
France and Russia are courting each other, and Germany is "close" to China? U.S. Congressman: Being tough on China is a disaster

author:Sister International Newspaper

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As the saying goes, "the road knows the horsepower from afar, and the hearts of the people can be seen over time." More and more countries have seen clearly the ugly face of the United States' selfishness, and even some countries that were once extremely close to the United States now seem to have begun to separate themselves from the United States!

France and Russia are courting each other, and Germany is "close" to China? U.S. Congressman: Being tough on China is a disaster

Let's start with France, which is busy courting Russia: Recently, French President Emmanuel Macron announced in a high-profile manner that he is willing to have a dialogue with Russian President Vladimir Putin, and he does not rule out the possibility of a dialogue with Putin on a certain topic at some point in the future.

Macron bluntly said that he has not spoken to Putin in the past period, but this does not mean that the two will "never get along" from now on. In the French president's view, the power of dialogue is infinite and can solve problems that seem unsolvable.

However, Macron did not say what exactly he was talking about "a certain topic". Many netizens have speculated that it is possible that Macron is going to "turn hostility into peace" with Russia on the issue of Russia and Ukraine?

It is no secret that a few months ago, statements about "sending troops to Ukraine are not ruled out" caused an uproar, which directly led to the freezing point in Franco-Russian relations. At that time, Macron openly declared that "the possibility of the West sending troops to Ukraine is not ruled out."

In this regard, Russia stated that once NATO troops appear in Ukraine, they will definitely become a legitimate target for the Russian army.

Subsequently, countries such as Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Poland and the Czech Republic immediately stood up to distance themselves from the relationship, competing to emphasize that there were no plans to send troops to Ukraine. The White House, the State Department, and the Pentagon, which have been adding fuel to the fire of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, have also repeatedly reiterated that the United States will not deploy troops in Ukraine.

Later, Macron said several times about "sending troops", but he always "shouted slogans". Now, the Russian army has a clear advantage on the battlefield between Russia and Ukraine, and the Macron government has suddenly made overtures to the Putin government.

In response, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that Russia has never refused to talk to France and is willing to do so "when the other side is ready." Peskov also said that Putin has said many times that he is willing to negotiate with other countries, especially the kind of negotiations that can lead to results, as long as the other side is ready, Russia can start at any time, and it is unconditional.

France and Russia are courting each other, and Germany is "close" to China? U.S. Congressman: Being tough on China is a disaster

Then, just as France and Russia are courting each other, Germany is also sending a strong signal to China, and two senior German officials have visited China one after another.

A few days ago, German Federal Minister of Digitalization and Transport Wiesing paid a high-profile visit to China. During this period, the senior German official actively moved closer to China, directly bombarded the European Commission, and called for a settlement of the trade dispute. Wiesing said he hopes the European Commission will refrain from imposing tariffs on China and follow good and fair competition rules.

Just earlier this month, the European Commission, under the coercion and inducement of the United States, followed the lead of the United States by issuing the results of a countervailing investigation on electric vehicles in China, and planned to impose temporary countervailing duties ranging from 17.4% to 38.1% on "Chinese-made" electric vehicles.

As soon as the news came out, many German automakers were furious, didn't they want to "lift a stone and shoot themselves in the foot"? Everyone knows that for German car manufacturers, China is the most important overseas market, and there is no one. If the European Commission does impose tariffs on "Chinese-made" electric vehicles, it will be European automakers who will pay a heavy price.

Because of this, Wissing hurriedly expressed his "loyalty" to China, indicating that the German side simply does not support the idea of the European Commission imposing tariffs on "Chinese-made" electric vehicles.

It is worth mentioning that as soon as German Vice Chancellor and Minister of Economy Habeck left China, Transport Minister Wiesing came to visit China. Since the beginning of this year, a number of German dignitaries, including German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, have visited China intensively, and this series of high-level visits shows that Germany attaches great importance to Sino-German cooperation.

Although Germany took the lead in unleashing hostility to China in 2019, emphasizing that China is Germany's "adversary", while emphasizing de-risking and diversification, both German politicians and German businessmen are trying to find a balance and strive to expand the space for cooperation with China, and all because of China's indispensability.

At the same time, it also fully shows that the United States' intention to suppress and contain China is unpopular. Even American politicians have "complained" that the Biden administration's China policy is a "disaster" for the security and prosperity of the United States.

Recently, U.S. Senator Rand Paul pointed out in an article that U.S. President Joe Biden wants to exchange his anti-China stance for votes in the hands of the anti-China people in the United States, so as to get the opportunity to re-enter the White House. In order to achieve this political goal, the Biden administration has falsely claimed that China is an enemy of the United States, and has also slandered China for "supporting Russia" in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

The irony is that the Biden administration has no evidence at all. Such empty rhetoric has exposed the ugly features of the United States in doing whatever it takes to achieve its goals.

We all know that since the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, it is the United States that has been sending weapons to Ukraine, it has been obstructing the peace negotiations between Russia and Ukraine, and it is also the United States that has been imposing unreasonable sanctions on Russia.

Against this background, former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad publicly exposed the United States, bluntly saying that the United States likes to "lead wars" and provoke confrontation and profit from it.

France and Russia are courting each other, and Germany is "close" to China? U.S. Congressman: Being tough on China is a disaster

You know, as a veteran politician who has served as Malaysia's prime minister twice, the 98-year-old Mahathir is very cautious and has a reputation for his "neutrality", especially on the South China Sea.

However, the international situation is turbulent, and the United States has provoked conflicts one after another, repeatedly "stirring up trouble" in the South China Sea, which has made Mahathir unbearable. Recently, he directly called out the United States, angrily denouncing this country as the main culprit that caused the war.

As we all know, the South China Sea has recently erupted again, and the United States and the Philippines have joined forces to continue to hype up, which has exacerbated tensions in the South China Sea. In this regard, Mahathir Mohamad believes that the United States is not a country in the South China Sea, but it has repeatedly jumped up and down in the South China Sea, instigating certain countries to provoke China, and this kind of disrupting behavior has harmed the interests of ASEAN countries.

Mahathir said the United States is doing this to provoke conflict, just as it did three years ago when it provoked the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Once the war broke out, large quantities of weapons were shipped out of the United States, and American arms dealers made a lot of money.

Indeed, taking the Russia-Ukraine conflict as an example, since the outbreak of the conflict, the United States has continuously sent weapons to Ukraine, encouraging Ukraine to "tough" Russia.

Not only that, a head of international operations at the US military-industrial complex Northrop Grumman recently said that the company plans to carry out the production of medium-caliber ammunition on the territory of Ukraine. It is known that this is the first time that a major US arms producer has publicly announced the production of ammunition on the territory of Ukraine.

Here, it is necessary to say a few more words: Northrop Grumman is a large US military industrial enterprise, capable of manufacturing military aircraft, artificial satellites, national missile defense systems, detection systems, and so on.

The company's most famous products are the B-2 stealth bomber, the B-21 strategic bomber, and the RQ-4 Global Hawk drone. In addition, this company builds aircraft carriers, destroyers, and nuclear submarines for the US Navy, among others.

At a time when the international community's call for a "truce and cessation of hostilities" is getting louder and louder, what is the intention of US arms dealers to directly produce weapons in Ukraine?

In fact, it is no secret that the United States loves to make "war money." There are data showing that in the more than 240-year history of the founding of the United States, only 16 years have not been fought. The United States has long formed a huge interest group composed of the military, arms dealers, congressmen, defense research institutions, think tanks, and the media, which is commonly known as the "military-industrial complex."

This huge interest group is good at stirring up contradictions and crises with the outside world, and influencing the US government's decision-making through various means, and the reason why the US government is willing to be used is because "when the cannon goes off, the gold is ten thousand taels."

It can be seen from this that the Russia-Ukraine conflict is just another case of the United States "seeking wealth through war" and "cultivating hegemony through war". It's not that Ukraine has potential, it's that the bloody war money is too attractive for the United States.

War money is ill-gotten gains, and the United States does not hesitate to let other countries pay for its "own selfishness," and the US government, which does not care about the lives of others, is the main culprit in the chaos of the world!

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