
The scholar went to Beijing to take the exam, and the fortune teller said that he had a disaster within three days, and it was the other party who made a ghost


No, this year was just in time for the big exam, so Li Qingyun packed his luggage, said goodbye to his family, and prepared to go to the capital for the exam. Along the way, he climbed mountains and waded through rivers, coming and going in the wind and rain, and also saw a lot of local customs. One day, he walked to a place called Baihe Village, and there was a fortune teller stall at the entrance of the village, and the owner of the stall was an old man, with white hair and beard, but his eyes were bright. Li Qingyun pondered, he still has a long way to enter Beijing, so it is better to calculate a hexagram and have peace of mind. So, he stepped forward and bowed, and said, "Old man, I'm Li Qingyun, I'm preparing to take the exam in Beijing, I don't know what I'll encounter on the road, you give me some pointers." The old man glanced at him, smiled slightly, and said, "Young man, you have an extraordinary bearing, and you are certainly not an ordinary person. But I look at your face, and you may have a little trouble in three days. When Li Qingyun heard this, his heart tightened, and he hurriedly asked: "Old man, where does this trouble come from, is there a way to solve it?" The old man shook his head, sighed, and said, "The secret of heaven must not be revealed, as long as you are careful, you may be able to escape." Li Qingyun's heart was full of thoughts, this old man's words sounded mysterious, and he didn't know whether they were true or false. But when he thought about it, he would rather believe it than believe it, and he still had to be careful.

So, he thanked the old man and went on his way. In the next two days, Li Qingyun really encountered some strange things. First, in the inn where he lived, his luggage was stolen, but fortunately he didn't lose anything important; Then, on the way, he encountered another group of robbers, and thanks to his resourcefulness, he escaped. These two things made him even more unsure, could it be that what the old man said was true? On the third day, Li Qingyun was on the road again. As I walked, I suddenly had a terrible stomach ache, as if I had eaten something unclean. He looked around and found a tea shed not far away, so he wanted to ask for a bowl of hot tea and solve the internal urgency by the way. Who knows, as soon as he arrived at the door of the tea shed, he heard someone making noise inside. He saw a group of people surrounding a middle-aged man, who was holding a dagger in his hand and threatening the owner of the tea shed. Li Qingyun was shocked, how could this scene be so similar to the robbers he met two days ago? As soon as he wanted to turn around and leave, the middle-aged man shouted, "Who dares to go?" Whoever leaves, I'll kill this old man!" Li Qingyun had no choice but to stop. He glanced around and saw that although the middle-aged man was fierce, he didn't seem to have any real kung fu, and he dared to be so arrogant because of the large number of people. He thought in his heart that although he was a little unwell, it should be a piece of cake to deal with these little gangsters. So, he took a deep breath, pulled out the sword at his waist, and shouted loudly: "In broad daylight, you dare to be so arrogant, why don't you hurry up and be honest with me!" When the middle-aged man saw Li Qingyun draw his sword and face each other, he was stunned for a moment, and then sneered: "Hmph, how old are you?" Dare to take care of Lao Tzu's business! Brothers, come on! As soon as he gave the order, the onlookers rushed up. Li Qingyun was undaunted and swung his sword to meet the battle. For a while, the swords and swords inside and outside the tea shed, and the ping-pong was inextricably matched. After a fierce battle, Li Qingyun finally subdued the robbers one by one. He wiped the sweat from his forehead, walked up to the middle-aged man, and shouted, "You guy, don't hurry up and hand over the dagger, be honest!" The middle-aged man saw that the situation was not good, so he had to throw down the dagger and kneel on the ground and beg for mercy. Li Qingyun was about to step forward to tie him up, when he suddenly felt dizzy, and as soon as his body went limp, he fell to the ground. When they saw it, they all gathered around. The owner of the tea shed hurriedly helped Li Qingyun up and asked with concern: "Son, what's wrong with you?" Li Qingyun shook his head and said in a weak voice, "I...... I don't know...... It's just that ...... suddenly dizzy" At this moment, the old man who told the fortune suddenly squeezed into the crowd, walked up to Li Qingyun, glanced at his face, sighed, and said, "Childe, you have been poisoned by me." When they heard this, they were astonished. Li Qingyun was also taken aback, he struggled to raise his head and asked, "You...... Why do you want to hurt me? The old man smiled and said, "I don't mean to harm you, I just want to teach you a lesson." Do you know why I did that? Li Qingyun shook his head, indicating that he didn't understand. The old man sighed lightly and slowly explained the reason: "I'm not an ordinary fortune teller, in fact, I'm a hidden master in the rivers and lakes." I see that you have ambition and the world, so I want to test you. The difficulties you encountered in the first two days were all secretly arranged by me, just to see if you can stay calm in the face of danger and stick to your heart. As for today's poison, it is actually a special drug made by me, which will only make you temporarily unconscious, and will not hurt your life. When Li Qingyun heard this, he was shocked at first, but he was soon relieved. He smiled bitterly and said, "Sir, you really make me worried. However, after this test, I also understood that no matter how difficult the road ahead is, I must go on bravely and live my life in vain. The old man nodded and said approvingly, "Good, good! Childe has such an awareness, which is really a blessing for the people in the world. "Let's cure this poison for you, I wish you a smooth journey and a good score in the exam." As he spoke, the old man took out a pill from his arms and handed it to Li Qingyun. Li Qingyun took the pill, swallowed it as soon as he raised his neck, and immediately felt that his head was a lot clearer, and his body was stronger. He stood up straight, bowed to the old man, and said, "Thank you for saving your life, Mr. Li, I, Li Qingyun, will remember your love for the rest of my life." The old man waved his hand and said, "You're welcome, go quickly." Remember, no matter where you go, you have to keep your original heart and don't lose your original intention. Li Qingyun nodded heavily, bowed to the old man again, turned around and left, and his heart was turbulent.

He didn't expect that he would encounter such an adventure along the way, let alone meet such a master. I secretly swore in my heart that I must work hard and not live up to the old man's expectations. In the following days, Li Qingyun had a smooth ride and soon arrived in the capital. He participated in the imperial examination, and with his talent and hard work, he won the top prize in the first exam. The emperor was full of praise for him, and made him the editor of the Hanlin Academy, which was specially responsible for drafting important documents such as edicts.

The scholar went to Beijing to take the exam, and the fortune teller said that he had a disaster within three days, and it was the other party who made a ghost

Li Qingyun settled down in the capital, but he always remembered the old man's words in his heart, stuck to his heart, and never forgot his original intention. He used his talents to give advice to the imperial court and did his part for the prosperity of the country. A few years later, because of his outstanding political achievements, the emperor promoted him to be prime minister. He became the pillar of the imperial court and made great contributions to the development of the country. Moreover, he has always maintained a humble and low-key style, and is deeply loved and respected by the people.

One day, Li Qingyun was sitting in the mansion and suddenly remembered the old man he met in Baihe Village. As soon as his heart moved, he sent someone to find the high-ranking man. After some twists and turns, he finally found the old man's retreat. When I saw the old man again, the old man was already gray-haired, but when he saw Li Qingyun, his eyes were full of gratification. He smiled and said, "Childe really didn't disappoint me and became a pillar of the country." I'm so proud of you. Li Qingyun also smiled and said, "Old man, without your guidance and test, I would not have what I have achieved today." I will always remember your kindness. ”

The old man nodded and said, "You can stick to your heart and never forget your original intention, this is the most important thing." I believe that you will definitely make greater contributions to the country in the future. Li Qingyun said goodbye to the old man again, and then left the retreat. After returning to the capital, he continued to serve the imperial court and did his part for the prosperity of the country. Moreover, he always kept in mind the old man's words, stuck to his heart, and never forgot his original intention. This is the story of Li Qingyun entering Beijing to catch the exam and encountering adventures. In the journey of life, we will always encounter countless unknowns and challenges. But as long as we stick to our inner beliefs and maintain our original intentions, we can overcome difficulties and achieve our dreams. Li Qingyun returned to the capital, and his heart was full of deep emotion. The old man's words were like a bright beacon that illuminated his path. He knows that his achievements are not accidental, but supported by his firm belief in sticking to his original heart and maintaining his original intention.

The scholar went to Beijing to take the exam, and the fortune teller said that he had a disaster within three days, and it was the other party who made a ghost

With the passage of time, Li Qingyun became more and more handy in officialdom. With his impartial, selfless and diligent attitude for the people, he has won the respect and love of the people. He always reminded himself that he could not forget his original intention and not live up to the expectations of the old man. However, the complexity and sinister nature of officialdom also gradually made him realize the hardships. The temptation of power and the competition for interests often make him feel powerless. But he always adhered to his principles, not swayed by power, and not lost in interests.

One day, a major event occurred in the capital that shook the government and the opposition. A powerful official was investigated for embezzlement and bribery, which attracted widespread attention. The forces behind this official are huge, and complex interests are involved. Many fear that the turmoil will affect Li Qingyun. Li Qingyun also felt unprecedented pressure. He understands that although he has nothing to do with that official, in the big dye vat of officialdom, who can guarantee that he will not be implicated at all? But he didn't let that hold back on. He firmly believes that as long as he sticks to his heart and does not do anything wrong, he does not need to worry about criticism from the outside world. In the end, after some investigation, the imperial court found out the truth and proved that Li Qingyun had nothing to do with the turmoil. He breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time strengthened his convictions. He knows very well that only by sticking to his heart can he gain a foothold in officialdom.

A few years later, due to his remarkable political achievements, Li Qingyun was promoted by the emperor to the first assistant of the cabinet, becoming the core figure of the imperial court, and holding the important destiny of the country in his hands. However, instead of being complacent, he became more cautious and introspective. He understands that every decision he makes is related to the future of the country, so he must work harder to contribute to the country's development. In the position of the first assistant to the cabinet, Li Qingyun faces more challenges and difficulties. He not only had to deal with the affairs of the imperial court, but also had to deal with various complex political struggles. But he always adhered to his principles, not moved by power, not confused by interests. With his wisdom and courage, he has defused crises again and again, and has made great contributions to the prosperity and stability of the country.

The scholar went to Beijing to take the exam, and the fortune teller said that he had a disaster within three days, and it was the other party who made a ghost

However, just when Li Qingyun's career was at its peak, he suddenly received a letter from Baihe Village. The letter informed him that the old man who had given him guidance had passed away. Li Qingyun's heart was full of grief, he didn't expect this teacher to leave him so soon. He immediately sent someone to Baihe Village to deal with the old man's funeral. When he saw the portrait of the old man, his heart was filled with deep gratitude and respect. He bowed deeply, as if he wanted to poke a hole in the ground, and then he didn't say anything, and left Baihe Village quietly. Back in the capital, Li Qingyun's heart was like being grabbed by something, and he couldn't calm down for a long time. The old man's old saying always echoed in his head: "Keep our heart, don't lose your original intention." These words are like a brand, in his officialdom career, the wind and rain have been following him.

Now that the old man is gone, his words are like engraved on Li Qingyun's heart, and they can't be erased. Li Qingyun had an idea in his heart, he wanted to use the old man's last wish to work harder for himself and continue to contribute to the country. He worked harder and made decisions more carefully, injecting a new impetus into the country's development. Under his leadership, the country is slowly on the right track and is becoming more and more prosperous.

Li Qingyun used his ingenuity and courage to resolve all difficulties and lay a solid foundation for the future of the country. His name is engraved in the long river of history. But Li Qingyun himself, he didn't think he was at the end. He knows that his mission is not over, and he has to continue to work hard to contribute to the development of the country. He wants to use his practical actions to prove that the old man's words are real gold and are not afraid of fire - only those who keep their hearts and do not forget their original intentions can go further and more stable.

The scholar went to Beijing to take the exam, and the fortune teller said that he had a disaster within three days, and it was the other party who made a ghost

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