
The scholar stayed overnight, and the night broke the big thing, Taoist priest: You're going to die

author:I love noodle fish

Wen Yi flew to the town below the mountain, and wondered in his heart, this mountain is so beautiful, why don't you go up and take a look? As soon as he said go, he climbed the mountain, and when it was dark, he arrived in front of the Taoist temple. Qingyangzi saw that this young man had a good temperament, so he invited him to sit in the view. The two chatted very happily, and it was getting late, so Qingyangzi left Wen Yifei to spend the night in the view.

In the dead of night, Wen Yifei couldn't fall asleep lying on the bed, he got up with all his might, pushed open the window, and the moonlight sprinkled on the path, which was so beautiful that it was not like words. Wen Yifei thought to himself, this is a good moonlight, what a waste if you don't go out for a walk. He walked along the path and unconsciously walked into the depths of the dense forest. The trees in the forest are tall and leafy, as if you have entered another world.

As he walked, Wen Yifei heard movement in front of him, as if someone was whispering. Curious, he quietly touched over to see what was going on. As a result, several Taoist priests surrounded a huge magic circle, holding magic weapons in their hands, and chanting words in their mouths, as if they were doing some ritual. Wen Yifei was shocked and thought, "This can't be a secret activity of the Taoist temple, right?" He didn't dare to make a sound, so he hid in the dark and peeked.

The scholar stayed overnight, and the night broke the big thing, Taoist priest: You're going to die

There was a golden treasure box in the middle of the circle, and the Taoist priests kept injecting mana into it, and the light of the treasure box became brighter and brighter. Suddenly, a golden light rose into the sky, soaring into the sky. Wen Yifei was shocked in his heart, and thought, "What kind of treasure is in this treasure box?" ”

At this moment, a Taoist priest found Wen Yifei and shouted: "Who dares to break in!" The other Taoist priests also turned their heads and glared. Wen Yifei's heart tightened, and he ran away. But the Taoist priests were so powerful that they surrounded him after a while. Qingyangzi heard about it, and hurriedly came over, and when he saw that it was Wen Yifei, he sighed in his heart.

Qingyangzi took Wen Yifei back to the Taoist temple, and said with a heavy face: "Wen Yifei, do you know that you have caused a big disaster?" Wen Yifei's heart went up and down, and he hurriedly asked, "Dao Chief, what's going on?" Qingyangzi said: "The magic circle and treasure box you just saw are the treasures of our Taoist temple - 'Qiankun Treasure Box'. This box is sealed with the soul of a thousand-year-old demon fox, and we have to carry out rituals to strengthen the seal every year to prevent the demon fox from escaping. ”

The scholar stayed overnight, and the night broke the big thing, Taoist priest: You're going to die

In this way, Wen Yifei settled down in the Taoist temple and pondered a way with the Taoist priests. Day and night, they searched everywhere for the traces of the demon fox. In this process, Wen Yifei also slowly appreciated the profundity of Taoism, as well as the unfathomable cultivation and open-mindedness of Qingyangzi Daoist. The guilt in his heart slowly dissipated, and was replaced by a firm belief: no matter how many obstacles lie ahead, he will stand shoulder to shoulder with the Taoist priests to protect the peace of the world. And the demon fox who escaped also started his own escape in the vast sea of people. It knew that it had attracted the attention of the Taoist priests, and it had to find a place to hide in order to avoid this fate. But in this boundless world, where can it go? Let's break it down next time.

Wen Yifei and the others traced the traces of the demon fox, it was really a lot of effort. In our northeast, the mountains are high and the forests are dense, the lakes and rivers are crisscrossed, and there are many places where the demon fox hides like cow hair. With profound Taoism and keen intuition, the Taoist priests followed all the way, and finally came to an abandoned ancient village on a dark and rumbling night. The village looked to have been abandoned for decades, with dilapidated houses and overgrown weeds, not even a single figure. But Wen Yifei always felt that something was wrong here, and he always felt that there were a pair of eyes staring at them secretly. The Taoist priests also had stiff faces, Qingyangzi Daoist frowned, and the dust in his hand kept waving, as if he was driving something.

The scholar stayed overnight, and the night broke the big thing, Taoist priest: You're going to die

"Dao Chief, ...... here" Wen Yifei was about to speak, but was interrupted by Dao Chang Qingyangzi. Don't make a sound, follow me. Daoist Qingyangzi whispered, and then led everyone into the village cautiously. The village was quiet, except for the rustle of leaves in the wind. The Taoist priests searched the village by the moonlight. Suddenly, a strange wind blew, and the whole village seemed to come to life, and the ruined houses began to creak as if something was about to come out. "Oh no, the demon fox is coming out!" Qingyangzi Dao Chang roared, the dust in his hand shook violently, and a golden light flashed, freezing those things that were about to be drilled out in place. As soon as Wen Yifei saw the situation, he immediately took out a piece of rune paper from his arms, recited words in his mouth, and with a casual hand, the rune paper flew in one direction. The talisman paper ignited in mid-air, and the fire flashed, illuminating the place. I saw an old white fox squatting there, his eyes as red as fire, staring at them. "This is the demon fox!" Qingyangzi roared angrily, and rushed forward with the lead. The Taoist priests also pulled out the guy one after another and the demon fox. Although Wen Yifei didn't know what Taoism was, he also mustered up his strength, picked up a stick and rushed over. This fight was dark, and the magic weapons of the Taoist priests and the claws of the demon fox clanged, and the ears of the people hurt. Although Wen Yifei couldn't help much, with that courage and cleverness, he found a lot of opportunities for the Taoist priests. After a fierce battle, the Taoist priests finally forced the demon fox into a corner. Daoist Qingyangzi held the dust whisk in his hand, took a deep breath, and then shook it violently, and a golden light went straight to the demon fox. The demon fox screamed, was hit by the golden light, and fell to the ground without moving. When the Taoist priests saw it, they were overjoyed and hurriedly surrounded it. Daoist Qingyangzi took out a small bottle from his arms, took the soul of the demon fox into it, and then put it in his arms and said to everyone: "The demon fox is done, we can withdraw." Wen Yifei also breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he had made up for his previous mistakes. He looked around, the ruined village and the fallen demon fox, and his heart was mixed. He understands that he is no longer the scholar who only knows how to read, but has become a responsible and courageous man. Back at the Taoist temple, the Taoist priests gave Wen Yifei a simple celebration ceremony. Qingyangzi Daoist said to him: "You did a good job this time, and the Taoist Temple has to thank you." But don't forget, you still have a long way to go, and you still have to learn a lot. Wen Yifei bowed respectfully and said, "Thank you for your guidance, I will continue to work hard." Since then, Wen Yifei has stayed in the Taoist temple and studied Taoism with Qingyangzi Daoist. He was a quick learner and quickly mastered the essence of the Dao. He practiced with the Taoist priests, traveled, subdued demons and eliminated demons, and became a member of the Taoist temple. The story of the abandoned ancient village and the demon fox has also become a legend in their mouths. Every time I mention it, it's embarrassing. Wen Yifei also always remembered the experience of that night and the teachings of Daoist Qingyangzi, which were his most valuable treasures. Time flies, decades pass in the blink of an eye. Wen Yifei also became a gray-haired old Taoist priest. He also practiced, lectured, and subdued demons in Taoist temples. The story about scholars staying overnight and breaking into forbidden places at night has been circulating in Taoist temples. When new disciples join, they are always deeply touched by this story. Wen Yifei also always remembered the experience of that night and the guidance of Daoist Qingyangzi. He understood that it was not only the most precious treasure in his life, but also the most solid foundation on his spiritual path. Time flies, time flies, Wen Yifei is no longer the fledgling scholar, but has become a legendary figure in Taoism. His beard had turned white, but his eyes were still bright, as if he could see everything in the world. On a sunny day, a young visitor was welcomed in front of the Taoist temple. He was plainly dressed, holding a folding fan, and looked suave. He was curious about everything in the temple, especially the ancient paintings hanging on the walls and the ritual utensils placed on the tables. Seeing this, Wen Yifei took the initiative to talk to him. He told visitors about the history of the Taoist temple and the daily practice of Taoist priests, and also shared interesting stories about how he subdued demons and eliminated demons when he was young. Tourists listen with relish and let out exclamations of admiration from time to time.

As the conversation deepened, the tourist suddenly asked, "Daoist, I heard that there is a story about a scholar staying overnight and breaking into a forbidden place at night, can you tell me?" When Wen Yifei heard this question, a trace of nostalgia flashed in his eyes. He took a deep breath and slowly began to tell: "That story starts decades ago......" The visitor listened with fascination, as if he had been transported into that world full of wonders. He said with emotion: "Dao Chief, you are really admirable! Not only is the Tao profound, but also rich in life experience. I admire you so much! Wen Yifei waved his hand modestly and said, "Where, where, I'm just lucky." The path of cultivation is long and difficult, and it requires unremitting effort and perseverance. Young people, if you are interested, you can come to the Taoist temple to practice for a period of time and experience the profundity of the Tao. The tourists were very happy and quickly expressed their gratitude.

Wen Yifei smiled and nodded, turned around and returned to his practice room. After returning to the practice room, Wen Yifei sat on the futon and began to close his eyes and recuperate. His mind returned to the night that changed his life, and that night he remembered the seriousness and kindness of Daoist Qingyangzi, the days when he fought side by side with Taoist priests, and the cunning demon fox. Suddenly, Wen Yifei felt a strong aura fluctuation coming from the depths of the Taoist temple. He opened his eyes suddenly, and saw a golden light rising from the depths of the Taoist temple and soaring into the sky. He was shocked in his heart and thought to himself, "Could it be that there are demons making trouble again?" Wen Yifei immediately got up and quickly rushed to the depths of the Taoist temple. He walked through the corridors and courtyards, and finally came to the familiar place, the forbidden place where the Qiankun treasure box was located. Look at Na Yan, there are already a bunch of Taoist priests around, and they are busy around a large piece of magic circle. Wen Yifei stepped forward, and at a glance, the Qiankun treasure box in the middle of the circle was shining with a dazzling light. His heart tightened, and he muttered in his heart: "This demon fox won't slip away again, right?" At this moment, Daoist Qingyangzi squeezed out of the crowd. Seeing Wen Yifei, he smiled slightly and said, "Yifei, you came just in time, come and help strengthen the seal!" Wen Yifei didn't dare to be ambiguous, so he hurriedly stepped forward and got busy with the Taoist priests. They worked together to infuse the treasure box with mana, and the light on the treasure box became brighter and brighter, and finally turned into a golden light, covering the entire magic circle. With the reinforcement of the seal, the demon soul of the demon fox gradually quieted down. Seeing this, the Taoist priests were all relieved, knowing that they had stopped the demon fox again this time.

The scholar stayed overnight, and the night broke the big thing, Taoist priest: You're going to die

Wen Yifei looked at the scene in front of him, and his heart was mixed. He remembered the troubles he had made when he was young, and he also remembered the days when he fought side by side with Taoist priests over the years. He took a deep breath and slowly exhaled it, as if to exhale all the exhaustion and emotion. At this moment, Daoist Qingyangzi walked up to him, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Yifei, you have worked hard all these years. You have become a legend in our Taoist temple, and your deeds will be passed down forever. Wen Yifei listened, smiled slightly, and said, "The Taoist has won the award, and what I do is what I should do." Daoist Qingyangzi nodded, and then said, "Okay, the seal is reinforced, we can go back." As soon as the Taoist priests heard this, they began to pack up their magic weapons and prepare to leave the forbidden land. Wen Yifei also followed behind Daoist Qingyangzi, preparing to leave this place full of memories.

On the way out of the forbidden land, Wen Yifei felt a lot of emotion in his heart. He remembered the curiosity and courage of his youth, and also remembered the days when he and the Taoist priests subdued demons and eliminated demons. He took a deep breath and then slowly exhaled it, as if to keep all the emotion in his heart. Since then, Wen Yifei has continued to practice, lecture, and subdue demons in the Taoist temple, and his deeds have also become a good story in the Taoist temple, which has been passed down through the ages.