
Scholar Bai raised a lame horse, and a few years later, Soma's: this is a kidnapping dragon foal

author:I love noodle fish

Hey, ladies and gentlemen, let's talk to everyone about a strange story about Nagada in our northeast, this matter is constantly related to the local customs of our northeast, and it is still messy. In other words, in the small town in the south of us, there is a scholar named Bai Zixuan, this buddy, as his name suggests, looks white and clean, and his body is thin, but he loves to raise horses, and he is not a good horse, but a lame horse. Don't look at this horse limping when it walks, Bai Zixuan can't put it down, and he feeds it more than himself. The neighbors laughed at him and said, "Bai Shusheng, what's the use of you raising this lame horse?" They can't plough the land, they can't pull carts, and they waste food in vain. But Bai Zixuan just didn't care, and happily served this horse every day.

Time flies, and years have passed. On this day, there was a master of Soma in the town, who was not simple, and it was said that he could tell the breed and lineage of the horse at a glance, and even predict the future of the horse. As soon as he entered the town, he was attracted to Bai Zixuan's lame horse. "Ouch, this son, you are not an ordinary horse!" Soma's eyes glittered around the horse a few times. When Bai Zixuan heard this, his heart blossomed, and he hurriedly asked, "Oh? What's so unusual about this horse? Soma stroked his beard and said slowly: "This horse's name is Kidnapper Dragon Horse, and he is a descendant of the Dragon King of Heaven, and he was relegated to the world for violating the rules of heaven." Don't look at its lameness, its eyes are sharp, its fur is shiny, and it is all of dragon blood. This horse will be of great use in the future, and it will help you soar to the sky. When Bai Zixuan heard this, his heart blossomed, but on the surface, he still pretended not to care and said, "Oh? Thank you so much. Soma looked at it a few more times, shook his head and said, "It's a pity that this horse seems to be bound by something and can't show its true strength." When Bai Zixuan heard this, his heart tightened, and he hurriedly asked, "What should I do then?" Soma smiled and said, "I don't know about it, but if you're sincere about it, it will definitely reward you." With that, he turned and walked away.

Bai Zixuan stood there and didn't move for a long time. He pondered Soma's words in his heart, and the more he pondered it, the more he felt that it made sense. So, he decided to take more care of the kidnapping dragon foal. Since then, Bai Zixuan has taken more careful care of the horses. He personally groomed the horses every day, fed them the best fodder, and often chatted with the horses to talk about his heart. The horse also seemed to feel Bai Zixuan's sincerity, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and his coat color became more and more shiny. Although the days passed, Bai Zixuan's life did not change much because of this kidnapping dragon horse, but he always had a hope in his heart, feeling that one day, this horse would bring him good luck. Oh, it's heartwarming to look at this. What, let's talk about it, Bai Zixuan, this young man, in those years, he was really prosperous. One day, he was squatting in his study, munching on a book, when suddenly a string of hurried horses' hooves came into his ears. He was stunned, threw the book, ran to the door and took a look, good fellow, a man in rags rode the crutch dragon pony, and rushed over in a hurry. As soon as the man jumped off the horse, he gasped as if something was going on, and shouted urgently: "Bai Gongzi, the emperor has summoned you to the palace!" When Bai Zixuan heard this, he was shocked in his heart, he had never met the emperor in his life, why was he suddenly named by the emperor? He asked with a bewildered expression, "What's going on?" The man gasped and said, "The emperor heard that your horse is not ordinary, so he specially asked me to invite you into the palace to show the emperor." When Bai Zixuan heard this, he was happy in his heart, it turned out that his horse was really not covered, and it could bring him good luck. He hurriedly picked up and followed the man into the palace.

Scholar Bai raised a lame horse, and a few years later, Soma's: this is a kidnapping dragon foal

Entering the palace, Bai Zixuan's abducted dragon foal is really in the limelight, although his legs and feet are not good, he runs like flying, and he has a unique style, looking like a dragon in the sky. When the emperor saw it, the music blossomed, and he sealed Bai Zixuan as a royal horse supervisor on the spot, and also rewarded a mansion. Bai Zixuan has lived that rich life since then, but in his heart, he always feels that something is missing. He knew that this good day was all given by the kidnapper. The horse was always by his side and became his hardest buddy.

What we're telling you about today, do you think Bai Zixuan is out of luck? Is the kidnapping dragon foal really like Soma said, a dragon from the sky? We can't say for sure, but what we do know is that God will never treat you badly if you are sincere to people. Are you right? Come on, let's continue to talk about the story of this kidnapping dragon horse.

Bai Zixuan entered the palace and lived a good life that he couldn't have imagined before. The kidnapper dragon foal is in the palace and has become a treasure, and anyone who sees it has to praise it. But in Bai Zixuan's heart, he always felt that something was wrong. One day, he sat in the garden of the mansion, holding a stick in his hand, scratching on the ground, and wondering in his heart: "This kidnapping dragon horse has brought me wealth, but why do I feel empty in my heart?" Just thinking about it, the kidnapper dragon foal walked over slowly, as if he also felt the master's thoughts. It lowered its head and gently rubbed Bai Zixuan's hand with its nose, and the look in his eyes seemed to be able to speak. Bai Zixuan was stunned for a moment, touched the horse's head, and said, "Alas, why do you think I'm so dissatisfied?" With such a good day, I always think about the past. The horse seemed to understand, and snorted slightly. Bai Zixuan suddenly slapped his thigh and said, "Come on, I understand!" You're telling me not to forget my original intention, right? The horse seemed to understand, and nodded. Bai Zixuan grinned, waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's go home." As soon as the words fell, he asked the emperor for a leave, rode the crutch dragon horse in a hurry, and went straight to his hometown. The horse ran as if it was flying, as if it was in a hurry to go home than Bai Zixuan.

Scholar Bai raised a lame horse, and a few years later, Soma's: this is a kidnapping dragon foal

When he arrived in the town, Bai Zixuan was the first to go to the place of Soma. As soon as Soma saw Bai Zixuan, he said happily: "Yo, Bai Gongzi, are you going back to your parents' house?" It seems that my Soma craftsmanship has not been lost! Bai Zixuan was also happy, and replied: "It's not, thanks to your kind words back then." This time, I want to ask, do we still have any secrets hidden in this kidnapping dragon horse? Soma looked at the kidnapper dragon foal and said, "This horse is indeed full of spirituality, I can see that it is the descendant of the dragon king, and nothing else." However, if you really want to know more, you might as well go and find out what the old people in town might know. ”

Bai Zixuan thanked Soma and rode around the town on a kidnapping dragon horse. He met many old acquaintances and heard a lot of legends about the abducted dragon foal. Some say that the horse is the patron saint of the town, and some say that it is a treasure that fell from the sky. After walking around, Bai Zixuan had a little abacus in his heart. He returned to the old house where he used to live and cleaned it spotlessly. Then he said to the kidnapper, "Let's stay here for a few days, what do you think?" The horse nodded as if he understood. So, Bai Zixuan settled down in this old mansion, and rode around the town every day on a crutch dragon horse, chatting with old friends and listening to them talk about the new things in the town.

One night, Bai Zixuan was sitting in the courtyard to cool off, and the kidnapping dragon foal was beside him. Suddenly, a bright light streaked across the sky, and then it began to rain heavily. Bai Zixuan just wanted to get up and look for something to cover the rain, but he saw a faint light emitting from the abductor dragon horse, and the light became brighter and brighter, illuminating the entire courtyard. Bai Zixuan was stunned, only to see the abductor Longju slowly stand up, and his body began to change. Its lame feet have become strong and powerful, and its fur has become shinier. Then, it raised its head to the sky and let out a long roar, and the sound shook people's eardrums almost burst. At this moment, a crack opened in the sky, and a golden dragon flew out. The dragon circled in the air a few times, and then headed straight for the kidnapping dragon foal. Bai Zixuan was stunned, only to see the golden dragon and the abducted dragon foal merge into one, turning into a golden light and rising into the sky. The golden light spread out in the air, turning into golden petals, which slowly drifted down. Bai Zixuan stood in the rain, letting the golden petals fall on his body. He suddenly understood that this kidnapping dragon foal was really a dragon in the sky, and he himself was favored by the dragon king because he treated this horse sincerely.

Scholar Bai raised a lame horse, and a few years later, Soma's: this is a kidnapping dragon foal

Bai Zixuan returned to the palace, although his life was still luxurious, but there was always a knot in his heart that was difficult to let go. He always felt that the departure of the kidnapping dragon foal was not only a legend, but also a hidden unsolved mystery. So, he began to inquire around trying to unravel the mystery. He flipped through the ancient books in the palace, consulted the wise people from all over the world, and even personally set foot in the deep mountains and old forests to find those legendary hidden masters. But no matter how hard he tries, the answer always seems out of reach. Until one day, Bai Zixuan was strolling in the palace and accidentally came to a garden that had been abandoned for a long time. The garden was barren and overgrown with weeds, and it looked particularly desolate. However, Bai Zixuan felt an inexplicable attraction, prompting him to step into it involuntarily.

This sudden discovery made Bai Zixuan very anxious, he pondered and meditated, and finally thought of a solution. He summoned a painter from the palace to draw the pattern on the stele according to his description. The painters took great pains to restore the intricate patterns one by one. Bai Zixuan took these patterns and found the expert of Soma again. When Soma saw these patterns, he was stunned. His voice trembled and he said, "This... This is the pattern of dragon scales! Could it be that the kidnapping dragon colt is really a descendant of the dragon king? Bai Zixuan was also excited, and asked eagerly: "Then does this dragon scale pattern have any special meaning?" Soma took a deep breath and said slowly, "This dragon scale pattern was a symbol of the dragon king in ancient times. It not only represents supreme power and status, but also symbolizes the protection of the dragon king. If this kidnapping dragon foal is really a descendant of the dragon king, then the dragon scale pattern on its body is a clear proof of its noble status. Hearing these words, Bai Zixuan's heart suddenly brightened. He finally realized why the abducted dragon foal could bring him so much good luck, and why it could become the treasure of the palace. It turned out that it was really a dragon son from the sky, a precious gift from the dragon king. After that, Bai Zixuan, this kid, really took this blessing as a treasure. He always thinks about the kindness of the kidnapping dragon foal in his heart, and always reminds himself that he has to be a conscientious and moral person. In the palace, the name of the abducted dragon foal also spread. Everyone said that Bai Zixuan could have today, it was all a blessing from the Dragon Prince. Those who looked down on him before have now changed their faces one by one, and they are in a hurry. But Bai Zixuan, this kid, he is not showy, he is still so modest and low-key. He understands that all of this is given by the kidnapper dragon horse, and he has to remember this kindness for the rest of his life.

Scholar Bai raised a lame horse, and a few years later, Soma's: this is a kidnapping dragon foal

What we are telling you today is the story of this kidnapping dragon foal. Do you think it's God? A scholar, a lame horse, can make such a legend. But this is life, full of surprises and unknowns. Like the kidnapping pony, you never guess what good luck it will bring you. But as long as you have gratitude in your heart, cherish and treat everything around you, then your days will definitely be sunny and warm like spring.