
India's bid to host the 2036 Olympic Games has caused netizens from all over the world to worry! It's not going to be another catastrophe in sports history, right?

author:Puffs on the third floor
India's bid to host the 2036 Olympic Games has caused netizens from all over the world to worry! It's not going to be another catastrophe in sports history, right?

The statements in this article are based on reliable sources and are repeated at the end of this article

India has a long-term serious shortage of infrastructure construction, with an incomplete transportation system, a smog air environment, and an extremely congested population.

All kinds of questions have raised questions about India's eligibility for the Olympic bid, and if even the basic hardware conditions cannot be met, will the Olympics once again stage a "disaster in the history of sports" in India?


A catastrophe in the history of Indian sports

India's bid to host the 2036 Olympic Games has caused netizens from all over the world to worry! It's not going to be another catastrophe in sports history, right?

On the world stage, everyone dreams of holding an Olympic Games of their own, which is not only the highest affirmation of the country's comprehensive strength, but also an excellent stage to show the charm of national culture, but for India, there is still a long distance between the dream and reality.

Looking back at the 2010 Commonwealth Games, India used its actions to explain what it means to be "full of farce". Despite the acquisition of the right to host and the cost of $6 billion, the pace of preparation has been slow since seven years of preparation.

In the run-up to the opening ceremony, the flyover connecting to the main venue collapsed, resulting in heavy casualties and, worse, the use of child labour by contractors to rush the work, a scandal that brought India to a loss of face internationally.

India's bid to host the 2036 Olympic Games has caused netizens from all over the world to worry! It's not going to be another catastrophe in sports history, right?

The environment of the athletes' village is also reminiscent, not to mention the poor environment and incomplete infrastructure, and there are even athletes who report snakes in the room.

India's bid to host the 2036 Olympic Games has caused netizens from all over the world to worry! It's not going to be another catastrophe in sports history, right?

With dengue fever raging in the area, the pungent smell of disinfectant and dirt has undoubtedly caused great physical and mental suffering to the players, so it's no wonder that Usain Bolt and other top athletes have chosen to quit for fear of being tortured like "guinea pigs".

What's more, for the first time in 40 years, the Queen of England has been absent. As the birthplace, the absence of this event has undoubtedly made India feel unprecedented embarrassment and self-shame.

India's bid to host the 2036 Olympic Games has caused netizens from all over the world to worry! It's not going to be another catastrophe in sports history, right?

For a time, New Delhi became a conspicuous bag, turned into a disaster scene, and the Commonwealth Games, which were highly anticipated, became the fuse for India to lose face in the world sports arena.


Bid for the Olympics many times

The Olympic Games have always been regarded as an excellent stage to showcase a country's comprehensive strength and strong heritage, and as a country with one of the largest populations in the world, India naturally has a great desire to host such an international event in person.

For India, the Olympic Games are not only the pinnacle of sports, but also the importance of cultural identity. As the birthplace and leader of the Non-Aligned Movement, India is uniquely positioned as the voice of a major developing country.

India's bid to host the 2036 Olympic Games has caused netizens from all over the world to worry! It's not going to be another catastrophe in sports history, right?

The Indian government is eager to host the Olympics, but there is more than one reason why they are doing so, from politics to economics, hosting the Olympics can bring a lot of benefits to India!

The success of the Olympic Games means that India's influence in the international community will be greatly enhanced, and as the leader of the Non-Aligned Movement, India has always wanted to have a voice in the world, and the Olympic Games are undoubtedly a great opportunity.

Moreover, the Olympic Games will attract the attention of billions of people around the world to India, which is undoubtedly the best platform for a developing country to present its image and brand to the world, which is conducive to attracting foreign investment.

India's bid to host the 2036 Olympic Games has caused netizens from all over the world to worry! It's not going to be another catastrophe in sports history, right?

Although India's performance in the Asian Games and other events in recent years has been quite good, it still has not done much in the Olympic Games, and hosting the Olympic Games will cultivate a large number of international sports talents for India and lay the foundation for better participation in the Olympic Games in the future.

In the face of India's application over the years, when the IOC evaluation team arrived in India, the sky of the capital New Delhi seemed to be covered with a thick layer of felt, and it was so gray that it was impossible to distinguish the position of the sun.

Even more frighteningly, this is a common occurrence in other major Indian cities, and despite the government's constant emphasis on countermeasures, the mission was apparently unable to believe that reversing the long-term deterioration of an environment plagued by industrial pollution and vehicle exhaust could not be achieved overnight.

India's bid to host the 2036 Olympic Games has caused netizens from all over the world to worry! It's not going to be another catastrophe in sports history, right?

The situation is even more serious in terms of water resources, and most of India's rivers are actually a muddy, black, and foul-smelling "sewage river". How else can this be used as a training ground for athletes? Not to mention the need for water for the event.

It turns out that almost all the rivers that pass through Indian cities are completely polluted by industrial and domestic sewage. Some sections of the river have even turned completely black-brown, stinking and shocking, which is rare in other parts of the world, but can be found everywhere in India.

India's bid to host the 2036 Olympic Games has caused netizens from all over the world to worry! It's not going to be another catastrophe in sports history, right?

In addition to environmental flaws, India's infrastructure is far from the standard of the Olympics, and some cities are not even able to follow basic traffic rules. The road is full of jaywalking and wrong-way driving.

In the face of various circumstances, even the most ardent expectations can only be abandoned. After all, the Olympic standards are already so high, and it is clear that India will need a longer time to reform and improve to achieve such standards.


Conditions for bidding for the Olympic Games

India's bid to host the 2036 Olympic Games has caused netizens from all over the world to worry! It's not going to be another catastrophe in sports history, right?

Bidding for the Olympic Games is not an easy task, and the IOC's requirements for the organizers are extremely strict, which is not only a test of the level of sports facilities construction, but also a comprehensive review of the degree of social development.

Sponsors must meet certain standards in many areas such as infrastructure, economic strength, political environment, and ecological protection in order to be shortlisted for the next step in the evaluation process.

The Olympic Games have extremely high standards for venue facilities, whether it is the hardware conditions of reinforced concrete or the software facilities of event services, they must reach the world-class level.

India's bid to host the 2036 Olympic Games has caused netizens from all over the world to worry! It's not going to be another catastrophe in sports history, right?

At the same time, the host city also needs to have an efficient and convenient transportation system to ensure the smooth travel of foreign athletes and tourists.

As a highly capital-intensive event, the Olympic Games are an indispensable prerequisite for strong economic strength, and the overall cost of each Olympic Games is expected to be in the billions of dollars, which is difficult to fully cover by the national treasury alone.

Therefore, the host country must not only have sufficient economic reserves, but also demonstrate good financing and fund mobilization capabilities to ensure the smooth running of the Olympic Games.

India's bid to host the 2036 Olympic Games has caused netizens from all over the world to worry! It's not going to be another catastrophe in sports history, right?

Political stability is a must, and any civil unrest or political turmoil may bring uncertainties to this event, which embodies the concept of peace and friendship, and thus endanger the safety of the event. A harmonious and stable political environment is an absolute necessity for the host country.

In recent years, the international community has paid more and more attention to the concept of sustainable development, so a good ecological environment has become an indispensable criterion for bidding for the Olympic Games.

Air quality and water conditions will be taken into account, reflecting the great importance attached to environmental protection, and only by showing sincerity for sustainable development can the sponsoring country win more approval.

India's bid to host the 2036 Olympic Games has caused netizens from all over the world to worry! It's not going to be another catastrophe in sports history, right?

In addition to the above-mentioned basic requirements, the bidding countries are facing major problems in financing, construction, security and many other aspects, and the huge funding gap of the Olympic Games will undoubtedly become a major problem, and how to integrate diversified funding channels will test the financial management capabilities of the bidding countries. At the same time, the completion of a large number of facilities in a limited time is also a big test for the level of project management.

India's bid to host the 2036 Olympic Games has caused netizens from all over the world to worry! It's not going to be another catastrophe in sports history, right?

There is also the security work, from the comprehensive deployment of personnel to equipment, from the transmission of information to the control of duty, it is necessary to do a good job of careful and meticulous planning and arrangement, and there must be no mistakes, which not only tests the security hardware of the sponsoring country, but also tests the level of its soft power construction.

Hosting the Olympic Games is by no means an easy task, and the IOC has put forward extremely high comprehensive requirements for the organizers. This is a review of the comprehensive strength of the bidding country in many fields such as transportation, infrastructure, economy, politics, and environment, and it is also a comprehensive test of its modern management capabilities. Whether or not this important task can be successfully accomplished will directly determine the status and image of the host country on the world stage.

India's bid to host the 2036 Olympic Games has caused netizens from all over the world to worry! It's not going to be another catastrophe in sports history, right?

Therefore, for those countries that aspire to host the Olympic Games, this is not only an opportunity to show themselves in an all-round way, but also a big test to test the comprehensive strength of the country.

Being the host of the Olympics gives them the right to tell their story to the world, about the country's past, present and future.

Therefore, although India has made great efforts on the road to the Olympic bid, there is still a long way to go to meet the standards of nationality of the Olympic Games.


[1] On September 21, 2010, the logistics of the Indo-British Commonwealth Games were criticized as dirty and messy and the apartment was "uninhabitable."

[2] Elephant Microvision: On August 14, 2021, India bid for the Olympic Games many times, why was it rejected by the Olympic Committee? Do they have any hope of succeeding?

[3] Official website of the Chinese Olympic Committee: December 4, 2018, [Research and Collection] Bidding for the Olympic Games starts with argumentation

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