
The strange husband hides a box with some ulterior secrets in it

author:I love noodle fish

Our buddies in the Northeast, I will give you a whole article today, we have to make it more energetic, and it has the flavor of Nagada in our Northeast.

It is said that in the water town south of the Yangtze River, there is a place called Wuyi Lane, which is very old, there is a river in the village, which is as clear as anything, the willow trees by the river are swinging in the wind, and the flowers are so fragrant that people are drunk. The people in the village live a very comfortable life, they work as soon as the sun comes out, and go home as soon as the sun sets, but under this calm water, there are always some things that make people scratch their heads.

There is such a family in our village, the male owner's surname is Lin, called Lin Tianyi. Lin Tianyi's buddy is a scholar, sven, talented, and the people in the village respect him very much. His daughter-in-law, Liu Wan'er, is also a virtuous girl, and the two of them are so good that the people in the village envy them.

The strange husband hides a box with some ulterior secrets in it

But between these two mouths, there is a secret that makes people scratch their heads. In Lin Tianyi's study, there was a delicate wooden box, and he didn't let anyone touch it, not even Wan'er. Every time Wan'er wanted to see what was in the box, Lin Tianyi always found an excuse to block it, and there was always a little unpredictable nervousness in her eyes.

As the days passed, Lin Tianyi's quirk made Wan'er suspicious. She began to secretly observe her husband's every move, trying to find out the secret in the box. But Lin Tianyi seemed to have discovered Wan'er's thoughts, and he became more mysterious, sometimes not returning home all night.

Finally one day, Wan'er couldn't help it, and while Lin Tianyi was not at home, she sneaked into the study. The mysterious box was in the corner of the desk, Wan'er's heart was pounding, and her hand was stretched out, but just as she was about to touch the box, she stopped again. She hesitated, not knowing whether she should open the box or not.

The strange husband hides a box with some ulterior secrets in it

Just then, footsteps were heard outside the door. Wan'er was so frightened that she quickly retracted her hand and hid behind the bookshelf. It was Lin Tianyi who came in, and he sat at the desk with a tired face, as if he hadn't noticed Wan'er. Lin Tianyi took out a piece of yellow talisman paper from his arms, gently pasted it on the box, then closed his eyes and chanted words in his mouth. Although Wan'er couldn't hear clearly, she could feel a mysterious power permeating the study.

Suddenly, Lin Tianyi opened his eyes, his eyes full of horror. He jerked to his feet and looked around as if he was looking for something. Wan'er was so frightened that she didn't dare to come out, for fear of being discovered. After a while, Lin Tianyi seemed to calm down, sat down again, took a deep breath, and then slowly opened the box.

Wan'er's curiosity drove her to poke her head out to see what was in the box. But when she saw the contents of the box, she was stunned. Inside the box lay a rusty ancient sword with strange runes engraved on it. What shocked Wan'er even more was that the hilt of the sword was also inlaid with a crystal clear gemstone, exuding a faint light. Wan'er was stunned, she didn't understand why her husband wanted to hide such a valuable thing in a box.

The strange husband hides a box with some ulterior secrets in it

"Wan'er, how can you do this!" Lin Tianyi's voice echoed in the study, like beating gongs and drums, "Do you know where this sword comes from?" What's the secret of this gem? At this moment, Wan'er's body trembled up and down like chaff, and the little Jiujiu in her heart had already flown out of the clouds. She knew that the secret inside the box was much more complicated than she thought.

Lin Tianyi's guy seemed to be determined not to let Wan'er go, and he continued: "This sword, the treasure of the Taoist ancestors, is called the 'Demon Suppression Sword'. That gem, the legendary 'Spirit Rhinoceros Stone', can connect with the spirit of heaven and earth. I hid them in chests for fear they would fall into the wrong hands. When Wan'er heard this, her eyes straightened, how could she have thought that her man had such a deep connection with Taoism. What she is more curious about is, how did Lin Tianyi get this baby? Why do you have to hide it in a box?

But Lin Tianyi, this guy, didn't plan to explain Wan'er's confusion at all, he glanced at Wan'er coldly, and then turned around and walked out of the study. Wan'er stood there, the doubts and uneasiness in her heart, like eating a fly, uncomfortable and panicked. This strange husband, as well as his mysterious box, have become a lingering shadow in Wan'er's heart. She decided that she had to reveal the secret......

The strange husband hides a box with some ulterior secrets in it

In this way, Wan'er began her own little secret investigation. She quietly observed Lin Tianyi's every move, her eyes as if she had a magnifying glass, looking for any possible clues. At the same time, she also began to rummage through the ancient books in the village, hoping to find some clues about the Demon Suppression Sword and Spirit Rhino Stone from the yellowed pages.

That night, Lin Tianyi went out early again. Wan'er took the opportunity to sneak into the study and opened the mysterious box again. She carefully picked up the Demon Suppression Sword, although the sword body was rusty, the sword qi was still as cold as the wind in the northeast. The spirit rhino stone was as bright as the stars in the sky, as if it contained infinite power. Wan'er stared at these two treasures, and the doubts in her heart were like a hot oil pot, churning. She couldn't understand why Lin Tianyi hid them so carefully? Could it be that there is really some unsavory secret behind these treasures?

At this moment, the door of the study was suddenly pushed open with a "creak". Wan'er was so frightened that she felt like she had lost her soul, and hurriedly put the Demon Suppression Sword and Spirit Rhino Stone back in the box, and then hid behind the desk with a puff of smoke. It was Lin Tianyi who came in, he looked tired, and he didn't seem to notice Wan'er's small movements. Lin Tianyi sat at the desk, was silent for a while, and then suddenly spoke: "Wan'er, I know you're investigating this matter." But there are some things that you still don't know. When Wan'er heard this, the nervousness in her heart was like someone grabbed her pigtails. She took a deep breath and mustered up her courage: "Tianyi, let's be a husband and wife, what can't you tell me?" You must have a reason for hiding these treasures, right? Lin Tianyi sighed and said slowly: "Actually, I am a descendant of Taoism. "Oh, this thing is really not covered, our demon sword and spirit rhino stone, that is the treasure handed down by our Taoist ancestors. We have been hiding them tightly because we are afraid that they will fall into the hands of those who are not careful. When Wan'er heard this, her eyes widened like copper bells, she never expected that Lin Tianyi, this kid, was actually the heir of Taoism. She asked curiously, "What's so special about these treasures?" Lin Tianyi nodded and said, "This demon sword can suppress all demons and monsters, and that spirit rhino stone can connect with the spirit of heaven and earth." As soon as these two babies team up, the power is great. But they also got me into a lot of trouble. "Trouble?" Wan'er asked confusedly. Lin Tianyi sighed, and then said, "The reason why these treasures came into my hands is because my master was unfortunately killed during a demon eradication. Before leaving, he handed them over to me and told me to take care of them. But these treasures have also attracted the attention of many bad people. In order to get these treasures, they resorted to all kinds of means to hunt me down. I had to hide this treasure to protect you and your family. When Wan'er heard this, she was shocked in her heart, she finally understood Lin Tianyi's difficulties. The guilt in her heart was so moved that she held Lin Tianyi's hand tightly and said, "Tianyi, I'm sorry, I blamed you before." These days, you are carrying so much pressure alone, but I still doubt you. Don't worry, I'm not going to let anyone hurt you or these babes. Lin Tianyi looked at Wan'er, tears flashing in her eyes. He hugged Wan'er tightly and said, "Wan'er, thank you." With you, I'm not afraid of anything. In this way, the misunderstanding between Wan'er and Lin Tianyi was solved. They cherish each other's feelings even more and guard the harmony and beauty of this family together.

The strange husband hides a box with some ulterior secrets in it

But the good times didn't last long, and one night, a group of men in black suddenly broke into Wuyi Alley. With swords in their hands, they rushed towards Lin Tianyi's house with a fierce momentum. Wan'er looked at this posture, and her heart tightened, she knew that these people must have come to snatch the Demon Sword and Spirit Rhino Stone. She hurriedly woke up Lin Tianyi, and the two picked up the guy and prepared to fight. But the strength of these black-clothed men was not weak, and they quickly pushed Lin Tianyi and Wan'er into a desperate situation. At this moment, a golden light shot out from the study. The Demon Suppression Sword swirled in the air, emitting an earth-shattering sound of sword qi. Those black-clothed people were knocked to the ground one by one by the sword qi, screaming in pain. When Wan'er and Lin Tianyi saw this situation, they were overjoyed, and hurriedly rushed forward, preparing to clean up these black-clothed people in one fell swoop. But at this moment, a mysterious figure walked out of the study. He was dressed in a Taoist robe, holding a whisk in his hand, and his eyes scanned his surroundings sharply. "Bold thief! Dare to spread wild in the place where my Taoist heirs are inherited! The mysterious man roared, and his voice shook people's ears. He waved the dust lightly, and in an instant, a dazzling golden light swept by, and those black-clothed people instantly turned into wisps of fine ash and drifted away with the wind. Wan'er and Lin Tianyi were stunned when they witnessed this scene, they never expected that the strength of this mysterious figure would be so amazing. They hurriedly stepped forward and bowed respectfully in thanks: "Thank you seniors for your help!" The mysterious man waved his hand lightly and said indifferently: "No need to be polite. I have an old relationship with your master, and when I learned that you were in danger, I rushed to help. These men in black are the remnants of the Demon Cult, and they have been searching for the treasures of Taoism in an attempt to restore the power of the Demon Cult. Luckily, you guarded it well and didn't let them get away with it. When Wan'er and Lin Tianyi heard this, they couldn't help but feel a shock in their hearts, it turned out that the plot behind these black-clothed people was so terrifying. Once again, they expressed their deep gratitude to the mysterious man, and then watched him leave Wuyi Alley.

Since then, Wan'er and Lin Tianyi have been taking care of the Demon Suppression Sword and Spirit Rhino Stone more carefully, fearing that these treasures will cause unnecessary trouble again. However, as time passed, they discovered that despite their efforts to keep a low profile, the evil forces that coveted the Demon Suppression Sword and Spirit Rhino Stone were like beasts that smelled blood, often wandering around Wuyi Alley. This made Wan'er and Lin Tianyi feel unprecedented pressure, but at the same time, it also strengthened their determination to protect the treasure.

One day, when Wan'er was washing clothes by the river, she happened to hear a conversation with several outsiders. They are discussing a legendary and mysterious treasure that is said to possess infinite power and can make people rich overnight. Wan'er's heart moved, suspecting that these outsiders might also be here for the Demon Suppression Sword and Spirit Rhino Stone. She immediately ran home and told Lin Tianyi about the situation. After hearing this, Lin Tianyi frowned, knowing very well the value and potential danger of these treasures, and they must not fall into the hands of people with bad intentions.

The strange husband hides a box with some ulterior secrets in it

So, after careful consideration, the couple made a plan and decided to take the initiative to eradicate those evil forces that coveted treasures in one fell swoop. They first spread false news in the village, claiming that the Demon Sword and the Spirit Rhino Stone had been hidden by them in a secret location that only those who knew the specific code could discover. This ploy really worked, and aroused the great interest of those evil forces. They came to Wuyi Lane one after another, trying to extract the code from Wan'er and Lin Tianyi.

Wan'er and Lin Tianyi pretended to know nothing and deliberately led them to a remote cave. Inside the cave, they carefully laid out many traps and traps, quietly waiting for the arrival of those evil forces. Sure enough, those evil forces have fallen into the trap and cannot escape. Wan'er and Lin Tianyi took the opportunity to attack and started a fierce battle with them. Relying on the power of the Demon Suppression Sword and the Spirit Rhino, they quickly defeated these evil forces.

After the battle, Wan'er and Lin Tianyi handed over these evil forces to the government to deal with, and at the same time disclosed their crimes in the village, so that the villagers could see their true colors. Through this incident, Wan'er and Lin Tianyi not only succeeded in protecting the treasure, but also won the respect and trust of the villagers. Oh, that's heartwarming. The villagers in our village are all happy, and they are full of praise for Wan'er and Lin Tianyi, and they are so impressed. As soon as this incident passed, they also understood the value of the treasure better. As soon as the two of them combined, we have to let the whole village protect the demon sword and spirit rhino stone in this town, don't hide them, we have to let them become the guardian saints of our village.

The strange husband hides a box with some ulterior secrets in it

They also taught everyone some Taoist cultivation methods in the village, so that the villagers could protect themselves and not let those with bad intentions block us. That's it, our Wuyi Lane is becoming more and more peaceful day by day, and the life of the villagers is getting more and more prosperous. Wan'er and Lin Tianyi, the two children, are well-known figures in the village, and they use their own ingenuity and courage to protect our village and those treasures.

But one day, the two children were sitting in the study, sipping tea and chatting, when suddenly, a mysterious old man appeared in front of them. The old man was on crutches in his hand, and the majestic and mysterious energy on his body made people dare not underestimate him. He looked at Wan'er and Lin Tianyi with a smile and said, "Congratulations, you have guarded the treasures so well and played their due role." Wan'er and Lin Tianyi were stunned for a moment, wondering who this was sacred.

The old man explained to himself that he was an elder of the Taoist family, and he had been secretly watching them and had helped them a lot. He said that the Demon Suppression Sword and the Spirit Rhino Stone are not ordinary things, they are Taoist treasures, with great ability and great mission. "Now, it's time to give them back to the Taoists." The old man said, "You have completed your mission, and you have guarded them well." But only Taoism can make them exert their greatest power and bring benefits to more people. ”

The strange husband hides a box with some ulterior secrets in it

Wan'er and Lin Tianyi listened, although they were a little reluctant in their hearts, but they also understood that this was the best choice. They handed over the Demon Suppression Sword and the Spirit Rhino Stone to the old man, and also expressed their respect and gratitude to the Taoists. The old man nodded, smiled, and left Wuyi Lane with the baby. Since then, Wan'er and Lin Tianyi have still lived a peaceful life, but in their hearts, they will always remember the days with the babies and the efforts they made to protect the babies. And Wuyi Lane, because of their bravery and wisdom, has become more beautiful and richer.