
The scholar stole the tomb of the rich man's daughter, but the rich man did not blame him and promised his daughter to him

author:I love noodle fish

The story of our Gada has to start from the land of the south, there is a place called Qingshi Town. Although this town is small, there is a well-known rich man, surnamed Wang, and everyone calls him Master Wang. Master Wang's family has a thick foundation, but there is just such a girl, called Wang Wan'er, who looks like a flower, and is also gentle, which of the young men in the town doesn't care. But Wang Wan'er was weak and sick when she was a child, and she always had to lie down.

In order to cure this precious girl, Master Wang tried all the methods, the famous doctor also invited, and the strange herbs were also used, but the condition was not good. When Wang Wan'er was eighteen years old, she became even more ill, and a young scholar named Li Moxuan suddenly appeared in Qingshi Town. This kid looks very energetic, reads a lot of books, and has a good temperament, which caused quite a stir when he came.

Li Moxuan rented a small house in the town, studied every day, and didn't have much contact with people. But one night, the sky was overcast, the thunder was roaring, and the wind was strong, and everyone in the town went to bed early, and the lights were still on in Li Moxuan's house. The night patrol found that something was wrong, and saw Li Moxuan carrying a shovel and sneaking towards the Wang family. The night patrol was shocked, so he followed, and saw Li Moxuan arrive at the mountain behind Wang's house, where there was a lonely grave, which was Wang Wan'er's.

The scholar stole the tomb of the rich man's daughter, but the rich man did not blame him and promised his daughter to him

Li Moxuan looked left and right, made sure that there was no one, and began to dig the grave. The night patrol was frightened, thinking that this scholar must be a tomb robber, and hurriedly ran back to the town to report to the official. The officers and soldiers soon came and arrested Li Moxuan, who was digging a grave. When Master Wang heard this, his face turned green with anger, and he personally ran to ask for the crime: "You scholar, you are not small, you dare to dig my daughter's grave!" ”

Li Moxuan didn't panic at all, and said calmly: "Master Wang, don't be angry, I really don't want to offend." In fact, I am a traveling doctor with excellent medical skills, and I heard that Ling Qianjin is very sick, so I came to help. When Master Wang heard this, he was stunned, looked at Li Moxuan, and felt a little hopeful in his heart. He asked, "You have medical skills, why don't you just come to treat the disease, but do this?" Li Moxuan sighed and said, "Master Wang, Ling's daughter's illness is not simple, she has fallen into evil, and she has to take out something from her grave to solve it." ”

Master Wang was skeptical, but thinking about his daughter's illness, he decided to let Li Moxuan try. He asked Li Moxuan to take him back to the mansion and personally watched him take out something from the grave - a crystal clear jade pendant. As soon as Li Moxuan got the jade pendant, he hurried back to the hut and hurriedly worked on the antidote. He was so energetic that he didn't close his eyes all night, and it wasn't until dawn the next day that he hurriedly came to Master Wang with a bowl of hot medicinal soup. "Master Wang, this antidote is for you, let Miss take it." Li Moxuan respectfully handed over the medicinal soup. Master Wang took the medicinal soup, he was both excited and apprehensive, and personally fed his daughter to drink, and then stared wide and waited to see the effect.

said that it was too late, Wang Wan'er's face slowly turned red, and her breathing was steady. She slowly opened her eyes and saw her father and a strange scholar standing by the bed, and she couldn't help but be stunned. "Dad, where is this? Why am I here? Wang Wan'er asked in a weak voice. Master Wang was so excited that his hands trembled, clasped his daughter's hand, and said, "Wan'er, you finally woke up!" It was this Li Gongzi who saved you! Wang Wan'er looked at Li Moxuan gratefully, and a different light flashed in her eyes. She had never seen such a handsome and chic man with an extraordinary temperament, and she couldn't help but feel a little fluctuating in her heart.

Master Wang saw that his daughter was interested in Li Moxuan, and his heart was also happy. He knew that if his daughter's illness dragged on any longer, it would be really hanging. Li Moxuan not only has good medical skills, but also saved his daughter's life, this son-in-law candidate is really rare. As soon as Master Wang made a decision, he decided to marry his daughter to Li Moxuan. He found Li Moxuan and said his thoughts bluntly. Although Li Moxuan was a little surprised, thinking about Wang Wan'er's flower-like appearance and gentle and lovely personality, he happily agreed.

This Li Moxuan, after marrying Wang Wan'er, that little life was like a fairy. The more Mr. Wang looked at his son-in-law, the more pleasing he became, and he taught him some business experience in three days, wanting to train him to become a business expert. But in Li Moxuan's heart, he still loves those poems, songs, piano, chess, calligraphy and paintings. He often soaked in the study in the middle of the night, reciting poems against Wang Wan'er and the others, chatting with the world, and the feelings were getting deeper and deeper.

The scholar stole the tomb of the rich man's daughter, but the rich man did not blame him and promised his daughter to him

One night, Li Moxuan was reading in the study, and when he read so much, he couldn't help but read aloud. Wang Wan'er heard it next door, so she came over quietly, stood at the door and listened for a while, and couldn't help but laugh out loud. "Mo Xuan, your scholarly energy has really not changed at all." Wang Wan'er said jokingly. Li Moxuan looked up and saw Wang Wan'er standing at the door, with a sweet smile on her face, and her heart was warm. He put down the book, walked over and took Wang Wan'er's hand, and the two of them sat at the desk together.

"Wan'er, you know what? I didn't just rely on medical skills to save you. Li Moxuan suddenly said mysteriously. Oh? So what's the reason? Wang Wan'er asked curiously. Li Moxuan took a deep breath and said slowly, "Actually, I heard about you before I came to Qingshi Town. "Oh, I'm going to have to tell you about your situation. Our buddy in the Northeast, Li Moxuan, he is a person with a story. You see, Wang Wan'er, this girl, has such a strange energy in her body, the doctors in our town, all of them are shaking their heads, and no one understands it. But Li Moxuan, this kid, he is not simple, he got the guidance of a master, the master is a Taoist, saying that Wang Wan'er's illness is entangled by the soul of the previous life. If you want to be cured, you have to find the root of that wronged soul, that is, the grave of her previous life, and take something out of it, and this matter can be over.

When Wang Wan'er heard this, her eyes lit up and asked, "What else did the Taoist priest say?" Li Moxuan, this kid, he looked at her affectionately and said: "The Taoist priest also mentioned the marriage between the two of us, saying that we were a couple in our previous life, and we loved each other very much, just because of that unjust soul, we are so rough in this life." Now, once the grievances are resolved, our marriage will be complete. ”

The scholar stole the tomb of the rich man's daughter, but the rich man did not blame him and promised his daughter to him

When Wang Wan'er heard this, she snuggled up to Li Moxuan and felt that she was the happiest woman in the world. Time flies, a year has passed in a blink of an eye, Wang Wan'er is in good health, and she is lively, following Li Moxuan's ass every day. Master Wang saw it in his eyes, and he was so happy in his heart, he felt that this son-in-law was really not wrong.

One night, Master Wang called Li Moxuan to the study, mysteriously handed him an account book, and said, "Mo Xuan, this is our account book, can you see if you can help me manage my business?" Li Moxuan took it and took a look, it was all the business and finance of the Wang family, although he was not very familiar with the business, but looking at the expectant eyes of Master Wang, he also understood a little in his heart, and said, "Dad, don't worry, I will do my best." From that day on, Li Moxuan learned to do business with Master Wang, although he was a scholar, he was smart and diligent, and he quickly got started. With his help, the Wang family's business became bigger and bigger, and the wealth was rolling.

Wang Wan'er watched her husband get busier and busier, and she was both relieved and distressed. She knew that Li Moxuan worked so hard for this family and for her, so she decided to support him more and take care of him. In this way, the days passed day by day, and Li Moxuan and Wang Wan'er, a loving couple, lived a happy life in Qingshi Town. Not only do they love each other deeply, but they also work hard together for the future of their family, which has become a good story in the town. The scholar who was once mistaken for a tomb robber also proved his innocence and talent with his practical actions, and won people's respect and praise. The story of Li Moxuan and Wang Wan'er is a legendary love epic and an amazing folk story. In this narrative, we not only witness the power of love, but also feel the warm and bright light in human nature. I hope this good story can bring inspiration and thinking to you, and I hope you can cherish and enjoy the love and happiness around you more. Let's continue to dive into the story of Li Moxuan and Wang Wan'er.

The scholar stole the tomb of the rich man's daughter, but the rich man did not blame him and promised his daughter to him

With the passage of time, the tacit understanding between Li Moxuan and Wang Wan'er has deepened day by day. Wang Wan'er gradually realized that her husband, who was usually personable and gentle, showed extraordinary determination and ability in the business field. He has quick thinking, strong insight, and always has a keen eye for business opportunities, which makes the Wang family's business increasingly prosperous. Master Wang saw it in his eyes and was happy in his heart, and felt more and more that this son-in-law was a rare business wizard. He began to impart more business wisdom to Li Moxuan, and even began to involve him in some key business decisions. Li Moxuan also enjoyed the joy of this challenge and success even more, and he felt as if he had found a new direction in life.

However, just when the Wang family's business was booming and the relationship between the husband and wife was getting deeper and deeper, a sudden disaster broke the tranquility. It was a stormy night, with dark clouds covering the sky of Bluestone Town, thunder and lightning. In the Wang family's mansion, Li Moxuan and Wang Wan'er were playing chess in the study, enjoying a rare world of two. Suddenly, a hurried knock on the door broke the silence, and Master Wang rushed into the study with a panicked expression, announcing a bad news with a heavy face: "Mo Xuan, Wan'er, something is wrong!" Our cargo ship encountered water thieves on the river, the cargo was looted, and the crew also suffered heavy casualties! Hearing the news, Li Moxuan and Wang Wan'er were shocked. They clearly knew that this batch of goods was of great importance to the Wang family, and once it was lost, it would deal a fatal blow to the Wang family's business.

"Father, don't worry, we have to report the case to the government immediately, so that the government can track down the whereabouts of those water thieves." Li Moxuan said calmly. Master Wang shook his head and sighed: "This is useless, those water thieves are cunning and abnormal, and the government can't do anything about them." Moreover, there are even more powerful forces behind them, and we cannot afford to provoke them. Hearing this, Li Moxuan and Wang Wan'er both fell silent. They understand the seriousness of this incident, and if it is not handled properly, the Wang family may face annihilation.

The scholar stole the tomb of the rich man's daughter, but the rich man did not blame him and promised his daughter to him

At this moment, Li Moxuan suddenly stood up, his eyes flashing with determination. He said firmly: "Father, Wan'er, I have a plan. We can secretly investigate the background of those water thieves, find their hiding place, and wipe them out in one fell swoop! When Master Wang and Wang Wan'er heard this proposal, they both looked at Li Moxuan in surprise. They didn't expect that this usually gentle scholar would have such courage and determination. "Mo Xuan, this is too dangerous! Those water thieves are all deadly, if something happens to you, how can I explain it to Wan'er? Master Wang said worriedly. Dad, you should relax when you are old. Li Moxuan is not a vegetarian, so we have to be careful. This incident is related to whether our Wang family can continue to mix in this land, and I can't just do it. When Li Moxuan said this, there was a determination in his eyes.

Wang Wan'er also stood up, holding Li Moxuan's hand tightly with both hands, her tone was full of trust: "Moxuan, I believe you." You'll be able to do it. No matter what happens in the end, I will stand by your side and support you. Seeing his daughter-in-law's support with such iron, Li Moxuan's heart was warm, he glanced at Wang Wan'er affectionately, and then turned his head to Master Wang and said, "Dad, you have to believe me." I'm going to have to get it right. As soon as the words fell, Li Moxuan turned around and walked out of the study. He knew that what he was going to face next was a life-and-death test, but I was ready.

In the following days, Li Moxuan began to quietly inquire about the details of those water thieves. He used his intelligence and connections to quickly find out the ins and outs of those water thieves. He found that behind these water thieves, there was indeed a big force behind them, and their nest was hidden in a nearby mountain. After grasping this information, Li Moxuan began to make a plan. He contacted some friends and righteous people in the rivers and lakes, and prepared to take out those water thieves in one fell swoop.

The scholar stole the tomb of the rich man's daughter, but the rich man did not blame him and promised his daughter to him

After some careful arrangement and preparation, Li Moxuan finally set off with a capable team. They quietly touched the mountain and found the den of the water thieves. In a life-and-death battle, Li Moxuan and his team successfully took those water thieves in one pot and saved huge losses for the Wang family.

When Li Moxuan returned to Qingshi Town with the news of the victory, the whole town was boiling. People poured into the streets, cheering and celebrating. Master Wang and Wang Wan'er were so excited that tears came out, they knew that they were able to tide over the difficulties this time, all thanks to Li Moxuan's intelligence and courage. Since then, Li Moxuan's reputation in Qingshi Town has become even louder. He was not only a brilliant scholar and a successful businessman, but also a hero, fearless and wise. And the love story between him and Wang Wan'er has also become a good story talked about by people in the town.