they were plotting something big. Wang Xiulian knew in her heart, she planned to find an opportunity to have a showdown with Qin Wan'er.

One night, while Li Qingyun was not at home, Wang Xiulian called Qin Wan'er to her house. As soon as Qin Wan'er entered the door, she felt that the atmosphere was wrong, but she still pretended to be nothing. "Qin Wan'er, where did you come from? What do you have to do with that mysterious man? Wang Xiulian asked directly. Qin Wan'er didn't expect Wang Xiulian to be so straightforward, she was stunned for a moment, and then sneered, "You found out?" So what? You think you can stop me? "Not only do I have to stop you, but I also have to expose your old secret!" Wang Xiulian said righteously. Qin Wan'er saw that Wang Xiulian was so resolute, so she didn't pretend, and confessed that she was indeed sent by that force, and the purpose was to use Li Qingyun's status and status to benefit them. The mysterious man is her leader, they have laid a net in the county, if Wang Xiulian dares to act rashly, she will be retaliated against immediately.

Wang Xiulian listened to Qin Wan'er's words, although she was a little scared in her heart, she knew that she couldn't be cowardly. She decides to take action and expose the conspiracy. She first told Li Qingyun what Qin Wan'er said, hoping that he would come to his senses. But Li Qingyun was so confused by Qin Wan'er that she didn't believe Wang Xiulian's words at all. Wang Xiulian didn't give up, she decided to negotiate with the mysterious man. She went to the ruined temple outside the city and met the man. When the man saw Wang Xiulian, he was startled at first, but quickly stabilized. He threatened Wang Xiulian not to meddle in her affairs, otherwise it would not be good for her. But Wang Xiulian was not intimidated at all, she said firmly: "I will not let you succeed!" I'll tell everyone about your plots! The man saw that Wang Xiulian was so resolute, and knew that it was not possible to come hard. Oops, that's a real disturbance. The buddy pondered for a while, and then put forward a condition: as long as Wang Xiulian can leave Li Qingyun and stop getting involved in their affairs, they will let her go. But Wang Xiulian is an iron-hearted master, she said bluntly: "I won't leave my man if I die!" Let's fight to the end! The man saw that it was no fun, so he had to withdraw stupidly. Before leaving, he also glared at Wang Xiulian, and with that look, he said, "You wait and see!" "Like.

Scholar Jinwu Zangjiao drove away his original wife, but he didn't expect that there was a huge conspiracy behind it

Wang Xiulian returned to the county seat and began to work hard to expose the conspiracy. She first found a few trusted servants and villagers, told them everything about Qin Wan'er, and asked them to help spread the word. Then she went to a few officials and wealthy businessmen, and told them about the power of the conspiracy, hoping that they would side with her. After some hard work, Wang Xiulian really got everyone's support. They jointly wrote to the court and poked this matter out.

When the court heard this, did this still have to be done? Immediately send someone to investigate. After checking and checking, it finally came to light: Qin Wan'er and the mysterious man were really sent by that force, and they used Li Qingyun's status to do mischief in the county town for personal gain. The imperial court decided to severely punish these people, and also praised Wang Xiulian's courage and wisdom. In the end, Qin Wan'er and the mysterious man were arrested, and Li Qingyun also realized that he was wrong and apologized to Wang Xiulian. The two reconciled as before and lived a happy life. Because of this, Wang Xiulian has become a celebrity in the county, and everyone is praising her for her "wisdom and bravery".

But Wang Xiulian knew in her heart that this victory was only temporary, and the real test was still to come. Although the forces have been suppressed, they are deeply entrenched and will surely make a comeback when they have the chance. In order to prevent trouble before it happens, Wang Xiulian and Li Qingyun decided to strengthen the defense of the county town and raise everyone's vigilance. They organized militias, conducted regular patrols, and opened schools to teach them martial arts and self-defense. Under the leadership of Wang Xiulian, the people of the county united to resist foreign enemies. They are no longer a piece of loose sand, but a formidable force. This power makes that force intimidating and afraid to act rashly.

Scholar Jinwu Zangjiao drove away his original wife, but he didn't expect that there was a huge conspiracy behind it

But just when Wang Xiulian thought that everything was stable, a shocking news came - the mysterious man was not executed by the court, but was released. This news exploded in the county, and everyone was talking about it. When Wang Xiulian learned the news, her heart suddenly tightened. She was well aware that the mysterious man was an extremely cruel figure, and that if he retaliated, the inhabitants of the county would inevitably be greatly threatened. Therefore, without the slightest hesitation, she quickly gathered the local militia and the students of the school to prepare for the upcoming severe test.

A few days later, under the cover of night, the mysterious man really led a group of men to quietly come to the county seat. They tried to take advantage of the cover of night to launch a fierce offensive in an attempt to capture the county seat in one fell swoop. However, Wang Xiulian and her team were well prepared, and they bravely faced the battle, and finally succeeded in repelling the enemy attack. Seeing that the general situation was gone, the mysterious man had to lead his men to flee in a hurry. But in the process of escaping, they unfortunately fell into a trap carefully arranged by Wang Xiulian and Li Qingyun. After a fierce fight, the mysterious man and his men were eventually captured.

When the imperial court learned of the heroic deeds of Wang Xiulian and Li Qingyun, it praised their performance and decided to give them a rich reward. However, Wang Xiulian modestly rejected the court's reward, saying: "As a member of the county, it is our duty to defend our homeland." Li Qingyun looked at Wang Xiulian's firm eyes, and his heart was full of respect and gratitude. He was well aware of the mistakes he had made in the past due to Qin Wan'er's influence, but Wang Xiulian did not leave him because of this, but has been silently supporting him and helping him correct his mistakes. At this moment, he deeply felt Wang Xiulian's love for him and his dependence on Wang Xiulian.

Scholar Jinwu Zangjiao drove away his original wife, but he didn't expect that there was a huge conspiracy behind it

Since then, Li Qingyun and Wang Xiulian have a deeper relationship, and they have worked together to create a safe and harmonious living environment for the residents of the county. Their deeds have also been widely spread in the county and have become a commendable story. The mysterious man and his men were severely punished by the court for their crimes, and their plot ultimately failed and ended up in a tragic end. All this proves Wang Xiulian's wisdom and courage, and she has shown the world an indisputable fact with her actions - justice will triumph over evil.

With the passage of time, the story of Wang Xiulian and Li Qingyun has been passed down from generation to generation in the county. Whenever people recall this past, they will feel great admiration and admiration. They not only guarded the peace of the county with wisdom and courage, but also left an eternal legend for themselves. This story also teaches us that when faced with difficulties and challenges, we should not retreat, but face them bravely and overcome them with our wisdom and courage. Only in this way can we become real heroes and write an immortal legend for ourselves.